Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 354:

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"It's tiring enough..."

That attitude is more like a tired 40-year-old woman than a little girl.

However, the tension of voice and so on is still very young, just like the appearance maintains youth, but the inside has changed a person.

"You have worked hard."

"It's really exhausting to me, I really don't want to see people with this look again."

The girl picked up her clothes.

"This kind of dress that exposes the entire leg is really a bit hurtful."

"Excuse me again and again, if not, it will not work, Your Majesty."

This girl is the queen of the Dragon Kingdom "Dark Dragon King" Drodelon Oriklus.

"It's because His Majesty showed people in this form of stimulating protection, that everyone will work so hard."

"Is everyone in this world a lo*ic*n? I think the bigger one should be more comfortable in every way."

Drodelon raised his hands to his flat chest and made a gesture of shaking something.

"It's a comparison of that type indeed"

"──No form is allowed, that's how I was."

"It's rude, Your Majesty."

"Hey, I can't feel your apology at all."

"No such thing."

Drodelong stared at the prime minister's cold smile, unable to see through the emotions underneath it, and she looked away dissatisfiedly.

"Now that Your Majesty has forgiven, I will return to the original topic. The form may be more pleasing to men, but it is not popular with women. By contrast, this form can be expected to be good for both men, women and children. Response. You should understand this. If you want to maintain that form, you must first solve the current situation in this country. Do you have any good ideas?"

"...No form is allowed."

"That being said, if you continue this way, you can only say which form you want to use is up to you, and nobody will look at it anyway."

Hearing the present situation of the Dragon Kingdom, dignified silence came to the room.

"The orcs' aggression is different this time, right?"

"Indeed, such a huge situation, the main purpose cannot be as small as before. I definitely want to capture our country. Maybe I finally made up my mind and wanted to build a pigsty."

Near the Dragon Kingdom, there is a kingdom of orcs.

Orcs are a sub-ethnic group of carnivores such as lions or tigers that walk on two feet. When they look at their heads, they know that they eat meat and don’t take humans seriously.

The cannibal race is not uncommon. Three of the six competing countries in the central part of the continent use humans as food.

For example, in a troll country that is a little further away from the central region, the highest-quality ingredients for entertaining guests are those that are still in the stomach—a six-month-old human baby.

For these people, this country is equivalent to a gathering place for feed.

In the past, they seemed to regard this as an automatically increasing bait field, and had not launched a comprehensive aggression.

However, I don't know the reason. Now they have begun aggression and three cities have fallen.

At the feast held there, even she felt sick.

Faced with the invasion of foreign enemies that cannot be negotiated, the entire country will of course unite desperately to resist, but the basic capabilities of the orcs and humans will fall.

The orc country is a powerful country in the middle of the mainland, so we can see that their physical fitness is much better than that of humans.

For example, when humans and orcs are the same adult, the gap in abilities will probably reach ten times.

In the world of adventurers, there is a numerical value used to measure the strength of monsters, called difficulty. If the adult category is three, the orc can reach thirty.

"...If you have money, you can hire Optics, and then, what are the Christians doing?"

"It's impossible to tell."

"Don't we donate a lot of money every year? Usually by this time, they should have come to the rescue? I will not ask for the sending of the Dark Sun, but why not send the Sun Sun?"

The church country has always secretly dispatched troops to save the dragon kingdom. The reason why it was not disclosed is probably because the head of state is her.

"As a result, this is the retribution of relying on foreign countries as our defense force. It is really sad."

"Who likes to rely on foreign countries is also a last resort. You don’t know that China’s military expenses are already very tight. If you increase the budget, the country will go bankrupt. Besides, it’s not about spending money on military expenses. The soldier will immediately become stronger."

The Dragon Kingdom has spent a lot of money against the orcs for many years, and the result is still so tragic. She would like to think that because she has to spend money, she can suppress the loss to this extent.

"There is no way to ask the empire over there, it seems to be busier than us."

"Oh, how about who controls other countries! Don't say this, how to save our country is the key!"

"Your Majesty, you mentioned it yourself... What about the magic of His Majesty?"

The prime minister waved his fingers, and that might be the way magic feels for him, Drordi Long smiled bitterly.

"Originally magic, that is not human ability-even if it inherits one-eighth of the dragon blood, it can't control that power. If it is not done, it may accelerate the demise of our country. That is the last resort."

"The last resort, I really hope that day will not come. Well, then I'll go to the church country to see reinforcements."

"Well! Please!"

Seeing Drordilong answer like a naive child, the prime minister looked at her coldly.

"That's it, Your Majesty, but you have so much energy to write some motivational letters for the frontline commanders."

When Ma Yuan saw here, he almost knew what the state of the dragon kingdom was. He could see the dragon queen simply because she still had a little thin blood of the dragon clan on her body. The real dragon in this world is probably asleep somewhere.

This country does not come to stir the muddy water, so they do not have to provoke, who has no difficulty?

These people still have a little blood resonance for Ma Yuan, similar to the expectations of their juniors. Although he hasn't even got his wife.

After investigation, the most powerful magic that this Black Scale Dragon King can use today is nothing more than the original magic, which is a kind of magic performed by the soul.

However, it requires a large number of people to squander connected souls, which will lead to an ultimate explosion, and probably need millions of souls.

Less than a last resort, they should not choose this approach.

In this case, there is no need to put too much attention here. The most important thing now is to think about how to complete the war in the fastest way. ,, ..

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