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"Oh, it looks like it's irrational, which is a bit difficult to do." Conquering Wang frowned and looked at Ma Yuan solemnly.

Conquering Wang's headache is not without reason. Even the golden hero just now, even if the conquering king valued him, he did not attach great importance to Ma Yuan.

The combat power broke the table, finished Berserker and Lancer, and just after entering the unknown state of madness, the combat power rose to an unknown level, and the six relatives did not recognize it. Everyone present was in danger.


"Alice Phil!!!!!!"

Until there was a cry of excitement from Alice Phil, the crowd found that Ma Yuan had already moved to Alice Phil. In the depths of his eyes, there is a trace of struggle and a touch of tenderness.

There are other, many, many feelings.

"But, Lancer is lying, who is it?"

The black mark of the unconscious spasm next to Lancer is Ma Yuan, but this Ma Yuan is slowly dissipating until it disappears.


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath! How fast does it take to produce such a true afterimage, this is no longer a pure speed, but has already involved the realm of space.

How many cards are there for this person?

Everyone looked at him in a complicated way, only Alice Phil and Ma Yuan stood face to face, the two were silently strangely, Ma Yuan was rationally collapsed because of the awakening of the origin of awakening, and Alice Phil tasted just Ma Yuan At a glance. Somehow, she suddenly felt distressed Ma Yuan. This handsome and invincible man stood in front of everyone, but in front of him was punished like a child who did something wrong.

This kind of feeling is only the first time I see the Wei Palace cut heir.

This is a child with a lack of security, and Alice Phil unconsciously made a judgment in her heart.

"Alice Phil, hurry, what are you doing?!" Saber yelled at Alice Phil, only to find that she did something that made everyone take a breath.

She took Ma Yuan into her arms!

"Does she know what she is doing?! That crazy follower! It is several times more dangerous than Berserker! What the woman is thinking?!" Weber yelled incredulously, he couldn't believe it, why Can Alice Phil embrace this black beast so bravely? !

"Oh, brave man, the rare heart of the naked child." Who is the conqueror, the conqueror between the world and the king across the Eurasian and African empire, the ability to know people is naturally first-class, at this moment he should It was only after discovering something that an interesting expression appeared.

"It's hard work"

"Are you tired?"

"Take a break"

"Until now"

"Hard to work"

Alice Phil's soft voice was like a sharp knife hitting Ma Yuan's atrium. Behind those two sentimental red dots, Alice Phil saw more struggles.

It was struggling, it was regret, it was despair, it was hope.


Ma Yuan struggled, his mouth groaning with unexplained meaning, and his unshakeable body suddenly shivered, making Alice Phil even more distressed.

"No more pain, no more patience, release everything in your heart!" Alice Phil called more gently.

Suddenly, Ma Yuan stopped shaking, and the black mist on his body began to shrink into his body, and finally disappeared. The two eyes also gradually returned to normal light, but even if it returned to normal, Ma Yuan's eyes had more things that he could not understand.

Regret, decadence, disappointment, sorrow.

Heart is ashamed.

"Li pulls the mountains and covers the world," Ma Yuan suddenly lowered his head and chanted a sentence, so that everyone around him was stunned, and people who didn't know Ma Yuan's true identity seemed to suddenly understand something, and his eyes seemed to stare out, A ghostly expression looked at Ma Yuan.

"Time is unfavorable." Regardless of other people's reactions, Ma Yuan still bowed his head and pondered, but his long hair covered his expression, so that others could not see what he was thinking.

However, the ground seemed to be a little wet.

"How can we help?

Yu Xi Yu Xi Nao how! "

The ground became more and more moist, but only Alice Phil could see it. The inexplicable heartache made her unable to bear to hold Ma Yuan, but she felt a line of sight seemed to be looking at her. Alice Phil looked up Looked, but found a beautiful Ge Ji dressed in the costume of Ji Ji looked at him with sadness and joy.

Like sadness, like heartache, like joy, like comfort.

Please, take care of him for me.

Her mouth opened silently, and Alice Phil understood the meaning before closing, and nodded vigorously.

Ge Ji nodded comfortably, the figure began to blur gradually, and finally disappeared into a mist between the world.

But, Alice Phil saw that before dissipating, Ge Ji cautiously hugged Ma Yuan, with endless sadness in the corner of her eyes, and said nothing in her mouth.

King, the concubine left.

The phantom dissipated the last traces, leaving Alice Phil looking at the trembling horse in front of her. She just wanted to say something, but Ma Yuan suddenly raised her head and looked at the night sky stubbornly, with some traces on her face. , The body stands up to the sky like a javelin!

"Strengthen the mountains and cover the world!"

"The times are not good and the time is gone!"

"How can you live forever!"

"How can Yu Ji Yu Ji Nai!"

"Strengthen the mountains and cover the world!"

"The times are not good and the time is gone!"

"How can you live forever!"

"How can Yu Ji Yu Ji Nai!"

The blood is gleaming in the sky, the gas is like smoke!

Ma Yuan's consciousness became more and more sober, and the **** breath brought by his madness dissipated a little, until it became empty. Then turned around and looked at Alice Phil warmly,

"Yu Ji..."


That person was Yu Ji just now? !

"Trouble you, Alice"

"It seems that I just made a lot of troubles just now." Ma Yuan looked around the messy battlefield around and felt that there was something wrong with him.

"This is? Cow hoof! Iskandar! You dare to step on me with your broken bullock! Do you want me to chop your two cows and serve them as wine dishes!"

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