Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 351: Prepare for the meeting

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Nasari Conference Hall.

"According to intelligence, the Bajas Empire has submitted a declaration to the Kingdom. The contents are as follows: The Bajas Empire recognizes the Nazariq organization led by the great magic chant Anz Oul Kung as a country, and the two countries have formed Alliance. In the final analysis, the suburbs of Ye Lantil were originally occupied by Anz Oul Kung, and the Kingdom of Li Yesti is now improperly occupied. Therefore, the kingdom should return the land to the original owner. If the kingdom does not listen to good words, the empire will assist Anz Oul Kung to launch an aggression against the kingdom and recapture the kingdom of Anz Oul Kung. This is a just act and the purpose is to let the place out of Improper domination." Dimiougos finished reading the empire's declaration, and whispered quickly in the hall.

Awu La's face with a natural expression: "The emperor is still a confidant, and the kingdom should soon surrender to Lord Anz!"

Anz was a bit embarrassed when he heard the words. He knew what a great shore he was in the eyes of these men, but I'm afraid the kingdom would not eat this one.

Ma Yuan tapped his finger on the table: "The kingdom must have thought we were crazy, and the people who came out of the sky asked their king to obey unconditionally."

Aula questioned: "Why can't we destroy that country directly?"

This problem puzzled Andz. He didn’t plan anything from beginning to end. He followed what Ma Yuan said, but at this time he couldn’t dismantle his own table before the subordinate, so he was coughing. After two sounds, he turned his attention to Ma Yuan and said, "Ma Yuan, would you please explain our plan to them?"

Ma Yuan will naturally help Anzi round the field: "First of all, we must have a name, this name is best Dayi. Occupy the human city by peaceful means, rule the nearby area with love. For this surface paradise, the emperor is about to be established Evil Alliance. Then in the near future, we will definitely let such a country know what is good."

Everyone's "Oh" sounds suddenly realized, one by one cast their admiring eyes.

Xia Tiya's excited face reddened: "I really deserve Ma Yuan..."

"Returning to my lack of wisdom makes me ashamed..."

"Sir Antz is also very powerful, and he can come up with such a delicate plan!"

Anz doubted that everyone was playing him, but the respect, respect, and worship in the eyes of the guardians were all fakes.

So Anz couldn't say anything, he could only act like usual.

"Okay! I think the moment when the kingdom and the empire are at war is the moment to show the greatness of the underground tombs of Nazarek."

"As Lord Anz said, they will definitely try to investigate the strength of Lord Anz, but I do not know that this is our purpose."

Demi Ugos continued extremely happily:

"Before negotiating, the most important thing is to reward them with a punch and let them understand the gap between the two sides. Because they do not understand the strength of each other, creatures like the Fool will make boring actions. In this sense, that The emperor was indeed a fool, and he didn't understand that it was the smartest way to bow down and lick Lord Anz's shoes."

"I thought about it before, let humans lick Lord Anz's shoes, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?"

"Indeed, it's really Yale Bed. But if I want to lick, I would like to lick Lord Anz's precious body."

The two whispered as if they had not heard it.

"... Then everyone listened to the orders and began to prepare for Nasariq's reputation!"


According to the obedient response, a chorus was formed in unison, resounding throughout the room.

Two months have passed since the empire made its declaration, and it is the season of white mist.

Villages in the kingdom’s territories, etc., all switched from working outdoors to doing things at home, and fewer people were walking outside.

Few people are still busy working in this season, even for adventurers who give the impression of being open all year round.

Hungry Warcraft and so on, sometimes appear in the village, let adventurers receive urgent commission, but basically no work.

Whether it is to pursue unknown ruins or to explore the secret realm, it is always dangerous to step into the unexplored zone this season.

Therefore, this season is a rest season for adventurers, you can do training, entertainment or sideline.

Having said that, this hustle is somewhat different in nature compared to other cities in the kingdom.

The heat does not come from vitality, but a different kind of emotion.

The source of the heat comes from the inner walls of the three outer walls of Ye Lantier.

There are a large number of people there, and they are almost unremarkable, mostly civilians.

However, the number is staggering, almost 250,000.

Such a large number of people are not always in Ye Lantier.

Indeed, because of the huge traffic volume, materials, crowds, and money, all kinds of people and things come and go in Ye Lantier's territory in the face of the three countries, and this city is bound to flourish.

But even so, the population of this region alone is less than 250,000.

So, how can there be so many people here now?

Some young people explained this easily.

Many young people faced with wood and straw to make a shape, covered with pitted steel armor, holding the target of the shield, and took a spear training with a gun without a blade.

This is combat training, that's right-the people gathered here, the 250,000 people of the kingdom, are soldiers who were called to fight the empire.

The vigorous cry came and went.

Of course, few people are shouting with a positive attitude.

Almost all are driven by fear of imminent mutual killings, and the anxiety of not being able to return alive without training.

However, not everyone is training seriously.

The war with the empire occurs once a year, so many people are already despondent.

Like someone who lacks the motivation to lie in the corner of a slate floor; someone who grumbles with someone beside him; or someone who sits on the ground with his knees.

The older you are, the more obvious this tendency is.

These soldiers have almost no war intentions, just want to come back alive.

This is the actual situation of the Kingdom Army.

This is also impossible. They are brought by force and must waste time killing each other with little reward.

Even if you can come back alive, it is just like tightening the rope around your neck, the ills caused by wasting time shake the foundation of life bit by bit.

This is the same as slowly going to death. ,, ..

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