Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 344: Influx

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Jikenev said half of the interruption was not because the door of the wooden house was open, but because he saw two beautiful women coming out of the house.

They wore orthodox maid costumes and the workmanship seemed good, but that was all.

It was just the two maids' unusually correct looks, and even Jikenev, who had seen all kinds of beauties, could not hide his surprise, and a heart was completely caught.

This is really... so beautiful, but...

They are indeed beautiful and moving. If they are the daughters of aristocrats in the empire, Jikenev will definitely appreciate them, and may even consider including them in the harem.

However, here is the grave located in the middle of the grassland. The two are too uncoordinated, giving a strong sense of abruptness.

After the two maids saluted at the same time, the woman with her hair up said:

"Waiting for a long time, His Majesty Emperor Giknif Ren Falod Al Knicks. My name is Li Alfa, and I will be in charge of receiving you. The person behind is my helper, whose name is Lupsis Reich Na Beta. Although the time is short, please advise me."

At this moment, two people stood in front of the crystal screen in the depths of Nasalik.

One is Anz holding the scepter, and the other is Ma Yuan.

However, what is surprising is that Ma Yuan no longer sees his true face at this time. He wears a complicated metal pattern on his face, leaving only two black lacquered eye holes. Noble priest's robe, with a low voice like an ancient chant.

This is what he specially dressed to entertain the emperor of the empire.

"When will you meet them when you go out?" Anz looked at Ma Yuan's dress and couldn't wait to see how Ma Yuan would deal with the emperor. Normally Ma Yuan always wears casual clothes, never seen him wear it like this Zhang Yang's clothes felt refreshing.

Ma Yuan said lightly: "Don't worry, it's not time yet."

He waved his hand and moved the marked position of the crystal screen to the horse team brought by Zick Neve. There were more than ten delicate and noble girls in the gorgeously decorated carriage.

Anz frowned: "He still has so many belongings?"

Ma Yuan laughed and said: "You think too much. I'm afraid these are all for you."

These women all have the beauty that makes Jikenev proud. They know that if they don’t obey Jikenev’s orders, tragedy will come to their families, so they say goodbye to their parents in tears and come here.

"But we have done a good deed. After all, the looks of Nasari Kri’s maid are not comparable to those of the young lady. If you want to give a gift, this trick is useless. I think Ji Ke Nifu will stay if he is not stupid. Hold them, don’t take it out to get humiliated."

Only then did Anz understand why Ma Yuan asked the best-looking maids to go out to greet Jikenev first.

Ma Yuan observed for a moment, and continued: "The messengers you sent were Yaula and Mare. Jikenev should have thought about using their race to start. You know, in this world, many forest elves have fallen. For the slaves to be driven by mankind, if it were not for a limited time, he would not be able to threaten Yawula with the names of a large number of forest elves.

Anz also sneered when he heard the words: "Humans are always so overwhelming."


Looking at Ma Yuan's gaze, Anz thought that he had opened up the map gun, and immediately accused: "I didn't say you...I mean some humans, some!"

What neither of them knew was that Jikenev was really thinking about this wishful thinking.

He believes that as long as he can investigate the girl named Mare carefully and extract all her secrets, she may be able to use her to achieve her purpose.

First, she used the slaves who liberated her close relatives as bait, and asked her to concede her simple request. Then she threatened to secretly act in secret and asked her to help us do a little simple thing. I had planned to let her fall deeper and deeper in this way...

While Kniff was thinking about wishful thinking, Yuli said to him:

"You laughed. Master, Master Anz Oul Kung ordered us to do our best to the emperor, and we must live up to your good intentions."

"Well? That's a shame."

Jikenev shrugged playfully.

"However, the two can still call me so easily at any time. So where is your honor?"

"Yes, the master is preparing now, please wait a moment here."

"So it turns out, so where can we wait? In that wooden house?"

"No, please just wait here."

Jikenev looked up at the sky.

Although it does not seem to rain, the sky is covered with dark clouds, which is really not good weather.

And although Jikenif can't feel it, there should be a chill in winter.

Tell them to wait here, what are their plans?

I'm afraid I want to let them know who is the boss.

"Oh! That's really thank you, Christine. So where are we going to receive hospitality?"

"We are preparing. First because the weather is bad, let's start from this point first."

"What do you mean...? Well!"

It wasn't just Gickeneve who exclaimed.

The magic chanters, the guards, Bajd and Reinas, and even Luluda are no exception. Everyone on the scene couldn't help but scream.

At the same time, Ma Yuan and Anz also showed a faint smile, this is the second unworthy of their preparation for Ji Ke Nifu.

The dark clouds drifted slowly.

Like an invisible giant waving it away with his hands, the dark clouds above his head disappeared.

From the ground, you can clearly feel that the eagle cavalry flying in the air are in a panic.

"What's going on... the weather is getting warmer..."

"Do you think so? Will it be psychological?"

Hearing the whispering of the Guards, Jikenev took off his cloak and released the magical power that was neither hot nor cold.

The comfortable air surrounding it is a spring climate, and the cold and freezing winter atmosphere disappears without a trace.

He was educated by Fruda’s magic, but he had never heard of such a move.

So, what is this move?

"Weather control is the sixth order. Looking at His Majesty's reaction, it is probably not just the weather that changes. Then this should be a higher order magic, which is really amazing."

The magic chanter who caused the rift to engulf the Guards might have this ability.

No, it should be said that he hopes so.

He did not want to believe that a large voter had such a powerful mana, it was a nightmare. ,, ..

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