Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 345: collapse

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The maid ignored Dick Neveu's irritability and continued to cheer.

Jikenif desperately suppressed the urge to stop her.

He hoped that the other party would stop stimulating himself, but the restraint of the emperor of the Bajas suppressed this emotion.

"Okay, come on."

Following Yuri's order, the door of the cabin opened and a huge object came out.


Someone called out.

That kind of weird sound is like the sound of a chicken strangled to death.

When everyone understood who made that call, not only Jikenev but everyone was shaken.

No, they simply thought they were dreaming.

The character who made this ghost call was Fruda Paradine, the chief court magician of the empire, "Triad Chancer", the one believed to be alongside or above the thirteen heroes. the man.

Such a great person, his eyes widened in consternation, staring at the things that came out of the cabin.

Then there were many screams, all sent by the students of Fruda.

"How is it possible! That is!"

"No... can't believe it! Impossible!"

"Danger! Will be attacked! Defensive magic! Please allow defensive magic!"

Fruda shouted at the disciples who were ready to fight:

"Hugh is noisy! Be quiet!"

The group of presenters who walked out of the cabin was so amazing that everyone's eyes were fixed on the same point.

It's like a fake alien, a monster wearing black armor.

The physique is too large, and the outline is too evil.

It's like a deity extracting a violent personality from humans and creating an ironic existence.

The rotten face Pang Mingming has no expression, but only his eyes flash with abhorrence of living people.

There are five such existences.

The front one carried the marble table with his huge body.

The other four followed, each holding several chairs skillfully.

These people are completely hostile, as if they are laughing at the disciples who are on the alert and ready to fight.

Only heard "Dongsha".

One of the disciples near Fruda turned blue and knelt down on his knees.

No, the four proud students brought by Fruda are almost the same.

Their faces were blue, their consternation froze on their faces, and they repeated short, breathless breaths.

"Impossible. How is this, impossible. Is that Death Knight? She can make Death Knight? And so many?"

Ji Ke Nifu suddenly flashed, shouting ecstatically.

There is no extra spirit to pretend to calm down.

"Death knight? What is a death knight! Old man! Answer me! I have heard the name once. Are they the same kind of existence as the undead who are said to be imprisoned deep in the Ministry of Magic!"

That's right.

Ji Ke Nifu heard the name of this monster, he heard that the death knight is just an undead who can put the empire into crisis.

No one answered his voice asking the truth.

Fruda opened her eyes wide and watched the death knight with an ecstatic expression.

Jikenif was sure that he could not get an answer, and felt that it would be useless to pull him off again, so he walked angrily to the disciples and grabbed one's front.

"What is the death knight! Answer me!"

"Hoo! Majesty...Your Majesty, the death knight, as you said, is a legendary undead sealed in the depths of the Ministry of Magic, and even the teacher can't control him."

Jikenif can only laugh.

The restraint of the emperor of the Bajas Empire, which has been barely maintained so far, has disappeared and is fragmented.

"...Oh, huh, huh, huh. What a legendary immortal, there are five in front of me. Or does the death knight refer to a group, a group of five? Are you playing me Right!"

"No... no, there is no such thing!"

Someone stood beside them.

At first glance, it is one of the strongest fighters of the Empire, Bajd.

His face was blue and his expression twitched.

"Uh, that, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please calmly listen to me. That is not good. Even if we all go together, we may not be able to stop one of them. I think we better slip away. Very bad, really bad, look at my hand."

At first glance, Bajd's hand was shaking.

His twitching expression told Jikenev that this was not the trembling of excitement on the battlefield.

"Perhaps it's unfathomable, that... seems to be better than Mr. Storonov?"

The other of the four knights stepped back slowly from where they were standing.

She didn't run away, probably because she didn't want to attract the other party's attention, and the other party did not show hostility.

It seems to have entered the world of nightmares.

That is the sight in front of you.

The death knight laid down his furniture in the grassland, just like a male servant.

However, looking at the reaction of so many people, we know that they are indeed the greatest magic chanter even known as Lianluluda, who is beyond the control of the dead.

In other words, there are five monsters on the scene that may be above Froudar.

As a comparative object, Fruda Paradion's combat capability is probably comparable to that of the entire Empire.

Of course, Fulda does not have infinite magic, as long as there is a head-on conflict, maybe he will be able to defeat him in the end.

However, once he used teleport magic or flying magic, etc., the whole army of the empire was dead.

Fruda is one such character.

That is to say, the death knight alone—there are five times the strength of the entire empire.

This is not a power that every individual can possess.

No, even a country can hardly retain such a powerful force.

Only a large country with a long history or a reviewing country can have such power.

Since the two dark elves appeared, the fact that they have been reluctant to think is now in front of them.

Just as the boat was tossed by the storm, Jikenev's spirit was upset by strong stimulation.

However, he regained his calm with steely will.

A very important point is that the situation of the entire guard's annihilation and the figure of the dragon gave him a little psychological preparation.

If he hadn't seen those scenes first, the impact would have been greater, which exposed him to a more embarrassing attitude.

When Ji Ke Nifu was dying of everything, a heartfelt laughter came from him.

It was sent by Fruda.

Whether it's the Guards, the disciples, or the priests-except for Jikenev, everyone else's face was filled with consternation.

Fruda Paradion is the highest-level heroic magic chanter, and no one can match him in terms of education and knowledge.

And his face is like a saint, which awed many people with respect.

In fact, everyone is present. ,, ..

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