Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 346: Delusional escape

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"Your Majesty, what are you going to do? Use teleport magic to escape? You should be able to escape while you are now. But the premise is that everyone here must be generous."

Seeing Fruda's ridiculous expression, Jikenev said to him with a smile:

"I like your expression more, old man. I want to ask you: Do you think I will run away?"

Fruda's face cracked with the wrinkles squeezed out of her smile.

The madman's smile terrified the people who saw the scene.

Fruda's disciples were all pale, and the Guards seemed to understand that the courtyards of their own existence were all faceless.

"Your Majesty, isn't this a joke?"

"...Can I escape?"

Bajd seemed rather confused, and Reinas asked pleadingly.

Jikenev looked around the crowd.

Regardless of Fruda and his disciples, the guard's spirit is getting tighter and it may collapse at any time.

Lena gritted her teeth, her expression twisted.

"is this okay?"

"Bajd... the oldest man who knows magic best-Fruda has the virtue. Now he can only give everything to the other party."

"Begging God to bless us with high photos before escaping, how?"

"Do you really think you can run away?"

Bajd glanced at the maid, she clearly heard them thinking about how to escape, but continued to prepare with ease.

"Oh, I'm going to wrestle so quickly that I'll run away." Ma Yuan's mouth had a bad smile on his lips, as if he was greatly delighted by this scene.

"Relax, as long as you disagree, none of them can run." Andz has this confidence, this one entered Nasariq, then without their permission, even a fly can't fly out.

Unpredictable. Even if someone tells me that the maid is more powerful, I am afraid I will believe... I have said so many rude words, she still does not care at all, it is terrible. "

The maid was also as strong as the monster.

Thinking of this, Jikenif shook his head wearily.

He hoped that not everyone in the tomb would be exaggerated, and he deliberately ignored the two dark elves with cold smiles in the corner of his mind.

"Is it okay? ... Everything is ready, please come here and rest."

There are several tables and chairs on the grassland, and the table is covered with pure white doily, and there are parasols to block the sun.

The death knight who carried the furniture seemed to not want to hinder everyone, and stood in a row by the wooden house.

The glass water bottle placed on the table was covered with cold water droplets, and the orange liquid in the bottle was rippling.

Next to the water bottle is a transparent, thin glass, each piece of which has been carefully carved.

Even as an emperor, Ji Ke Nifu, who is all about food and clothing, was so astonished that he opened his eyes in surprise.

"If you need anything, please tell us. Everyone come over--"

The chalet opened the door again, and a group of maids came out.

The beautiful appearance of Shen Yu Luo Yan even made everyone forget what happened just now.

The hair styles of the three are bun, straight hair and vertical curly hair, each with different beauty.

"It's a beauty auction."

A close guard said this, and Jikenev agreed.

He didn't understand how this tomb would gather so many beautiful women.

However, when one of the maids turned around, they saw a scene of miracle and horror. The beautiful maid had a tail covered with black scales.

Everyone was shocked, thinking they were not human. The second reaction is to guess what kind of race this is.

"Is it a snake?"

"Not quite like..."

Reminiscent of the mounts of Yaula and Mare before they arrived in their empire, some people feared and made a guess: "This...shouldn't it be a dragon?"

"That's right." Ma Yuan snapped his fingers.

Most of the maids who played today are dragon maids summoned by Ma Yuan. Even Anz was jumped by such a big hand. The dragon itself is the most powerful species in the world, and it is very rare. I have never heard of it. Long came to be a maid.

Ji Ke Nifu they soon realized this fact from the maid's answer.

For a time, everyone's eyes widened involuntarily and they couldn't believe it.

How could anyone in this world let the dragon be a maid? !

They suddenly extinguished all the thoughts of trying to escape, and became discouraged.

There is simply no chance of escaping. The dragon race is also very good at space magic. Before the magic array is released, the spell-caster will be swallowed by the dragon first?

"Fuluda, would you please calm down!"

He can no longer be allowed to continue to be rude.

"Fulda, don't make a mistake. I'm waiting for the empire this time, not to seek the magic knowledge you want."

Fulda's eyes regained a little calmness.

Although it hasn't completely calmed down yet, it is enough to suppress his desire.

"...Your Majesty, the courtier is rude. I seem a little too excited. Please forgive me."

"That's right, old man. Have a drink and calm down a little bit. Then, we're welcome."


Ji Ke Nifu sat down in the seat, put a glass in front of him, Yuli poured orange liquid into the glass, the citrus sweet fragrance overflowed.

Jikenev took a sip of juice and smiled because it was so delicious.

That smile means: What have you been drinking in the past?

The surrounding guards also showed surprised expressions.

Even Ji Guini, who was an emperor and had a very extravagant life, was surprised. The surprise of the Guards was even more than that of Ji Ke Nifu.

In fact, many people have forgotten the etiquette and have a big drink.

Then everyone exclaimed:

"It's delicious."

"What kind of drink is this, sour and sweet are just right."

"It's refreshing and soothing, there won't be a sweet taste in my mouth."

Listening to these exclamations, Jikenev used his drink to soothe his throat again.

Suddenly, he felt a force in his body.

It’s just that the drinks are so delicious that it excites the body? That is to say, Nasariq even has the highest quality drinks? Then I was really rude to those two dark elves. If they usually drink such delicious things, the drinks we serve must make it hard for them to swallow.

Jikenev smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect that just being a drink would make me feel such a strong sense of defeat——

Ah... I feel so relaxed. Since coming here, I seem to be relaxing for the first time. Maybe... just go back and count.

In the end, Yuli said something that Jikenif didn't want to hear.

"Let everyone wait for a long time, Master Anz is ready, please follow me."

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