Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 11 Chapter 2: king

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"To this point, fall"

Ma Yuan said with a sonorous voice, thinking of the two people who were already dumb opposite. And at this moment, Wei Gongqi and Alice Phil really saw the man in front of him that was beyond his original plan. The upright height exudes a scorching war intention, just standing there makes people feel as if facing a wild ancient beast with fangs showing off, a very heavy black-red beast copper warframe shows Its owner is not a man without hands. The angular face showed a kind of even frantic smile, which made people feel extremely uneasy. The whole person is just standing there, making people's eyes seem to be only him, which is a sense of existence that can be comparable to the world.

This is a fierce god, and Wei Gong cut he thought in his mind that he made the judgment almost the first time. This is a strong man who has experienced more than him from the blood of the corpse mountain.

"Wait, rudeness!" Just as Wei Gong cut heirs about to say something, there was a sound like a clear spring suddenly beside him, which made Wei Gong cut hesitantly and looked over, "Look Get up, you're in trouble"

"Oh, rude, what do you mean, little girl?" Ma Yuan turned his eyes behind him, revealing a bloodthirsty expression to the figure behind him. "Or, what do you think of me?"

"I am the hero who came to the war through a formal summoning ceremony, and who are you?" The voice came from a petite figure behind Ma Yuan. Unlike Ma Yuan, that person's figure was slightly shorter, But the expression on her master's face showed that she was not a weak person.

Yes, she. This made Ma Yuan ask curiously, "When can even women participate in the Holy Grail War, really, are you kidding me?"

"Before I was a woman, I was a king, please respect my identity, otherwise I will have to show you a sword"

"Oh, can anyone achieve the level of sharp swords at the first meeting? It seems that they are not reasonable people."

"You guys!"

"Okay, okay, you two calm down first." Alice Phil at the side finally uttered her voice and stepped forward to separate the two from the middle. "Well, no matter what, both of you will first introduce "Be yourself," Alice Phil said with a smile.

"That's fine, then let me come first," said the petite woman, and took a step back to make a standard knightly salute, saying: "King of Britain, Arthur Artoria · Pendragon, following the call of the Holy Grail. This war of the Holy Grail was born with Saber. I ask you, are you my Master?"

"Knight King, great, cut heir! We got the ace this time, cut heir!" Alice Phil looked at the girl in front of her with joy, and said cheerfully, as if it were a little girl, while the guard next to him Gong Qiji's gaze turned to Ma Yuan, who was smiling next to him, "What about you?"

"Me? The name of this life is called Ma Yuan. You can call me Ma Yuan, of course." Behind Ma Yuan's hands, "I still have a name, that's why I should come from this war."


"In the past, I am the overlord, overwhelm the imperial industry, and fight the world!"

"In this life, I will become the overlord, for the evil, the fierce, the main killer, the good swordsman!"

"Now, can you give me some time to learn the basics of modern times, because my path is probably not so formal, so I am not infused with modern knowledge from the beginning of the advent of other regular heroes as the basis of customized strategies Content, I need a lot of knowledge"

"Also, this little girl who claims to be a cavalier king, I think as a companion in the same camp, should we know each other well?" Speaking of this, Ma Yuan laughed. "Or say, we, go out Learn about it?"


After seeing Ma Yuan’s laughter, Wei Gong cut heirs and felt that something was awkward. When they wanted to dissuade, they heard a loud noise when they left, and both of them behind lost their figures. A violent hurricane blew towards the two, almost knocking them down.

"Hey, what is this! Cut heir, think of a way!" Alice Phil shouted anxiously, looking at the ground that was cracked by the shock wave in front of him and the seat next to him that was blown by the wind, and anxiously shouted. "It seems that I really summoned two guys who made me have a headache." Wei Gong cut his head with his brain and rushed out with Alice Phil.

As a thousand-year-old magic family, Einzberen has in his hands the wealth that ordinary people cannot imagine, and the garden square outside the church is also surprisingly large, but it can allow two super-special heroes to fully play.

The bright moonlight fell on the two people in the square, pulling out a long shadow, and Saber was angrily questioning the man in front of him,

"What the **** do you want to do!"

"Well, don't care about these details, just exchanges between comrades in arms"

"After all, my companion does not need the weak!"

Ma Yuan laughed wildly, and sent an invitation to war to Saber, who was fighting with anger. "Since we are all born kings, let's test each other's strength with the weapons in our hands!"

"Let's fight!" At the end of the sentence, Ma Yuan kicked his feet and appeared in front of Saber in an instant. A spear in his hand slayed forward towards Saber. The terrifying speed made Saber's pupils shrink and his body was unpredictable before the brain was running. Raised the weapon in his hand and waved it out, trying to resist the violent shot, and then made plans.

It's a pity that Saber was wrong, and the error was very ridiculous. She didn't expect that Ma Yuan's seemingly hasty shot actually contained powerful and unparalleled power, and immediately flew her out!

"What! How is it possible!" Saber thought in horror as she flew backwards in the air at a very fast speed until it hit a wall, bursting the wall into countless spider web cracks. "Great power, who is he?" Just as Saber pondered, a big shadow appeared in front of her.

The shadow is stabbing her with a gun!

"Saber!!!!!!!!!!!!", ...

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