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Kenneth guessed right.

With farsighted magic, he clearly saw Ma Yuan treating his followers.

This distance is ok, letting Ma Yuan not pay attention, let Lancer pierce his heart with a spear!

Perfect idea!

It's a pity that after the first stupidity, Kenneth should learn to be arrogant no matter how arrogant, the scene of the first sneak attack on Ma Yuan with no result but being counter-killed is still in his mind. , Let him put down this seemingly tempting idea very difficult.

That is a beast.

Kenneth affirmed his thoughts. The wounded beast is far more terrifying than a well-preserved beast.

Off the field, Ma Yuan stumbled to his feet. It seemed that the hard work had really affected him. After curing Lancer's injury, he didn't turn his back to Lancer, as if thinking about something.

"Lancer, I hope the next battle will be more exciting, even if it is not your original wish today, but I will definitely take your life next time!"

"Saber seems to be cursed by your treasure, it doesn't matter, I will get this justice for her!"

"Don't die before seeing you next time, otherwise, I don't know who to avenge"

Ma Yuan's eyes were closed, while he was reminiscing about the strange feeling he had just taken out, and said to Lancer again.

This is not a threat, but a belief.

Ru's life, I will take it!

The idea is the master, the warrior, the overlord!

"Humph! Come back! Useless Servant!"

Lancer's lord's anger, hidden in the dark, enveloped the entire battlefield. But he did not delay.

"Thank you very much, Lord Overlord"

Hearing the whisper of the beautiful gunman, Ma Yuan's pale face showed a smile.

"A commendable warrior, a pity..."

Ma Yuan whispered, no one heard.

"There is also the King of Conquest. Thank you very much. If it is not your Excellency, I will be leaving tonight"

Lancer expressed his gratitude to the conquering king as he was about to retreat.

Upon hearing Lancer's gratitude, Rider smiled with great satisfaction.

Lancer once again thanked Rider with his gaze. Then he nodded to Saber.

There is no need to express it in words. They confirmed each other's oath. Saber also nodded to Lancer.

The duel takes place at another time

Lancer confirmed this. Spiritualization disappeared.

After a devastating storm blew up the battlefield. Silence came.

The sound of the waves hitting the rock walls, the noise of the far streets, began to secretly dot the night sky. Lancer's Master has unraveled the dense enchantment nearby.

Saber glanced softly at Ma Yuan who came slowly, then turned his head to look at the last person on the battlefield, Rider, with extremely complicated eyes.

"What on earth are you here for? Conquer the King"

"Think, who knows?" The sturdy red-haired big man scratched his head, unconcerned, and shrugged indifferently.

""Why do you plan? For those troublesome things, let the historians of later generations find me a reason. All of us heroes just need to do whatever they want, and use the hot blood to run on the battlefield. "

"This is what the king can say!"

"However, thank you tonight for preventing Ma Yuan from continuing to go crazy, and thank you for conquering the king."

The knight king's sudden thanks made the conquering king laugh and wave his hand.

"Haha, these are trivial things, but this king is very curious what Ma Yuan has to do with you."

"I believe that more than this king, everyone who participates in or understands this battle should have doubts about his origins."

"Such a violent skill, it definitely doesn't look like a Caster"

Conquering Wang Rao looked at Ma Yuan three people with interest, especially Ma Yuan, the secret of his body was unknown, and a single Overlorder's profile was enough for everyone to break his head. The power of breaking the watch immediately put Saber on the cusp.

There is a big wind, relatively weak people always like to join together to exclude the strongest person first, and then kill each other

"This is not something you need to worry about. Conquer the king, no matter what kind of enemy, ask the sword in my hand!"

Saber's awe-inspiring anger exudes, looking at Rider tit-for-tat.

"It's done, don't be so aggressive."

Rider smiled softly, pointing his finger at Saber's left hand.

"As Iskandar, I will never imitate others who take advantage of others. Saber, you will make a break with Lancer first. Then I will fight with Lancer or you, the winner of you."

Saber was about to return his mouth and saw the conspicuous wound on his left thumb. The fighting power of this hero who knocked Ma Yuan back can never be underestimated.

"Then you, let's say goodbye. The next time I meet, I will arouse all the blood to fight you. Little master, do you have anything else to say?"

At Rider's feet, the teenager lying on the bridge did not answer. Rider grabbed his collar and picked it up. The short Master had rolled his eyes and passed out. It seems that all kinds of shocking facts can't bear her, plus Rider's momentum is too fierce.

"Cheer up, you guys"

Rider sighed and put the Master in his arms, tightening the reins of the two **** cows. The bull screamed and thundered, sending lightning from his hoof and rushing towards the sky.


With the roar of thunder and lightning, Rider's chariot drove into the southern sky.

Alice Phil finally relieved from the tense emotions and relieved. He hurried to Ma Yuan's side and looked at him nervously. Although Ma Yuan's face was pale, but it was only weak, he finally sighed and patted his chest with confidence. Looking around again, the surrounding area was covered with scabs. This is a matter of course. The six Servants gathered together, and several of them did not spare their treasures and burst on the battlefield.

"The first round of war was so intense that such holy grail wars have happened in the past?"

Alice Phil was not afraid of being destroyed on the battlefield. The administrator of the Templar Church is responsible for the concealment of the Holy Grail War. As if there was an earthquake, the administrator will mobilize the church staff. Clean the battlefield seriously.

Alice Phil just sighed, but Ma Yuan found some new changes in her body. ,, ..

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