Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 353:

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Hearing such a declaration, the two countries would only want to tell them not to intervene, but since the Church of the Nation never directly used troops, they believed that the Church of the State was just talking.

However, this time it was quite different.

The purpose of this announcement is that "the Christian Church does not have this record, so there is no way to judge, but if Andz Urgong did rule here, the Christian Church will recognize its legitimacy" and sent a letter to the Kingdom .

This manifesto angered the nobles of the kingdom and felt that they were simply fooling around, intervening with their cheeks on their sides and opening their mouths.

However, there are of course some people who understand the true meaning of it, and people like these are very clear.

The declaration of the Kingdom of Slien is a judgment made by the state, which means "I have no intention to be an enemy of Anz Oul Kung".

The fact is that the most powerful state of the neighboring countries, the Slyan Church, is reluctant to deal with a magic chanter.

No, this is not difficult to understand, Ge Gefu continued to express his views.

"This person easily wiped out a unit of the Six-Colored Code... Although he didn't say that he killed all of them, the Kingdom of Slien must have thought that the consequences of being enemies with those with such powers are unimaginable. . If it is dominated by the empire, Anz Ur Kung is only affected, and the Church State is unlikely to make such a concession statement."

"Huh, what if a magic chant joins the battle? We are 250,000 troops!"

Earl Litton smiled scornfully, mocking Geoff's wariness.

Gu Gefu did not frown, the magic mantra with boundless mana, can play amazing effects on the battlefield.

But on the contrary, he could understand what Earl Litton wanted to say.

If you don’t know anything, you might have the same idea.

For example, the great magic chanter of the empire, Furuda Paradine, is known throughout distant countries.

It is said that this person can use the fifth rank, even the sixth rank magic, but no one knows exactly how much strength he has.

This is because the magic chanter Fulda never actually participated in the war with the kingdom, and the kingdom's army was not destroyed by his magic.

Furthermore, when I hear the sixth rank, I only feel that it is very powerful, but there is always no idea how powerful it is.

Even Ge Gefu, who is the warrior of the kingdom and has experienced countless battlefields, is like this.

Nobles are not magic chanters, but they have learned magic knowledge when they were educated, which is more difficult to understand.

In fact, many of the nobles of the kingdom think that Fruda is nothing remarkable at all, but that the empire exaggerates in order to increase its reputation.

"Speaking of that, the stainless steel adventurer named Ma Yuan might be able to share his equals with Anz Oul Gong?" Some nobles recalled Ma Yuan's posture against the monster at that time.

The idea itself is good, but the Adventurer's Union will certainly not agree.

Several nobles began to scold the Adventurer Union as worthless.

Some people say they are just civilians and dare to be so arrogant.

Some people say that they have not figured out who is the master.

Others say that since they are nationals of the kingdom, they should have dedicated their energy to the kingdom.

For those with status, the unwillingness to succumb to power must make them unhappy.

But without these people, it is true that the monsters are repelled.

If the adventurer’s union leaves the kingdom, no one in the kingdom can destroy the powerful monster, and it will inevitably slowly go to destruction, even if there is Ge Gefu.

Monsters have a variety of special abilities. To destroy them, you must have a variety of different attacks, defenses, and treatments, so the existence of adventurers is indispensable.

"No, I think His Highness makes sense! This idea is good!"

Said the baron somewhere.

His title is too low to participate in this occasion, since he can come to participate, probably someone's follower.

"As a magic chanter, he may have some ideas in his heart, maybe he can send a messenger to ask!"

Hearing Ma Yuan sneering here, it is no longer used to find him. From today, the adventurer named Ma Yuan will temporarily disappear in their sight, and if he can find him, even if he finds it, he will Excuses not to participate in the national war to avoid.

Not interested to listen anymore, Ma Yuan left the eavesdropping magic props and returned to Nazarek.

Anz is waiting for him in the room.

What he said was not the news of the meeting I just heard, but another thing.

"Have you heard the name of the Black Scale Dragon King?"

"Black Scale Dragon King?" Ma Yuan stopped his hands to sort out the cup and looked back at Anz. "No, what's wrong?"

"I have just received information from Dimitugos that the empire has sent people to the Dragon Kingdom, where the queen is called the black-scale dragon king Drodelong Oriklus. I have not tried the dragon in this world. Do you think there will be accidents in this war?"

Ma Yuan thought for a while and said, "Have you mentioned her fighting power in the intelligence?"

"It is said that she has the title of Dragon King, but her combat power is only of the average level. Although it belongs to the true Dragon King by the standard of the Christian Church, it is only based on her natural ability to make judgments, so some people use the "True and False Dragon King". A very rare name is called her. But if she can drive the dragon, will it be troublesome?"

"You don't have to worry about the Dragon Clan in this regard. I'll find a solution. It's better to think about who you are taking."

"Oh." Anz was very obedient. He always had an inexplicable trust in Ma Yuan. The man's attitude of speaking was always calm and breezy, as if no matter what could be solved easily.

Ma Yuan sits aside and enters the state of meditation. His thinking enters the system space. The ontology is another advantage of the dragon clan. He can learn the status of other dragon clan no matter where he is, showing it as a crystal screen.

In the not-so-spacious but rather luxurious room, the young girl sitting on the throne, the only chair, made a voice that everyone would feel naive and age-appropriate.

"Okay, it's yours!"

"Yes! Your Majesty, I will definitely achieve my mission!"

Bowing down to the girl, a man like a knight stood up and walked out of the room dashingly.

The door closed, and after a few seconds, the girl asked the prime minister standing beside him:

"It's almost okay."

"Yes, he is the last one, no problem."

Hearing the cold voice of the man, the girl’s innocent and lovely expression lost its original shape.

A pair is looking awkward.

It may be due to fatigue, and the eyes are half closed due to cloudiness. ,, ..

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