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Holy Gun at dusk, Longinus

Level: EX

Type: Pair of concept treasures

Attack distance: 1~99

Maximum capture:? ? ? ?

The artifact created by the Gods in the Bible, the original and strongest "God Extinguisher", is said to be the gun that killed the Son of God. One of the three kinds of holy relics, which contains the will left by God and has self-awareness; it is called the strongest destructor because it was used to assassinate Jesus. As a sacred gun, it also possesses divine power, which is quite dangerous for demons, monsters and gods.

As the ultimate God-killing weapon, when facing enemies with divinity, the attack power doubles. The higher the divinity, the higher the attack power doubles. As a weapon forged by the God of the Bible, the attack carried a strong sacred breath, and a powerful force of breaking evil will erupt in the face of demon-type enemies. The blood tank of the gun body can absorb the blood of the enemy to strengthen itself.

It contains a second form, depending on the host's thoughts.

Instead, oneofthesoldierspiercedJesus? sidewithaspear, bringingasuddenflowofbloodandwater (instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus? side with a spear, causing a sudden flow of blood and water)

God destroys!

Ma Yuan did not know who gave him the gun, but he knew that he would go back one day and figure it out!

The immediate urgency is to get your own situation and win this holy grail war.

"I'm fine, let's go." After thinking about it, Ma Yuan put the Holy Gun backhand, said to Saber and Alice Phil, and then leaned her head towards Saber, indicating that she should not go back and talk about the gun.

Saber himself is not an anxious person. Naturally, he did not care about this time, nodded, and Alice Phil surrounded Ma Yuan in the middle and left the battlefield.

Before leaving, Ma Yuan glanced vaguely at the position of Wei Gong's cut heir.

What I said to Weber just now, isn't it to him?

The battle is only beginning now, and they are all strong opponents evenly matched. The heroes invited from different eras do not have a mediocre rival.

Before the storm, the soldier's mood was calm and excited. The warrior's high fighting spirit and hot blood will not change in any world in any era. This is the proof of the heroic soul.

This is the holy grail war.

This piece of space has been put to shady.

It's not empty darkness. It is a sticky, concentrated darkness, like a rancid erosion, a black darkness that exceeds the limit.

A thick, **** smell disgusting. Weak moans and weeping came from everywhere. It is perceptible to all kinds of terror, and at this time the dark curtain that closed all fields of vision may instead be full of compassion.

In such darkness, there is a circle that emits a faint white light like the full moon seen from the bottom of the water.

It was a crystal ball the size of a string ball. The hazy white light is the image emerging in the crystal ball.

Rubble piled up into mountains, desolate night view. But this scene didn't come from the beginning. The completely ruined landscape was empty and silent on the warehouse street twenty minutes before. The hot battle that started there reflected all the crystal **** behind.

Also, seeing the two big figures in battle, the dim light from the crystal ball reflected the faces of the two, and the faces of the two showed strange joy.

"Great. Really great!!"

The happy killer who stepped into this extraordinary world according to the scarcity of astronomical probability

Yusuke Ryusuke. His slender eyes shone with a childlike smile. And cheered.

"Master Qingsu, what happened just now is true? Really amazing~ This is not a video game platform!"

Yusheng Ryunosuke shouted excitedly, but he did not find that his blue-bearded old man had already burst into tears, staring at the crystal ball with earnest eyes.

In the night scene reflected on the crystal ball, there stood a petite figure, Caster looked at that figure as if he was possessed by the soul.

From the beginning of monitoring the battle on Warehouse Street, Caster is like this. He ignored the excitement of Master Ryunosuke, and did not care about other heroes, just stared at one person.

The silver armor wrapped the slim body. Beautiful long hair flowing like sand gold. As a member of the seven Servant, the heroic girl who was invited to Saber's rank.

That's exactly the phantom that Caster is tracing through time and space.

"I realized it, everything, I realized it. I used to think it was impossible. The Holy Grail is really omnipotent."

"Did you see it, Ryunosuke! That outstanding figure! That proud look!"

"The Holy Grail chose me!"

"We won the battle without fighting a war! Yes, the Holy Grail is already in our hands!"

"My light. My direction. My life. The meaning of my life"

"Once abandoned by God, disillusioned in humiliation, but now, she is finally resurrected. This! This is a miracle! It is my ardent desire to regenerate her!"

"I'm going to meet you right away, my holy virgin..."

In the dark, it was silent again, only a few screams and whimpers, still echoing...

After watching the development of the war, Yan Feng Qili ordered Assassin on the battlefield to return, and cut off the visual and auditory sharing device.

Qili's senses were cut off, and the night breeze with the smell of tide and the feeling of looking over the battlefield returned to the basement of the church.

Father Lizheng did not know when he appeared, and stood beside Qili. He seemed to be listening to Qi Li reporting to the court on the battlefield. As soon as the war ended, Li Zheng began to perform his duties as an open supervisor, quickly sending orders using his mobile phone.

"Shenming Second Alley, Yes, and Seaside Warehouse Street. The damage is very great. Ah, yes. Use the urban guerrillas to deal with the battlefield. Use Plan D, the on-site identification will come on."

The staff of the Templar Church who were able to act only after receiving instructions from Rizheng have long been scattered around Dongmu City to stand by. In order to cope with the various troubles caused by the Holy Grail war, they made sufficient preparations in advance.

"Admiral Qili, I found something strange outside the church. I will report it here."

Said Assassin handed out the corpse of the bat respectfully, his head had been twisted off, it might have just died, and he still has a little body temperature.

"Is it an angel?"

"Yes. Although it is outside the enchantment, it was obviously put there to monitor the church."

Assassin's words were incredible. The church is neutral and inviolable in the Holy Grail.

Unless someone starts to doubt the church.

"Wei Gong cuts heirs..."

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