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"Huh? What?" Ma Yuan surprisedly felt the light spot deep into his body, only to find that he could only see an outline, the outline of a huge golden key.

"Forget it, care about him." Don't even think about it if you don't understand it. Ma Yuan found that no one noticed himself, and returned his sight to the center of the battlefield again.

"It seems that the character of the lord is not as strong as Archer's." Archer's entity disappeared after the final speech. The golden armor lost its texture, leaving only some residual light, then disappeared again.

This is the end that no one expected, and the showdown between Gold and the Dark Knight is over.

Rider grumbled wryly. But everyone knows that this is not an occasion to be so leisurely. Berserker's threat is comparable to Archer, and Berserker is now in front of everyone.

Eyes that shine infinitely deep in the gap between armor. Perhaps it was the loss of the original opponent, hesitantly wandering in the void and then found a new prey, and burned again.

His resentful eyes fixed on Saber, causing a chill to rise behind Saber.


It sounds like a sound rising from the ground. It seems like monsters are doing things and cursing. It is a groan full of resentment, without any semantic meaning.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! !

The black knight is like a human-shaped curse, and his whole body is inflated with murderousness, and he rushes towards Saber wearing silver armor!

"Alice Phil, step back!"

The black knight's momentum like a beast kicked off the asphalt of the road and pushed towards Saber. There was only Saber in his eyes, and there was black murderousness all over his body.

Needless to say, Saber did not dare to carelessly, immediately re-held his sword and entered the defense.

~~~~~~~~~ Sri Lanka!

Berserker was accompanied by the terrible momentum of being close to the ground. The weapon in his hand threw at Saber's head.

Saber did not fear to block Berserker's attack with an invisible sword. But when Saber saw the true face of the weapon, he was dumbfounded.

Tie Zhu's Archer's standing place was cut off by the wreckage of the street light ball that was tumbling to the ground by Berserker. It should be at the same time that Berserker rushed into Saber. Pick it up at your feet.

Holding about two meters of broken iron shavings in his hand, as if holding a gun, Berserker pressed the Saber's sword with terrifying power. But what is surprising is not Berserker's arm strength, but the so-called weapon is just a pile of iron filings.

"It turns out that this is the case, as long as the thing caught by the black will become his own treasure"

The government network groaned with admiration. Saber's sword hidden in the wind king's enchantment is the sword of the sword. Unparalleled supreme treasure. How can it be compared with the flow of iron blocks picked up by the roadside. If you have the strength to fight against Saber's sword, you can only think of the heroic treasure. But Berserker actually did it through his treasure, coupled with a superb martial art, how could it not be convincing.

Berserker used the light pole to make a beautiful gun throwing stunt, three hits and four hits, strong power and wonderful skills to concentrate the power in one point, and Saber can only blindly defend, injured by Huang Rose of Lancer’s treasure. The left hand was helplessly leaning on the hilt, and Saber reluctantly faced the sword with his right hand, but Berserker in the wave offensive was really not enough to watch. Suffering from being unable to find a chance to fight back, Saber gradually began to fall.


Alice Phil called urgently. The knight king's forehead somehow oozed sweating sweat beads.

Saber's injured finger caused the sword to lose its flexibility, and Saber was restless.

She certainly knew how dangerous her situation was. Rider, who still has to watch from the side, must enter into a stalemate with the confrontation with Berserker. The situation now is that she can no longer cope with Berserker. Although Ma Yuan was right next to him, he didn't see that he had the desire to shoot.

Berserker mercilessly resorted to a fierce attack more in line with the title of mad hero. Although Berserker threw the iron pillar guns one after another like wild beasts. But the skill of throwing is superb and accurate.

Berserker is by no means a simple rabid dog!

"What the **** are you?!"

Of course, the Black Knight ignored Saber's questions. Instead, he threw the iron pillar with a sharp momentum. The next blow is a stunt. The momentum of this blow seems to break Saber's short body!


The two-meter-long iron pillar stopped in front of Saber, and Saber could even feel the madness and murderous breath from the iron pillar body.

"Horse, original"

Saber stared blankly at the tall figure with her back to her in front of her, the man who saved herself on the occasion of a thousand moments.

Really, it's him, it turned out to be him.

Saber had just escaped from Berserker's death and did not find it, and both Rider and Lancer looked incredulously at Ma Yuan, who took the Berserker's treasure with his bare hands.

Yes, freehand.

"You just seemed to have a good time just now." Ma Yuan's mouth hung with a smile. If someone familiar with Ma Yuan was here, he would advise people who were present how far to run.

Because, Ma Yuan is going to kill!

Ma Yuan quickly put the lamp post on both hands, and with great strength, before the Berserker had responded, lifted the Berserker high with the iron post, and then smashed it hard to the ground!

After madness, he lost his mind, but he also felt angry because of pain. Extreme pain caused extreme anger, and then a powerful fighting force broke out. This is Berserker.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! !

Berserker howled and roared, just as Berserker struggled to get up, he found that there was one more person in front of him. Before he could react, Ma Yuan grabbed Berserker's head with one hand, quickly and powerfully. Smash Berserker's head to the ground!


Berserker roared, roared, and anger drove his body to explode with greater power, but if he could find the **** red mist around Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan's growing strength, he would probably not think Struggling simply with brute force but thinking about something else to escape.

Unfortunately, he has gone crazy, so he is tragic...

Ma Yuan's face was abusing Berserker, and at the same time, he drew attention and looked at his retention skills to guess how much he could become stronger and whether he could reach the point of full attributes.

Retain skills

War Intent Oven (EX): As a natural warlord, you can carry the power, and it is infinitely powerful, and you are also a peerless fierce star, so you will never lack killing in your life, and exercise your skills in killing. Created a battle that you are afraid of even the world. When you are fighting, the stronger your fighting will be, the more your stats and abilities will increase. There is no limit to this increase, but it depends on the physical condition of the holder. ,, ..

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