Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 356: End (end of volume)

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So, who was the first to notice among the soldiers of the Kingdom? Although not sure, it is probably a right-wing soldier with a wide view.

Even if they noticed that the situation was different, they didn't know what happened, and they looked around and found it.

Like being tempted, the soldier beside the discoverer and the soldier beside them also noticed that one after another.

In this way, all humans who want to start the war on the Kaz Plain simply look silently at the sphere floating in the air.

A sphere that seems to have a hole in the air seems to have opened a spider web. Once it has attracted its attention, it can no longer divert its eyes.

The black sphere gradually grew larger.

To flee or to fight? No one can do this kind of constructive thinking and can only look at the daze like an idiot.

Finally-huge fruits landed.

As if for granted, the falling sphere cracked as soon as it hit the ground.

It is like a water bag falling on the ground and breaking open, and like a ripe fruit bursting.

With the drop location as the center, the objects full of them spread out radially.

It looks like coal tar, does not reflect light at all, like a viscous liquid with darkness and infinite extension.

This liquid gradually covered the defunct Kingdom soldiers.

Perhaps it was an abnormal intuition that worked, and no one thought it would end.

They have a hunch that more serious matters will only begin now.

That's right-despair is about to begin.

A lonely tree emerged from the ground where the black liquid spread.

No, that's not as cute as trees.

There was originally only one tree, and the number was gradually increased.

Two trees, three naked trees, five trees, ten naked trees...these objects swaying without the wind growing from there—the tentacles.

"Ah ────────────"

Suddenly, the sound of a cute goat whining came.

And more than just a sound, like a group of goats don’t know where they came from.

As if dragged by the voice, the coal tar squirmed, and something appeared like an eruption.

That thing is too unusual and weird.

It should be ten meters tall. If it is counted together with tentacles, I don’t know how many meters it will be.

The appearance looks like turnips, several black tentacles replace the leaves, the roots are covered with pimples, and below are five legs like black hoof goats,

Roots-The chunks of fleshy and puffy flesh have cracks, which are quickly peeled apart, and are carried out simultaneously in several places.

Then ──

"Ah ──────────────!"

The cute goat cried and leaked out of the crack.

It was a big mouth with ticking mucus.

There are five such creatures.

In front of all humans on the Kaz Plain, they showed a terrible, complete figure.

Black goat cub.

This is a monster that appears in proportion to the number of dead people caused by the transcendent magic "Dark Sacrifice Sacrifice".

Although they do not have powerful special abilities, they have outstanding endurance.

And their level-more than ninety.

This is a brutal storm.

Except for the cuteness of the goat... cute to disgusting calls, no other voices can be heard.

Everyone just can’t believe what is happening in front of them.

Even if a crowd of more than 300,000—although there are only 235,000 survivors—is gathered, no one can make a sound.

In this situation, Anz smiled happily.

"Awesome, this is the highest record. I see that even if I look around ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries, only I can summon five."

Generally speaking, it is good to be able to summon a black goat cub. It is rare to summon two.

However, this time there were five.

Just as gamers enjoy the record they set, Andz is also heartily happy with this new record. The matter of tens of thousands of dead people is irrelevant.

"Not bad." Ma Yuan also smiled in praise.

"Thank you." Anz answered happily.

There were clanging clangs from the empire position.

That was the sound of armor rubbing.

The soldiers were shaking.

Who can make fun of them?

Hearing that the Magister King had just launched such a terrible summoning magic, and could still make such a cheerful voice, no one could afford goose bumps.

All imperial knights present were of the same idea.

I only hope that the cruel power of Anz Oul Kung will not fall on his own head.

That look was like praying to God.

With the pledge of the soldiers behind, Anz began to enter the next stage.

Although he feels that enough results have been achieved, he holds a relaxed mood and feels that it may be better to kill more.

The purpose of this time is to use super-magic magic to promote the powerful power of Anz Oul Kung to countries.

In this regard, the goal has been achieved.

But it's a pity to just eliminate the magic.

Yes, it's a pity.

Anz chuckled.

If you have a tongue, you must have licked your mouth.

This was due to the fact that it was not possible at YGGDRASIL, and it delighted up to five black goat cubs in one campaign.

"--Well, just try it. Start chasing, cute goat cubs."

Accepting the order of the caller Andz, the black goat cubs slowly moved.

The five sheep legs began to move quickly with abnormal movements.

The action is not so elegant, it is better to say that it is a lot of effort, maybe it looks quite warm and cute.

As long as it is not on yourself.

Just as the Kingdom soldiers could not hold their arms tremblingly, suddenly another magic circle rose from the direction of Anz. The blue light almost covered the entire battlefield. At the same time, five black goats suddenly screamed and turned into A little white light dissipated in the air.

For a moment no one responded to what happened.

Only Anz, he looked back at Ma Yuan behind him in an instant.

Only the same player will cast the ability to destroy the black goat.

"Why?" Anz felt calm.

"Because of your heart as a human being, it is almost swallowed." The indifference in Ma Yuan's eyes was about to overflow.

"Wh...what...?" Andz stared blankly at the white bone sword that ran through his chest. It was impossible for ordinary weapons to harm his undead, However, that weapon was added with all attributes to damage the armor.

No one on the battlefield can see what happened to Anz and Ma Yuan, even the most recent Shatia and Yale Bede have no idea.

Because they are now in Ma Yuan's space.

"It's over." Ma Yuan sighed long. ,, ..

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