Thousand Blades of Death

: Eight. See you first

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"Sorry! Ellie! I really didn't mean it!"

Ma Yuan, who had just got the Tomahawk, and his two daughters turned around in the city again and again. When they reached the temporary stronghold, it was already dark. Ma Yuan folded his hands and begged Alice Phil, who was sulking on the sofa, and kept glancing at Saber next to him. Unfortunately, Saber also looked at him vigorously, which seemed useless.

Also, even the heroes can't stand the speed of soaring from near still to near-sonic speed. After Ma Yuan's modification, the Dodge Tomahawk can soar directly to the highest speed. On the road, both of them are stunned...

Of course, except that he is so mad...

"Saber" saw Alice still ignoring herself, and he stood up with a bitter smile. "I went out and patrolled, just try my hand again." He blinked at Saber and lost his figure instantly.

"Now, Saber, you said Ma Yuan is he angry?" Alice Phil heard that Ma Yuan was leaving, but when she just wanted to look back, she found that she had lost her figure and asked Saber anxiously. "It's okay, Ma Yuan should have just seen something, just go out and investigate it, Aili, don't think about it"

Saber comforted Alice Phil and looked out, "Is it another follower?"

Boom! Ma Yuan was rushing on the road, and the speed reached the highest speed! Pedestrians on the road only felt a gust of wind passing by them, but could not see anything.

"Is it a curse? The young man who looks weak and can't help but turns out to be the master, and the tall and ridiculous red-haired muscular man next to him, should also be a famous hero in history. I really want to fight once!"


"Ah, that's enough. Didn't I tell you to keep being spiritualized, why did you run out without permission!" A thin boy shouted at the big man with a height of more than two meters next to him, And the big man just turned over and looked at the things on the shelf. Suddenly, his eyes flicked, and he picked up the little boy who was still chattering like a chick. "When I leave the devil, I feel a strong enemy. Approaching quickly, the red-haired big man grinned abruptly, "comparable to the speed of Shenwei wheels, which makes me, Rider, unable to bear it. Come and see the heroes from all time and space!"

"Ah? Are there other followers coming, how come so fast, ah ah ah let me down!"

"Hahaha left the devil!"

The red-haired big man laughed and took the boy to stride out, ignoring the surprised eyes of the people around, strode out, and quickly ran to a place where no one was. The red-haired big man quickly put on his costume, that is The ancient Mediterranean-style armor and the blood-red cloak that marked the king, he took out the tribute of the Cypriot king, called the "Cypriot sword", and slashed to the sky.

"I want to use this to stabilize the hegemony!"

The sword fell and thunder rose.

The sky quickly dimmed, a large cloud quickly turned into a cloud vortex, a thunderbolt from the center of the cloud vortex split in front of the two, a burst of smoke was rolled up, the red-haired big man waved hard, and the dust quickly dispersed in between, showing up from the middle What came out was a chariot like the mount of the gods. As a tribute to the **** Zeus by the Roman emperor, not two horses but two cows were used to pull the cart. The thunderbolt burst out on the cow's body. Unmatched power.

"Get in the car, imp!"

"Ah, really, why are you always so rude, ah ah, don't leave suddenly!"

"Sit down, devil! The conquering king went to Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Interestingly, the breath of the **** cow and thunder and lightning, the symbol of strength and kingship, looks not too boring!"

Two monsters that also have non-human speed are rushing towards each other.

The first battle of the holy grail war is about to start in this night.

"I said, aren't you Rider, why is the other party's speed as fast as you?"

"Sa, kid, you have to remember that there are heroes who are famous for their speed in history. Even if they are not introduced as Riders, there will always be one or two exceptions. Of course, the conquering king will not be inferior to anyone."

"Oh, here we come"

In the distance between them, a figure accompanied by smoke and dust quickly rushed out, perhaps surprised by the speed of the other party, and the conquered king looked at the strange shape of the Dodge Battle Axe,

"What kind of tank is this, in a strange shape, but it still has such a fast speed"

"Sprinkle, maybe it's some kind of new magic dress..."

You can't blame two people with a face of dullness. One of them is the king of Macedonia, and the other is a rookie magician. How could it be possible to understand the crystallization of this technological monster that was born decades ago...

Perhaps it was dissatisfied with his speed. The figure in the distance stood up directly from the strange tank and shot it out!

Amazing! perfect! A shot that spanned time and space and all things in the world completely occupied the realization of conquering the king and the teenager. This gun overbearingly ruled out everything in the sight of the two, leaving only this shot!


At the moment when the two were about to be shot, the **** cow who conquered the chariot underneath the king suddenly roared, and a burst of powerful lightning threw a spear at the air, directly hitting the spear back to the original owner’s hand, and himself It also exhausted energy and dissipated in the air.

I am already dead!

Strong illusions attacked the two, Weber gasped, his eyes full of deep affection. And Iskandar's eyes were full of excited expressions, "Ha ha ha ha!!! This is the talent who can accompany this king to conquer the world!!"

"The king is the conquering king Iskandar! This holy grail war is born with Rider's staff, no one can use troops in front of the king!"

"Oh, conquer the king?"

Iskandar, historically known as "Alexander the Great". Born in Pella City, the capital of the Kingdom of Macedonia, he studied under the famous Greek scholar Aristotle. He went with his father at the age of eighteen and inherited the throne at the age of twenty. It is the greatest military genius in European history and the most famous conqueror of the Macedonian Empire. Talented, brave and warlike.

"It turns out to be you, conquer the king. Are you my natural and overbearing express?"

"Conquer Wang Yo, I hope you don't let me down",.

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