Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 347: consciousness

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Jikenev reached the hemispherical dome-shaped room and saw a huge door standing in front.

On the right side of the door, there is a sculpture of a goddess, on the left is a sculpture of a demon, and both sides are extremely finely carved.

Looking around, I saw countless ominous statues all around.

If you want to take a horizontal approval, it is probably the "gate of judgment."

Jikenev looked at the gate and couldn't help producing these imaginations.

Silence dominates the spacious room, and the silence seems to turn into sound.

That's right, no one dared to say a word since being brought here.

Only occasionally did someone move his body and make a metallic sound of armor rubbing.

They did not observe the etiquette and kept quiet, because when they came here, the whole piece of unbelievable beauty took away the soul of everyone.

Faced with a situation like a mythical world, how can they be asked not to be deterred?

In fact, even Zikniff could not suppress the urge to look around while walking.

Because the world spread out before me is so gorgeous.

Jikenev turned his head backwards-look at the people who followed him all the way.

Bajd, ten carefully selected guards, Fulda and his disciples, secretary Rone, and the clergymen belonging to the Knights.

Renes and the rest of the guards stayed beside the carriage to guard.

Everyone who followed—with the exception of Fruda—had dull faces.

This is the result of passing through a channel that could not be created by exhausting the essence of the empire's arts and culture, making everyone feel their own insignificance.

The Nazarek underground tomb is just the name of a tomb, but it is actually a beautiful world where the gods live.

The magic chant who ruled the place, the character Anz Oul Kung, gave them an impression that they were too huge to describe.

Ji Ke Nifu smiled a little self-deprecating.

When human beings encounter superior human things, they will bow their heads out of instinct.

Witnessing such magnificent and extreme buildings and daily necessities, if someone can't cast their hands on the ground, this person must be like a heart of wood and stone, and not possess a little sensibility.

How could such a powerful existence be seized until now? Jikenev cannot understand, but the answer will be revealed soon.

Through the talks held in this hall, it should be possible to figure out the purpose of the other party.

The thick door opened slowly and automatically without being pushed.

The sound of breathing breathed into the ears of Jikenif, and not one or two people. I am afraid there are a dozen or so people, that is, more than half of the people who came here.

This represents the shaking caused by their failure to do a good job of consciousness, and it also shows that they want to escape.

In other words, many people want this door not to open.

Because of this, he should thank the door for opening automatically.

If they have to wait for them to realize their consciousness before opening, then I am afraid they will never open.

What broke into the view was a spacious hall with high ceilings.

The walls are based on white, with a fine decoration dominated by gold.

Several luxurious crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling are made of seven-color gemstones, exuding a dreamlike glow.

And from the hall to the breath of the crowd, the face of Jikenev and his party instantly turned pale.

There is a deep red carpet in the center, and there are groups of people standing on the left and right sides that are so indescribable.

Demons, dragons, wonderful humanoids, armor knights, walking insects, elemental elves.

They have various sizes and appearances, but the hidden power is beyond common sense.

This kind of existence is lined up on the left and right sides, so that the number of people does not want to count.

These people stared silently at Jikenev and others.

It is generally believed that the eyes of a person with a status of a certain degree are powerful, but for the first time, Jikenev seems to feel physical pressure.

There was a hoarse cry and a slightly trembling metal sound behind Jikenev.

That was evidence of the fear of the subordinates.

However, Jikenif can be honest.

He did not intend to reprimand his subordinates for their fear of reaction, but instead wanted to praise them for restraining themselves, and no one escaped.

Faced with this kind of existence—the higher order existence that makes humans potentially fearful, they did not escape, which is indeed commendable.

Jikenev's eyes moved to the front of the carpet.

There is a step at the far end, and a group of people who seem to be right and left are standing side by side.

The silver-haired beautiful girl, the pale monster like an insect standing upright, the man in a suit that looks like a frog and a human, and two dark elves—Gick Neve was a little relieved to see them.

If the two of the instantaneous guards were just ordinary soldiers, he would not be able to remain calm.

Looking at the steps, there was a beautiful woman with wings behind her—

The first thing that caught Gickniff's eyes was not the skull monster on the throne of crystal, but the black-haired man who was sitting lazy in the sitting position slightly below the throne.

He held his chin casually among a group of serious monsters, and the golden patterned mask could not cover his whole body. There was a glass of red wine in his right hand, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed ridiculous to Jikenev.

For a while, Jikenev couldn't tell whether it was a human or not. The momentum of his body gave him the instinct to admire when he saw the dragon king.

He shuddered for half a day before he stopped his urge to kneel.

No shame... no shame...

He kept admonishing himself like this.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan only smiled slightly, confining Jikenif personally and exerting greater coercion.

Ji Ke Nifu suddenly sweated around his neck, no longer able to control his body, plopped to the throne and crawled on the carpet.

"Oh, what do you do so politely?" Anz also made a polite refusal at the right time, but everyone knew what kind of mockery this was.

——The emperor had already kneeled to the enemy without saying a word.


Jikenev exhaled.

That is a sigh representing consciousness.

They are really no match for the monsters in this room.

But he couldn't kneel at the door, he stood up tremblingly and took steps.


He said at a volume that only those behind him could hear.

If anyone sees it, it will be amazed that Zikniff's mouth is not moving, but he can speak normally.

This is not magic, it is purely his stunt, and it is very useful on this occasion.

It's just that no one seems to react to what Ziknif said and started to move. ,, ..

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