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Inherent skills

Autonomous action (A+): As a natural overlord, no one can control you, and you can't give the order of the foundation to the hands of outsiders, but you can give you a certain person to peep the subordinate qualification of the king's secret treasure. , The person with the Master qualification you specified can get the enhancement of your spell and get your complete information and can re-select the Master at any time, but the Lutheran as the overlord prevents you from choosing the second person as your new Master, and if If you disagree, you can still block certain information at will.

overbearing! This is the first and only appraisal of Ma Yuan's skill by three people!

Where does Master's greatest control over Servant come from? Of course it is a spell! Whether it is forced, strengthened, or traversed through space, with the help of Lingman, there are few things that cannot be done. It can be said that Lingman is the most basic and the most brilliant strengthening ability!

And Ma Yuan can not only designate the Master according to his own wishes, but also use the spell to strengthen the Master in the reverse direction, which is a top ace in a critical moment! And Ma Yuan can also hide his information according to his own wishes, even his own Master can't know!


Ma Yuan, who showed her skills, saw the expression of horror and breath in Wei Gong Qiji and others. Lian Shan smiled with a bad taste. He tilted his head and looked at Wei Gong cut heir with a smile.

Wei Gong cut heirs, the whole person shook, and the body that had been battle-hardened actually felt a chill...

In fact, Ma Yuan may have a black belly, or he is black all over...

"Alice Phil, I don't need you to explain anything to me. I just don't want you to die so early. After all, you are just a few people I agree with in this world, without any psychological burden." Ma Yuan Waving his hand, he organized the complicated face that Alice Phil wanted to say.

"People with such a red heart are rare in this world. I hope I can change your destiny in the end. After all, some things are enough just once." Ma Yuan secretly felt sad. And the nearby Wei Gong cut heir has been dizzy by the big pie falling from the sky.

Can not be dizzy! In the past two days, he has tried his best to find a way to control Ma Yuan. Unfortunately, in addition to playing with Saber and reading books, these two days, Ma Yuan stared at the starry sky, or found the Einds Belen family even with his breath. I don’t know where to go to steal wine...

This made the painstaking Wei Gong Qi he sighed in the sky and sighed how he had brought such a scourge to his home, and every time he smiled at Umahara's pair of smiling eyes every time he fled by himself.

Now Ma Yuan suddenly proposed to make Alice Phil his Master. How could he be unhappy, and even if it was not for the purpose of controlling the combat power, Alice Phil's body has always been a dharma on his head. The blade of Chris doesn't know when it will fall. My family knows their own affairs. Although he sent Avalon into her body, Ma Yuan now undoubtedly added another layer of insurance!

"It's not too late, let's start the ritual now!" Wei Gong cut down his mind and began to urge it, "Do I need to do anything, or do I need to build the magic circle again?"

Ma Yuan waved his hand, "It's not so much! As long as Alice Phil, you can stand here, but" He glanced at Wei Gong once again, with an inexplicable expression in his eyes, "Saber, wait if What's wrong with him, you can help me chop him"

"Why do I have to listen to you!" "Why have you chopped me!!" Saber and Wei Gongqi he roared at the same time, and they felt like they were all kings and killers of Britain This person is vulnerable to a blow and can always be touched anytime, anywhere.

"Alice Phil, I ask you, are you willing to be my Master, sign this sincere vow from the King, and accompany me until this world collapses?"

"Why, why do you ask so..." Ma Yuan's completely solemn expression made Alice Phil feel a little uncomfortable, and his words made Alice Phil a little uneasy, "I Ma Yuan, this life without him, finally promised, you If I am willing to be my Master, and I will never give up on me, I will take my hands back to victory for you"

"This life and this world, only fight for you!"

"Even if you die, even if you betray, even if you are desperate, even if you lose, I will leave you the last drop of blood!"

Ma Yuan's sonorous voice resounded through the hall.

The infected Alice Phil did not notice the shock and obstruction of the cut-off heir at the side guard palace, while Saber was more shocked than others. As a knight king, she highly respected moral fidelity. The spirit of death and perseverance touched her, and she did not even find out that she began to emit magic light from her body, and began to change from blue to light red, although no one found it.

"Please stretch out your hand!" Alice Phil stretched out her right hand speechlessly. The blood vessels on the white right hand gradually became clear, and a strange shape began to surface.

The shape, like a gun shadow, like a fierce armor, like a war horse. Like heroic.

Upon seeing this, Ma Yuan smiled happily. "Hahahaha, Alice Phil, you are indeed my God!" Ma Yuan became more and more mad, he suddenly grabbed Alice Phil's hand, fiercely Knelt down on the ground, put his mouth in the hands in front of him, tore it hard, and sucked it up!

"Ah!!!!!!" Suddenly, the body lost a lot of blood, and the severe pain in the fingers exceeded the expectation. Alice Phil called out, and the body was very painful. Blocked, but stopped by Saber next to him, just about to say something, but Saber's sudden awe-inspiring breath and some faint bloodthirsty breath similar to Ma Yuan just stopped him, and he could only stare at him for a moment. A painful Alice Phil.

Don't go by.

Saber shook his head, expressing his meaning. She believed that Ma Yuan would not harm Alice Phil. And when Saber just wanted to look back at the situation, what happened in front of him caused Saber's eyes to shrink to the extreme, shouting sternly,

"Ma Yuan!!!!!!!!!"

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