Thousand Blades of Death

: Sixteen · Wushuang

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"That guy, is it really Berserker?!" Lancer asked in a low voice as if he was squeezing the weapon in his hand as if seeking security. , Palms are already cold sweat.

"From the point of being mad and irrational, the skill is really good"

The black knight looked up at Archer, holding the gold long sword snatched from Archer with one hand. Now it should be said that it is a black long sword. The red stripes spread from the black knight extend to the weapon, thus occupying the weapon as Already.

"You even touched my treasure with your dirty hands, do you want to die like that. Wild dog!"

Archer's surroundings shone again. A new group of treasures, a total of sixteen, appeared suddenly behind his face that surrounded Wei Wei.

Not just guns and swords. There is also an axe. There are mallets and spears. There are some strange weapons that do not know their purpose and nature.

All the treasures were polished as bright as mirrors, and they rolled a huge magic power. Each treasure embodies a sense of mystery that is not inferior, these are veritable heroic trump cards.

"How can it be!"

"I will see how long your bad itchy habit can last!"

"Come, let me see"

Ma Yuan looked at the flashing golden light curtain in the air, and the greed in his heart became more and more uncontrollable.

"Steal him!"

A magical voice roared and roared in Ma Yuan's heart.

With Archer's order, the group of treasures floating in the void scrambled to kill Berserker.

The roar shook the night air, and the flashes of constant explosion seemed to sweep the entire night sky.

These treasures have produced such a huge destructive power that it is hard to believe that this is just throwing weapons like swords.

Numerous treasures scattered like raindrops on the road of Warehouse Street, as if experiencing carpet bombing.

But Archer's onslaught has not stopped. The treasure fell like a thunder, and the momentum seemed to blow up the location of Berserker and even the entire block. Attacking non-stop. The attack did not stop, but gradually became more and more intense. For some reason, Berserker had no signs of falling down.

"Good strong" Weber looked at the black knight standing in the treasure storm in horror, but didn't find that the horse beside him had already lost track.

Both the attacking side and the defending side go beyond the norm.

If you think about it carefully, Gold Archer and Dark Berserker are different from the other three. They still don't know the name, the heroic spirit is mysterious. Both Saber and Lancer shuddered at the threat posed by the two. If you continue to advance in the Holy Grail war, it is possible to fight these two men. Little is known about them, how should Saber and Lancer respond to them?

The black knight was holding the treasures from the Archer and struck back one by one. Just when he was about to fly the last one, he suddenly found a hand sticking out from the side and firmly holding the last A treasure.

That handle is only a few centimetres away from the Black Knight.

"Eh, material miracles, the certificate of heroes held by Servant. The crystallization of human thoughts of praying for miracles, the strongest weapon called "noble fantasy", armed with human fantasy as a skeleton, this kind of The rare treasures have been used so crudely, even me, the rough man, can’t help but cry.” The master of the hand is playing with the treasure in his hand, and the joking voice exudes teasing and ridicule that will not be used by his master fling in teeth.

This person is really Ma Yuan.

"Really, I can't help but want to plunder your treasure trove completely, Archer." After a moment, Ma Yuan waved his arm and ejected the treasure, hitting Archer's foothold street lamp. The iron pillar of the street lamp shattered like butter. Before the iron pillar crushed bones, Jin Yingling jumped forward and fell casually on the ground, but his body shivered.

How to look at it, it is the ultimate anger.

"You madman, let me, the king who should be looking down on the sky, stand on the same ground as you, even if death is not enough to blame!"

Even if the brows are tight, he will not damage his perfect face. As long as a normal person can see that anger is about to pour out from his eyes, Archer's anger has reached the limit. Carved deeply in the eyebrows, the rising wrinkles turned the beauty into a fierce look.

Archer is too angry. His eyes are like burning red lotus, and he roars while glaring at Berserker and Ma Yuan. A group of weapons appeared again around him. And reverse the space.

This shining treasure has thirty-two pieces.

"You bastard, I'm going to break you up!"

Berserker finally escaped the continuous attack of sixteen treasures. But he didn't expect Archer to use twice as many treasures as he did last time. The other Servant did not expect it. The potential of Gold Archer is beyond anyone can foresee.

"Gilgamesh is serious, he intends to continue to release the Babylonian Gate"

"It's too hasty to continue to use the Slaying Treasure under the eyes of everyone"

"My teacher, please make a decision quickly"

Tosaka Tosaka heard that Yan Feng Qili was transmitting the information through the gem communication device. Hold his head.

Even in the basement of Tosakafu away from the battlefield warehouse street. You can also freely understand what happened. The cooperation with Qi Li, who manipulated the assassin, achieved the expected results. The trend of development should be foolproof.

The characteristic of this rank of Archer is that the treasure is powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say so. Gilgamesh has an outstanding treasure equivalent to the EX level, but the Holy Grail is assigned to his Archer rank. This may be a foregone conclusion. But the result of this is that the heroic king, the sole hero, is given a very high individual action skill, which can only be miscalculated.

It is absolutely undesirable to go all out.

Shi Chen gritted his teeth and stared at the spell on his right hand.

"I am under the power of the order curse, hero king, please be angry and retreat"


"You small people like this have to be advised, I will retreat as a king?, Shichen, you are really brave."

Archer lifted the corner of his mouth in disgust, and lowered his voice and uttered such a sentence. The countless treasures unfolding around him concealed the brilliance and disappeared without a trace.

"Mad Dog, you found a life"

"A few of you hybrids, before the next meeting, the crowd will disappear automatically, I just want to see the real hero"

Archer turned proudly and turned into a golden haze. Before dissipating, he looked at Ma Yuan with a smile in the corner of his mouth. A huge light spot appeared on his body, flew to Ma Yuan's side, and merged into his body.

"You guys, don't die before seeing me next time, bastard",...

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