Thousand Blades of Death

: 4. In the name of Overlord

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Einzbelen, castle hall.

"Really, Saber, why can he give you such a ruthless hand?" Alice Phil complained about Ma Yuan's heavy hand while supporting Saber, and his delicate face was full of complaining expressions.

"I'm okay, Alice Phil, although he suddenly shot me for no reason, which made me very angry, but as a soldier, fighting the enemy with all his strength in battle is respecting the glory of the enemy and respecting himself. , And through the collision between weapons, I can also feel that Ma Yuan is not the kind of person we think, that hot and scorching breath is definitely an upright hero," Saber said with a frown, as a hero She has vitality and immortality far beyond mortal imagination, as long as the magic power is enough to quickly return to the most vigorous state, so she does not need Alice Phil’s help, but Alice Phil is stubborn like a child You have to help her, and arrogantly say to go to Ma Yuan to find justice for Saber,

"It's true, I have said that I have learned from each other, why do I still have such a ruthless hand?" Alice Phil muttered next to her, and heard Saber's calm face twitching, clearly a magical spirit The body felt a feeling of powerlessness... Saber was actually confused. He was clearly the king of Britain. He listened to the official business reported below every day, but he couldn’t adapt to Alice Phil’s grunt?

So, a woman is really a species with outstanding combat effectiveness. The blood that bleeds for seven days a month makes the king unbearable. The combat strength is simply out of the group...cough, far away

Regardless of Saber's helplessness and powerlessness towards Alice Phil over there, Wei Gongqi is silently smoking a cigarette in his narration, and in his mind is thinking about what Ma Yuan said and the information he saw before. It's amazing that even if Wei Gongqi is only Ma Yuan's summoner instead of his Master, he didn't respond to his spell, but he clearly saw Ma Yuan's heroic information. Compare the Saber he saw. Information, so that he has been surprised until now.

Master: Ma Yuan

Real name:; Ma Yuan (Xiang Yu)

Position: overlorder

Gender: male

Height and weight: 187cm90kg

Attribute: Chaos·Neutral

Strength: A++

Durability: EX

Agility: A

Magic: C

Lucky: C

Treasure: A+~EX

Master: Wei Palace cut heir

Real name: Altolia Pendragon

Position: Saber

Gender: female

Height and weight: 154cm42kg

Attribute: Order·Good

Tendon: B

Durability: A

Agility: A

Magic: A

Lucky: D

Treasure: A++

Durability at EX level!

In previous holy wars, Saber, Lancer, and Archer are all three major heroes and are proud of the other four major agents. The heroes who are eligible to become the three knights are the best in the spirit, the famous characters of myths and legends, and Saber as Among the three knights, the most demanding agents are even more demanding on the attributes of the heroes. The heroes who can compete with Saber are often referred to as "God of War", "Emperor" and "Hero" in myths and legends. The prestigious extremely powerful and versatile character, King Arthur, as the core character of Celtic legends, has the highest attribute in all previous Sabers. It stands to reason that from the numerical point of view, the comprehensive attribute The highest should be Saber.

However, God knows why Wei Gong cut heir to summon Xiang Yu, a strong man with a strength of EX grade, to summon it! In addition to the EX-level muscle strength, Ma Yuan's comprehensive attribute is completely crushing Saber!

However, this person's Master is not him!

Even with the ruthless character such as Wei Palace cut heirs, he can't help moaning in his heart, how to fight this holy grail war......

Moreover, Xiang Yu...

Why is it Xiang Yu! The Holy Grail war is based on the system of Western myths and legends. Why did it call out this **** of killing? !

Overlorder! What the **** is this job agent!

Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu, was born with divine power, capable of carrying power. Soon after the uprising in Daze Township, Xiang Yu rose after beheading the county guard in Kuaiji County and raised his troops against Qin. After the battle of the giant deer, he led the army into the customs, annihilated Qin with five princes, and shocked the sea. At that time, the battle divided the world, and the eighteenth road princes were sealed. Sima Qian commented: "Every big government is from Yu Yu, known as the Western Chu Overlord, and the same power as the emperor. Although the position does not end, it has not been tasted since ancient times.

The Han Dynasty records that Yu Zili became the uncle of the Western Chubo, the ancient "overlord", and the uncle of the uncle Jizhong, meaning the boss of the king and the king of the kings.

It has to be said that Xiang Yu can be called the lonely Eastern Empire’s first general in thousands of years. "St." Guan Yu will not work! Even in the era when the stars are shining and everyone is like a dragon, there is still no one who can match him!

The first warrior in thousands of years! Nothing more than this!

When a person is too far away and a great hero, he will be known by people in various myths, such as Chiyou's bravery and five dead horses, and the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan is regarded as the "soldier master", who is in charge of killing the sword soldiers in the world. As for the belief that it is directly deified into "Wu Sheng", the adult lives in the hearts of the people, enjoying the incense of the world, and relying on the power of faith for thousands of years to promote their own life step by step, known as the eternal god!

Although the Great Qin Empire was short-lived, as the first unified central empire in history, his prosperity and heritage are conceivable, not to mention the giants like wolves, the brave Qin soldiers alone, plus The Qin people are thick and tough, and this is how the people of the world can't covet the big Qin.

Qin people eat grass, Qin people are awesome.

But it was such an empire that destroyed a fire in the hands of one person, yes, one person.

Xiang Yu! Born to be king! Unmatched!

Wei Gong, who had done great homework for the Holy Grail War, thought about his history, and his mind was in a trance, but he still had a little doubt.

"If he is Xiang Yu, why would he call Ma Yuan..."

He murmured, but he never thought that the protagonist in his mouth was standing on the highest point of the castle, looking at the star tonight with his hands on his back.

"It turns out that the war that was supposed to be a seven-person war has more variables than me"

"Haha, after I die, whichever he floods!"

"Since God has given me a chance to be reborn, why can't I grasp it well"

"The all-powerful cauldron for fulfilling all wishes, I hope you can satisfy me"

"Holy grail", ...

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