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Lifting the iron cover of the entrance and moving such a simple thing to the side will take almost an hour. This is a very laborious and laborious work even for the Tongtong Ye, who has already been haggard, even exhausting all his energy.

Yan Ye finally moved out of the gap at the iron cover, and the fresh air outside flowed into the disgusting sewer. In this short moment, Yan Ye felt reborn. Yan Ye mobilized all the energy of the whole body to wake up, pushed the iron cover to the side, and slowly climbed to the surface like a worm. There was no one on the street outside. In the silence of the night, no one found the figure of Yan Ye.

It was still the warehouse street where the Servants were fiercely fighting, but it was so far away from the four lanes by three streets.

Yan Ye is different from other magicians. He is just a quick magician. Not as careless and arrogant as other magicians. Even with Servant fighting on the front line, he did not have the confidence to directly confront other magicians. Plus his Servant is Berserker. Even if he wanted to give strategic instructions directly next to Berserker.

Nor can Berserker obey his control.

In this way, it is better to let Berserker throw bombs at the enemy indiscriminately and let him go crazy. Yan Ye decided to save herself first and watch the changes in a safe place.

Yan Ye sensed Lancer's breath during the day and tracked it. At the beginning of the Battle on Warehouse Street, Yan Ye decided not to reveal his figure, and sent out the Demon Insect from the dirty inkstone, but he dived away from the battlefield and dived into the sewers to observe the progress of the war underground.

Yan Ye lay prone on the cold asphalt, and spent a long time trying to stabilize his breath.

Blood spots all over the body. All the capillaries burst, and blood oozed from the cracked skin.

"Waiting for me, Sakura"

The man who wanders alone in the dark, the only concern in his heart, is also the only light in hell.

In the deep mountainous area of ​​Dongmu City, further west, the long national road extends westward with the lights facing away from the urban area. And waiting for visitors in front of the road is an untapped forest. Along this road across the county, the national road winds quietly in front.

Although it is a highway with two-way lanes, there are almost no signs of oncoming cars on the national road with sparse street lights. The national road at midnight at night seems to be forgotten in this silence.

In such a silent night, a silver beast came flying by.

Mercedes-Benz 300SL. The elegant and streamlined body of "She" is as steady as a lady, and the roar from the side-by-side six-cylinder engines is as majestic as a beast. And the person who drove this classic car to a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour-how? The slender wrist like the aristocratic gold was held on the steering wheel.

"Hey, hello? It's quite fast, right?"

Alice Phil, holding the steering wheel with a smug smile, said. Saber, sitting nervously in the assistant's seat, could only barely squeeze a smile and nod.

"Really...really unexpected...skilled... driving..."

"Isn't it? I trained specifically to be so skilled."

Although this is said, from the point of view of her unfamiliar gearing, it is far from a skilled driver.

"Among all the toys that Ma Yuan brought into the city of Ayn Zbelen, I like this the most. I used to just fix it in the courtyard of the castle. This is the first time I have driven in such a wide area like today. .a!"

"A toy..."

Although it is a classic car more than forty years ago. But it has an Ml98 engine with a displacement of 2996cc, and the maximum speed can reach 260 km/h. Alice Phil's runaway behavior is nothing more than a prelude to the potential of this car.

It is said that this car was specially prepared in advance in Ainz Belen for Alice Phil and Saber to enter the winter wood city and have a mobility tool.

For half a month, the car was parked in the hotel's underground parking lot, and now they are driving their car towards the annex of the Einzberen family.

Thinking of this, Saber glanced back at Ma Yuan, but found that he had already slept with his arms on his chest, and Alice Phil's "magic" car skills did not affect it.

The cold sweat on Saber's forehead was coming down. She and Lancer did not sweat a lot, but at the moment, she was scared by the sweat of her Master.


Fortunately, she was able to understand the meaning of a little signal light, but it only slowed down a little when she saw a red light. Even if it is late at night with relatively small traffic, it is already a miracle to be able to reach the destination safely.

"...Isn't there yet at the Einz Belem annex near here?"

"It is said that it is only an hour's drive. If you arrive, you should be able to see it."

For Saber, just want to end the dangerous journey now. It is a blessing that there is no vehicle coming across the national road late at night. However, the extremely curved national road is still very dangerous for high-speed vehicles. Saber's blood was full of tension in the state of war. As a Servant, she has a reaction and strength beyond ordinary people. Once there is any danger, she can quickly pick up Alice Phil and escape from the car. But in that case, this legendary car with a price of more than 10 million yen will definitely become a cruel iron scrap, and this is not in line with Saber's always frugal economic outlook.

"Hey" Saber sighed again mournfully and looked at Ma Yuan with blame.

Perhaps the shaking of the car was too intense, or perhaps Saber's eyes were too dazzling. Ma Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and across from it was the vigorous Saber.

Little lion...

Ma Yuan's first reaction is that this look of Saber is still cute and wants to be held in his arms.

As a man who acted more than he thought, he started.

"Yeah..." Saber, who was suddenly attacked, flushed and couldn't be caught by Ma Yuan, but he was suffering from the small space in the car and couldn't do it.

"Hurry up, what the **** do you want to do!" Saber twisted angrily on Ma Yuan's body, but didn't know that the temptation to Ma Yuan was greater.

"Don't move" Ma Yuan frowned and murmured Saber in a low voice. Saber looked at the front with tears in tears, but Alice Phil was still immersed in the thrill of flying.

The unknown, often breeds in the depths of darkness. ,, ..

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