Thousand Blades of Death

: 7. Bloodthirsty

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"Ma Yuan!!!!!!!!!"

Saber looked back and saw Ma Yuan suddenly screaming sternly in blood.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha!!! This is blood! This is the smell of blood!! The long-lost **** air!!" Just when Saber was about to rush next to Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan was mad Smiled, and after receiving Alice Phil's blood, he began to violently somehow, and his body was full of blood, as if a fierce **** came out of the blood of the corpse mountain, and Alice Phil was pale, A look of excessive blood loss, the whole person reveals an amazing pale morbid beauty, and the Wei Gong cut heir who wants to separate the two is shocked by Ma Yuan's huge blood to the ground.

"Don't come to Saber, I am very good now, very good, better than ever!"

"How long has it been, and finally, finally, the smell of origin again?"

"In the world that could not be awakened at all, I finally found the place where I should come. It turned out that my mission to come here is this, ha ha ha ha ha!!"

"The most original evil breath"

"Alice Phil! It's my turn to make up for you!"

"The purest breath of blood should be a great supplement for you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang! ! ! ! The huge cyclone that filled the whole room burst into a sudden burst, and then the huge blood turned into a whirlwind that rushed to Alice Phil's body at a very fast speed. The pale face suddenly began to blush, and the whole person exhaled The radiant charm, the body twisting unbearably, as if something changed inside the body.

Of course, it must be a good change. At least Alice Phil's temperament, which was like a weak willow wind, slowly turned into a feeling of grace and calmness.

The blood of the two people constitutes a perfect circulation. The blood of the two people sticks together like glue. You have me, and you have me. It can be said that now Alice Phil and Ma Yuan are the two closest people in the world. Individuals have the same blood in their bodies, and no one can separate them.

At this moment, everything is peaceful.


"Look at Ma Yuan! This is the country where Che Si was born. I'm flying for the first time!" Alice Phil walked down the stairs excitedly, stroking her hair with one hand and said to Ma Yuan excitedly, "Yes Ma Yuan, you didn’t have such a convenient thing in those days, how do you feel about it, the first time you take a plane?"

"Oh, you still have to ask Saber about this question." Lin Tianya smiled gracefully, as if he was a noble boy. The curved corner of his mouth means that he is in a good mood now, while the back Saber is indifferent. Go forward, "There is nothing to say, this flight experience is not so good, and my riding skill is A, I can control all but the Divine Beast and Eudemons, if necessary, just step on the saddle, hand Pulling the reins, I can also drive this thing called an airplane"---

"Saddle, reins..." Alice Phil's eyes widened, apparently struck by no small impact. And Ma Yuan next to him had long expected a serious Saber to say such a snicker.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"It's okay, it's okay, the person who picks us up is coming, hurry up, Ma Yuan, Saber"

The three of them walked into the airport lobby with a smile, and on the way out, the three of them made a lot of eyeballs. The prototype of Alice Phil is "Dongmu Shengmu", regardless of temperament and appearance, but Saber has a good figure. It's petite, but the outfit with Saber's noble arrogance is enough to be amazing, not to mention the golden hair and grandma's green eyes added to her nobleness.

When everyone turned their eyes to Ma Yuan, they were even more attracted to the eye. Alice Phil and Saber were wearing modern clothes. Only Ma Yuan was wearing an extremely gorgeous black bottom gilt robe, which was exposed outside the clothes. The skin radiates a soft glow like white jade, and the long hair like black satin carefully pierces a bun, with a jade hairpin passing through the middle, and the whole person exudes amazing charm.

Well, the premise is that when he is quiet...

As they walked out of the airport, the three saw the black car that came to meet them, and it was weird that the very high-end black car was like a trailer with a huge iron box dragged behind it, so that people could not see what was inside .

"Waiting for a long time, ma'am, everybody," the bodyguard who got off the car said with congratulations, "Mr. Lin, we have delivered what you requested."

"Oh?" He laughed. "The efficiency of this group of people is still okay." He walked behind the box and kicked the door of the iron box with one foot, and then dragged out the contents with one hand.


When the contents inside came out, it seemed that the entire world's eyes were focused on it.

Special suspension system, four huge wheels, four-wheel design tightly juxtaposed front and back, fully suspended wheels.

Seeing him at first glance, it was a beast.

Ma Yuan looked at the beast and smiled with satisfaction. He patted the seat and said to the two: "Now, Alice, Saber, do you want to sit up?"

"what is this?"

"Madam, this is the "Dodge Tomahawk" motorcycle produced by the American Chrysler Automobile Company. It uses the engine of the aircraft and the tires of the sports car. It has been modified by our own magic. The maximum speed can reach 1000KM/h. Mr. Yuan specially customized"

Dodge Tomahawk!

American Chrysler Corporation launched the world's fastest motorcycle in 2003, but after Ma Yuan took one night with their company, he was born more than ten years in advance... and the normal Dodge Tomahawk top speed is 678km/h h, and the principle of Einzbelen and Ma was transformed into a 1000km/h by the heartbroken! To know that the speed of sound is only 1200km/h!

In any case, Ma Yuan fell in love with this grim beast the first time he saw him!

"It doesn't matter, my riding skills are not lower than Saber, come on!"

Before the two women responded, Ma Yuan dragged the two women up one by one, and slammed out in the exclamation of the two women!

When the three came to the villa in the temporary station, the three reacted differently. Ma Yuan was satisfied, Saber was worried, and Alice Phil...

She has hung her whole body on Ma Yuan and dared not come down...

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