Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 350: Planning

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There was no change in the structure and when it came, but I felt that the carriage was very vibrating when it ran, perhaps because the atmosphere in the carriage was heavy, or because the members of the ride changed.

If only the first army took the bus at the time, the return journey included the second army.

A disciple sat in the car instead of Fruda, and Ronald was replaced by the secretary in the middle of Luo.

The remaining two remain the same, the carriage owners Ji Ke Nifu and Bajid.

The reason why Fruda was not there was because he had to discuss with the disciples everything he had just seen.

Therefore, it will be called a fellow student who is second only to Fuluda in strength but still has an overwhelming gap.

At the moment, Fruda was in a horse-drawn carriage, and there must be a lively discussion.

Contrary to this carriage, the carriage that Jikenif took was just dead.

Only the solemn atmosphere always dominates the carriage.

The reason for falling into this state is due to Ji Ke Nifu.

Because his expression was stiff, he seemed to have misery.

Known as the Blood Emperor, the feared Jikenev, with a sneer on his face, is everyone's common understanding.

In fact, he also deliberately pretended this expression, because in the eyes of everyone, he must be a powerful emperor.

Those who lead the masses must be exceptionally prestigious, otherwise the followers will be uneasy.

Among these three people, Bajd, who should have had the longest contact with Djikov, probably never saw his expression.

Because of this, the three people in the carriage would sit stiffly without saying a word.

Although Jikenif felt their sight, he didn't want to say anything.

Everyone knows why.

No, if someone thinks there is another reason, Jikenif can split the person's head and look at the brain inside, because there is very little chance to see a brain the size of a little fingernail.

Nazarek's Underground Tomb-To be honest, it is not correct to say that it is a tomb.

That's the castle of the devil.

That horrible group of people, and the presence in front of them.

──"Death" sitting on the throne.

Beyond that, it’s not just fear.

Poor luxury, magnificent buildings and various daily necessities all arouse people's awe.

In the face of the existence of military and economic power that hides the disparity between the two, it is easy for Gick Nieff, a politically skilled man, to understand what kind of suffering the empire will face in the future.

If the leader of the country is a strong person, it will give the people a sense of peace of mind.

No matter how powerful the national strength is, the leader is a little sheep, and the people will be uneasy.

Fortunately, both the body and the mind of the empire are lions.

But now there is a country where both body and mind are giant dragons, what kind of impression will imperial nationals have?

Jikenev looked down at the white hands that had been clenched for a long time.

No, it's not over yet, it's not sure we lost.

Ji Ke Nifu smiled, is a smile in line with the name of the blood emperor.

As if expecting this satire and sneer for a long time, the expressions of his men became relieved.

Seeing their reaction, Jikenif also slightly smiled not falsely.

"Don't keep peeking at me like this, it will distract me, right?"

"His Majesty!"

The three people's voices overlapped.

Hearing their voices, filled with joy that his emperor had finally returned, Jikenev realized what he should do again and nodded vigorously.

"First of all, let’s compare, there is no difference in the perception of all the people present there. If someone has a different opinion, even if it is proposed, even if it is a big mistake, don’t worry about being punished-well, then first aim at the most important Part, the ruler of the underground tomb of Nasarik, Anz Oul Kung think about it."

After Gick Nef paused, he spoke his frank feelings after witnessing the super monster.

"Anz Oul Kung can easily create a death knight, a monster among monsters. If he is enemies with this person, the empire will probably be destroyed once again. Besides, even if he is not enemies with him, he is also possible because he is an undead. Killing a living person is fun. Does anyone have any objections?"


"Think it is just as His Majesty said."

"Well, I think so too. If I want to add one more thing, I don’t think that with the power of human beings, you can overcome that monster. It should be said that it is difficult to get close to the distance with that guy, even if you use the Empire State. The military is the same."

"It's best to investigate them further from the information obtained. The other thing to the majesty of that castle. Such magnificent buildings should leave some legends."

"My subordinates are very sparse, please ask your majesty to forgive your sins. When I return to the imperial capital, I will immediately focus on myth-related documents and investigate the information of all parties in detail."

Ji Ke Nifu generously accepted the apology of the apprentice.

"Well, bother you. So, have you noticed anything? I really don't think such a majestic and sacred castle will be built by that evil monster. Have you seen anything that can be a clue? Is it true there? Is it a grave built based on the history of this place?"

no answer.

This proves that everyone holds the same question.

Nor can I abandon the possibility that the castle was moved from a completely different place—maybe another world called the Devil Realm—to the bottom of the grave by means of teleportation, which should be said to be relatively acceptable.

"There is no conclusion, the information is still too little. We must get as much information as possible from the Vatican who stayed there and the men who are scheduled to be sent to the empire, understand?"

"Of course, I will try my best to handle it as smartly as possible without causing the other party to be hostile or suspicious."

"It can't be said that as far as possible, the other party's combat power is far above the empire. You have to handle it carefully, and don't let the false and friendly relations show up."

The secretary lowered his head to greet him, and only then did Jikenev feel the burden of lowering his shoulders slightly.

"Then your majesty, how long do we have to be when the monster's tail shakes? Shake to our grandchildren? Or great grandchildren?"

Jikenev looked around and checked for spy invasions or cracks in the doors.

After confirming that there was no problem, Zikniff said the strategy he had been thinking about since he met with Anz Oul Kung.

"Our purpose is-a major alliance of empire, kingdom, religious country, commenting country, holy kingdom, etc. It is to form a major alliance against Anz Ur Gong."

Six round eyes were directed at Jikenev.

"Why should you be surprised? The monster cannot be won by the empire alone. In this case, you can only pull the neighboring countries into the battle to form an alliance and defeat it."

"Want... to fight one?"

"To fight."

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