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"Alexander Iskandar!"

Ma Yuanqi looked at the conquered king in despair, and a pair of eyes that had just come to see the conquered king again.

What a joke!

"Hahaha, don't care about these little details. Overlord, this is not to make you wake up, otherwise people here will suffer." Conquer Wang Wang and smile at Ma Yuan, looking at Ma Yuan slightly. ,

"If the obstacles in your heart can't be overcome, then you will still happen today. Although the fighting strength is amazing, you in the state of violence are not under your control."

"With a little guidance, everyone around you will be hurt, even in danger of life"

"I think you shouldn't want to see such a scene"


Ma Yuan was speechless, staring silently at the gun in his hand. The smooth gun face shot his master's cold face, but that face now contained various emotions such as complexity, sadness and so on.


At the moment, Ma Yuan could only do silence. Suddenly, a soft touch behind him gently attacked him,

"It's okay, if it's you"

"Even if you are hurt, even if you cause pain"

"Absolutely, I will always be by your side!"

"After all, the same blood flows in our bodies!"

"Remember your blood vow! Please don't forget, even if the whole world betrays you, I will stand here forever and wait for you to return"

"I am no longer purely my own"

Alice Phil’s gentle words made Ma raise her head involuntarily, only to find that some time a hand wrapped in armor appeared in front of her, and the owner of that hand used absolute companion, bondage, tenacity Looked at him,


And Ma Yuan looked at her like this, speechless to each other.

For a long time, Ma Yuan took Saber's hand. The trembling hand slowly and forcefully pulled Saber in front of him, his voice trembling.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Do I still have the qualifications to stand side by side with you..."

Two doubtful questions about the softness in the hearts of the two women, Alice Phil did not say much, but hugged Ma Yuan harder, as if to rub herself in, while Saber used The voice of Qingquan, which has never changed, swears as always,

"I am the cavalier king, Altolia Pendragon"

One word is enough.

Ma Yuan felt the tenderness from Alice Phil and Saber and shook her head with a wry smile.

"At that time, my own mediocre disturbed myself..."

"Let me go first, Alice," Ma Yuan whispered softly to Alice Phil, "I'll deal with Lancer's question"


Whoosh, Alice Phil loosened her arms, Ma Yuan appeared in front of Lancer in a flash, and saw Lancer lying on the ground in misery, losing his left arm and a serious injury to the heart, making him miserable, if not As a hero, his physical qualities beyond the standards understood by the world have long been unknown how many times he died.

"What's the matter, Overlord, come and watch the bleak posture of the loser, it's really funny, really ugly, hiss!" Lancer said strugglingly, even if he didn't want to shoot, the result has been caused, even if it is rampant, It will not change any results, it is better to be free and easy, so that you do not go so ugly.

Ma Yuan said nothing, and one disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of Lancer again, with something in his hand.

That's Lancer's broken arm and weapon.

"I hope I can"

Ma Yuan squatted down in Lancer's puzzled eyes, gently joined the broken arm to the shoulder, and then made a movement that surprised everyone.


Ma Yuan held the broken arm in his right hand, and quickly pulled his left hand into his chest, and then quickly pulled out, Ma Yuan's breath was visibly weakened by the naked eye, and the reason is obviously the extra things in his hand.

It was a mass of blood. Even if it was taken out of the chest, it was still vigorously flowing, and the bright red had a fascinating beauty.

"You are..." Lancer looked at Ma Yuan in shock, but was whispered by the frowning Ma Yuan,

"Don't move! If you still want this arm, lie down!"

It seems that this group of blood is really important to Ma Yuan. After talking, Ma Yuan kept silent and quickly pressed most of the blood on his left hand into the junction of Lancer's broken arm and shoulder, leaving a small part Apply to Lancer's chest.

"My purest effort"

Ma Yuan's bloodless lips suddenly popped out, causing Lancer's dull brain to start working again, looking at Ma Yuan in a complicated way.

To be honest, Lancer, in fact, has no resentment against Ma Yuan, and he who believes in the spirit of knights has received the oppression of the spell and has to attack Ma Yuan, which makes Lancer very shameful, although the explosive power of Ma Yuan broke out afterwards. He couldn't resist, and even tore off an arm, Lancer thought he deserved it.

Although stupid, but noble.

An upright life, an upright battle, an upright death.

This is Lancer's credo.

Moreover, it seems that Lancer felt sad because of the unknown damage he caused to the Ma Yuan violent run.

It is a pity that this life can no longer bring victory back to the prince.

When Ma Yuan walked in front of Lancer, Lancer was ready to exit.

But who had thought that Ma Yuan not only did not kill him, he even took his own efforts to treat his broken arm!

This is definitely a major sacrifice. Everyone can see that Ma Yuan is now at the bottom of the combat power, especially when there are two strong opponents on the field, Rider and Saber.

Moreover, Lancer's Master didn't know what mentality he hadn't left yet. At such a large risk, Ma Yuan was willing to heal him!

"Don't think too much" Ma Yuan explained his behavior indifferently regardless of Lancer's thoughts. "It's not the battle I want to defeat the enemy by foreign objects. If it is a head-to-head battle, even if you cry and beg me I won't do it either"

"What's more, you are also forced, Di Muludo, to conquer the king is right, that person is not worthy of his master"

"Of course, it is not worthy of you, even if it is not helpful, but the master and the follower are connected. They are afraid of the holy war that the combatant will participate in. Go back and wash and sleep!"

Even if the breath is weak, Ma Yuan is still the overwhelming overlord!

If anyone wants to take advantage of the fact that Ma Yuan now looks "weak", he will definitely be hit hardest!

"whispering sound"

In the dark, a person struggled for a long time, and finally let go.

On the back of the hand, bright red stripes flashed. ,, ..

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