Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Follower

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In the far east, the stars are sparse.

The wind blew through the sky, and the sky lost its stunning past, and the stars dimmed, as if the heavens and the earth had collapsed and the gods fell. Only a red demon star shuffled recklessly in the starry sky, emitting a heart-rending light. Around him, every star hides itself as if it is ashamed.

No one found this scene.

Einzberen, the castle hall, the central church, the Wei Palace, and the long-lost point of the palace, lit a cigarette, and let the spicy tobacco smell spit it out after a few turns in the lungs. The angular face made people feel the charm of a mature man, but those eyes completely destroyed this feeling.

It was a kind of icy gaze that all things in the world could fairly value on the balance to measure value, but at this time, he was staring at the weighty scabbard in his hand.

The gold texture is decorated with glorious blue enamel. Such luxurious equipment is not so much a weapon as a treasure that shows the majesty of the nobles like a crown and a fluorene stick. The engraving in the middle is the long-lost goblin text. This scabbard is a handicraft made by non-human hands.

"Aili, Ahad could actually find this thing," Wei Gong cut heirs in a deep voice, "I didn't expect to find the scabbard of the legendary holy sword, without any scars. This turned out to be 1,500 years ago. Of relics?"

"Because it belongs to a kind of conceptual armament, of course, it will not be weathered in terms of material. If it is equipped on the body, this scabbard will help the owner to heal like a legend, or even stop aging, of course, if the holder can Provide magic."

"Grandpa Ahad said, this Avalon is the best calling medium for you. With it, you will be able to summon the strongest heroes. Grandpa just wants to surprise you."

"Since it is such a perfect and relic holy relic, then it must be summoned to a certain degree of heroic spirit."

"The Legendary Knight King, Arthur, Pendragon"

Wei Gong cuts off his face with a self-deprecating expression on his face. Knowing his own nature, he understands that he is definitely the worst master with the follower, "Aili, I will get a stronger follower than other masters, focus It’s how I can control this strongest combat power. If it’s easy to use, I’m still more suitable for followers like Caster and Assassin.”

"Of course, since it is Alice, your hope, I will naturally agree to it." Wei Gong cuts the scabbard on his hand and puts it on the magic circle that has been carved on the ground. Seeing this, Alice Phil smiled bitterly. The voice said, "Cut heir, do you plan to summon the spirits so hastily? Won't it fail?"

"This may make people fall through their glasses, but the summoning of followers does not require a grand spiritual ritual, because in fact the caller is the Holy Grail, and I just provide the identity of the master and the corresponding magic power to make the followers appear in the world. And keep it materialized"

After placing the scabbard on the ground, Wei Gong cut a deep glance at Alice Phil again, then stretched out his right arm and hit his left arm, and began the call with a determined tone:


You are under me

Entrust my destiny to the sword of Ru

Follow the call of the Holy Grail

From its will

Go with the flow

Ru Li replied..."

The dazzling yet soft light rose from the magical array, the silver light made people immersed in it, and the Wei Palace cut heir was still unmoved and continued his own call. The words in his mouth became more and more violent.

"Swear here

I am a good person

I am the evil one

The Seven Days of the Three Great Words

From the wheel of suppression

Guardian of Libra!

At the same time when the spirit fell, the magic circle's light reached its maximum limit. In front of the Wei Palace's cut heir, there was a sea of ​​light, and in that light, a petite but strong figure gradually transformed from illusion into reality. Sifeier and Wei Gong cut heirs at the figure, but the same doubts appeared in their eyes. At this time, the light of the magic circle slowly fell and was about to disappear.

Originally, it should be. At this time, the mutation suddenly emerged.

If someone can look up at the starry sky at this time, they will be shocked to find that the starry sky at this time is a starless night, and in the middle of the sky, a peerless fierce star with red light is stable in the sky. Suddenly, the fierce star and its horrendous speed ran to a certain place below.

There, it was the spirit-forming circle that summoned Servant.

The silver ray in the summoning array that was about to fall suddenly became uneasy, and the ray that was about to disappear suddenly flourished and gradually turned into a blood red, which caused the three people present to shake.

"Well, what's going on, Ellie, has Ahad said this will happen?"

"I don't know, wait, cut heir, look! What is that!"

Wei Gong cut heirs and looked at the circle, but found that a figure appeared abruptly in the unknown **** light.

The **** figure seemed to stand a spear in the middle of the sky and earth. Nothing could let it succumb. A beastly copper battle armor exuded a rich **** vigor. That was the fear of the soul, the resentment of the dead, the tool of killing. Modernization, as well as the wild face that can be seen faintly even in the light, are releasing a strange sense of existence. His eyes were closed, as if he was receiving some information.

"Holy grail war? Almighty cauldron? Interesting"

"Heroic spirit across the ancient and modern future?"

"Ridiculous, is there still an unfinished wish in my heart, calling me here?"

"Alright, then this life, let me Ma Yuan, fight a pain!"

Finally, the blood-colored man stopped the words in his mouth, looked at the heir to the palace, and showed an unruly expression, said,

"I ask you, are you Lin's summoner"

"Across countless time and space called me, I wonder if you can make Lin satisfied"

"There is nothing he wants in this life, he just wants to do his best to fight"

"Until this body disappears"

Ma Yuan wandered out of the circle and showed a **** and warlike smile to the heir to the palace.

At this moment, the heroic summoning is completed, and the smallest and grandest war is unveiled. ,, ..

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