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"You guys, just give me a little bit!" Saber looked at Ma Yuan who was going to put him to death, and he couldn't help but feel angry, facing out the coming shot with his own resistance, "Wind King Iron Hammer!" Saber liberated the treasure attached to the weapon in his hand,


The violent wind raged and disturbed the eyes. The shock wave brought by the powerful wind forced Ma Yuan to withdraw the gun in his hand. The figure bowed slightly and instantly returned to the place where it was at the beginning, silently looking at the weapon in Saber’s hand, “ By winding several layers of wind to change the refractive index of the light to cover the enchantment of the sword body," he looked at Saber with interest. "It seems that the spirit really has a lot of good things."

Saber finally relied on the liberation of "Wind King Enchantment" to get back a move and got the opportunity to reshape her posture. She prepared the third shot and the attack of Ma Yuan at a very fast speed, but found that Ma Yuan was just a stand There, her eyes glared at her, and the scorching eyes made her feel disgusted.

"You guys, when I was unprepared at first, and now stop fighting, what the **** do you want to do!"

"Well, I only want to look at your weapons with thoughts. That’s the treasure of the wind just now." Ma Yuan smiled. "Is it possible to cover up your weapons through the change of light refraction? The style of weapons is not as clean as the master. "

"You guy" Saber has been completely irritated. Although she as King Arthur has an unimaginable energy, but I don't know why she had an unbearable feeling from the beginning when she saw Ma Yuan, as if the two were born. The enemy, there is absolutely an absolute difference between the two.

Having settled his mind, Saber calmed down again, "Ma Yuan, I don't care who you are, but since you started this battle, then you don't want to go hastily." Saber's face showed a high level of war 'S smile, "Still say, you can only rely on a sneak attack to take advantage of me when you are not prepared, are you afraid to confront me head-on?" Qing Qing's voice like Qingquan issued a provocation to the man opposite.

"Do you provoke me, little girl, then come to an upright battle!" Ma Yuan roared, bursting into a powerful speed again, and suddenly hit Saber in front of him. The gun in his hand changed its usual usage and was powerful. Shen smashed it down, and Saber, who was ready, picked it up slightly. Even if she is ready, Ma Yuan's power is not something she can compete against head-on. In a blink of an eye Saber made a plan to respond to the enemy with skill. When the shadowless sword was turned over in his hand, he slipped out Ma Yuan’s gun. With a backhand stab, he thrust the holy sword in his hand to Ma Yuan’s face. The principle is that the tail of the gun is picked, just in the middle of the barrel to block the tip of Saber's sword, rubbing out bursts of Mars, and then the barrel is subtly inclined at an angle, so that Saber's holy sword loses its focus and loses its foothold. The sword leaned forward, Ma Yuan held the gun alone, and the other hand grabbed forward, looking at Saber's panicked face, and said with a smile, "Catch you!"

Then he grabbed Saber's face and pressed down hard!


The ground hit by the weight instantly cracked, and numerous stones were spattered. Just before Saber had not responded, she was caught by a powerful big hand, and was thrown out fiercely, her body Tossed high in the sky, and then Ma Yuan flew in an instant, and immediately flew above Saber, showing a bright smile to her, and then throwing his spear in Saber's incredible eyes,


Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! ! ! !

The powerful impact of the spear burst out in a very small space, and the air was crushed into seven segments of sound, which was clearly resounded in Saber’s ear.



Saber was smashed into the ground again, and this time, Ma Yuan did not chase after the victory, but fell quickly from the air, causing a huge shock wave on the ground, putting a lance in his hand on the ground, and he was smiling. Leaning on the spear, watching Saber in the mist.

"Cough, you, you guys, who the **** are you, why?" Saber stumbled to his feet in the mist, breathing out the sword with both hands.

The empty surroundings exude a ticking sound.

That was the sound of the blood flowing from Saber's head ticking to the ground.


After the chase, Wei Gong and Alice Phil saw the severely injured Saber and the pestle next to him with a flawless smile. The pupils suddenly shrank, and the two immediately trot to Saber's side to check Saber's injury. When the two people approached, they couldn't help but take a breath of breath. I saw Saber's holy face covered with dust and blood, which was the magic blood transformed by the high degree of etherification However, Saber himself was so weak that he couldn't even stand upright. He could only rely on the sword with both hands to keep his body from falling to the ground.

"Saber, I'll treat you right away!" Alice Phil said distressedly, and then quickly started the magic chant, the green light radiated from her hand, and Saber's injury was also visible to the naked eye, and the body began to slow down. Slow recovery. And Wei Gong cut heir to look at Ma Yuan dignified, "Why do you want to do this?" Wei Gong cut heir asked in a deep voice, "Why? If you want me to give you a reason, then Just"

"I like"

"By the way, my caller, this holy grail war came from you, there should be good news and bad news"

"The good news is, congratulations, you have two followers, one is the strongest Saber, and the other is me, as for my job description, hehe, you can see the summoner yourself."

"And the bad news, I think you should have discovered that you still only have three spells on your body, so you are only a master of Saber, you can only use the spell to strengthen or control Saber, and I" Ma Yuan lifted With his right hand, he exposed the three beautiful guns on the back of his hand. "And I hope you can give me a reason to persuade me to let me help you, otherwise." He lowered his hand and turned to look By the bright moon in the sky, "Otherwise, I don't mind being on the battlefield, and then stir up the muddy water," said, his whole body dissipated into a blood red light spot, and quietly dispersed. Only three people were left looking at him with complicated eyes. ,, ..

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