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In a year in hell, I dreamed about this moment, so I could persevere.

Both Aoi's husband and Sakura's father. The person who tramples on the happiness of the mother and daughter has got everything that Tong Yanye longed for, and despised everything that Zhong Tongyan night longed for.

Now is the time for shame. The hatred rolling in his chest turned into a sword, and it was time to challenge the man.

I am going to kill you.

Dead assassin! Let me destroy Archer for you! !

At this time, no one knows where a magical torrent came from, which no one expected.

In everyone's stunned gaze, the magic curled up gradually solidified into a row, turning into a stubborn figure.

The shadow stands. It is about two blocks closer to the sea than the four lanes of the Lancer and Saber battlefields. Yes, his posture can only be described by shadow.

The tall man with broad shoulders was covered in armor. However, the silver armor tightly wrapped around Saber is not the same as Archer's luxurious gold armor.

The man's armor is black. No delicate decoration, no shiny colors.

From this point of view, Ma Yuan's armor is somewhat similar to this unknown hero.

Extremely black like darkness and hell. Even his face was covered by a helmet. Deep in the tiny gap between helmets. I can only see the rash of human eyes glowing like burning fire.

It was like the light of the Avengers who climbed up from the edge of **** like his master.

"Aoao Aoah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Like crying, and like an extremely angry roar coming from the mouth covered by the armor, it was a roar filled with curse.


"I said to conquer the king, don't you go to surrender to him?" Lancer teased Rider with a frivolous tone. Rider frowned at the words.

"Even if I want to, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who can communicate"

"Boy, what level is that from here?"

Weber was asked by Rider. The short Master just shook his head blankly.

"Unable to judge. Can't judge at all!"

"What? Are you not the most powerful Master, can you clearly determine who has the highest mana and who has the lowest mana, right?"

Once you become the master of the contract with the heroes, they are granted the perspective to see through the value of other Servant abilities. The Holy Grail war invites the spirits to participate, and only grants this special ability to the Master. It is impossible for a generation Master like Alice Phil to have this ability. Rider's official Master Webb can compare the capabilities of Rider and other Servants, and then formulate strategies to make the battle move in a favorable direction. Now Weber has grasped the capabilities of Saber, Lancer and Archer in front of him. but

"I can't see his identity! The black guy must be Servant. But I can't see his ability at all!"

Hearing Webber's embarrassed excuse, Rider frowned and stared at the Black Knight again.

The black armor does not show any characteristics and personality. There is nothing to suggest that the identity of the person in black is not better. It is better to say that the more they look, the more unclear, and the more blurred.

"It seems to be a tough enemy"

Saber heard Alice Phil's whisper and nodded, but when he looked at Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan looked at him playfully.

Why are you looking at me like this? Saber thought suspiciously, and at the same time cast a disgruntled look at Ma Yuan who didn't take a word from now to now, and then realized that he was reacting, and even he was shocked.

What's wrong with me.

"That hero seems to have the special ability to confuse his attributes or curse." Saber shook his head, shook his cranky thoughts out, and Shen Sheng explained to Alice Phil.

"It's more than that. Under the eyes of the four opponents, it must not be taken lightly."

"Why materialize at this time"

"Let the followers break into this kind of melee bravely like this, can only think that the other party's master's idea is unique."

"Maya, continue to monitor Assassin, and I will find the master of Berserker"

The strength of this war is to blame, Wei Gong cuts heirs...

Everyone present must have watched the Black Knight's every move with suspicion and vigilance. But there is one exception. Archer's blushing eyes, without doubt and confusion, just looked down on Berserker with a simple murderous look.

The black knight gazed at him with a creepy gaze. The Golden Hero accurately caught the Black Knight's gaze.

"You mad dog, who allowed you to look at me?" As he said, the golden light curtain behind Archer turned in one direction, and the treasure was aimed at the dark heroes below.

"At least use your splits to please me, bastard!"

Along with the grim declaration, the gun and the sword flew together in the air.

Without even touching, we fired a weapon that didn't know where it appeared. That's why it's called a golden shooter. However, it is very unusual to use treasures so sloppyly. To Ying Ling, the treasure is his own child, and throwing such an important treasure like a stone throwing it recklessly is a very sloppy throw.

In other words, a very wasteful and inefficient attack.

Nevertheless, the destructive power is huge. The pavement was blown up, as if the bomb exploded, and the asphalt turned into dust splashing around, covering all the vision.

Everyone held their breath.

In the misty dust, the long black shadow swayed and appeared.

Berserker is still there. He moved his foot a little, and the pavement under his feet became rocky and cracked. As a result, among the guns and swords thrown by Archer, the gun that flew slightly behind missed the target. The sword that was supposed to fly in front of the target, did not cause any damage.

why? Because the sword is in Berserker's hands.

How many people can clearly understand the attack and defense launched so quickly? At least neither Weber nor Alice Phil could understand what happened.

The correct process is to be the first sword to fly. Berserker grabbed it easily. Berserker then used the obtained sword to repulse the next spear that flew as a second blow.

"That guy, is it really Berserker?!" Lancer squeezed unconsciously, the spear in his hand, said in a solemn voice.

"Even if you lose your mind, is there any martial art carved in the body and soul"

"Ma Yuan chuckled and looked at Saber.

"Saber, you're in trouble..." "..."

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