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"Come on, Ellie"

On the mountain road, which of Ma Yuan’s arms and Alice Phil’s driving technology is more dangerous-Ma Yuan suddenly felt a murderous moment when Saber was thinking about this problem seriously. The volley hit.


Suddenly Alice Phil, dumbfounded by Ma Yuan's warning, asked blankly.

"Ma Yuan. That's—"

At the front of the road, it is illuminated by Mercedes' headlights. A strange figure appeared. Seeing the scene, Alice Phil shouted immediately.

In front of him, the tall figure seemed to ignore the danger of the speeding car, standing calmly in the middle of the road.

Luxurious gown with ancient style. The dark texture is dotted with blood-red crimson patterns. The unusually large double pupils make it easy to associate nocturnal creatures. Even if these strange places are ruled out and not seen, such a person appearing at such a time and place will certainly not be an ordinary passerby.

But Ma Yuan couldn't help explaining to her, directly leaned over to the driver's seat, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, and then stretched out the other hand to hold Alice Phil's leg and stepped on the accelerator.


The outstanding performance of Mercedes is roaring completely, accelerating frantically, and the Servant waiting in front of him did not expect that the car did not slow down, but crashed fiercely!

Originally by virtue of the ability of the heroic spirit, even the weaker caster of the physical ability, it can be spiritualized and hide directly.

But with the afterglow of the headlights, he saw an angry scene.

The holy virgin, the pure and immaculate girl, was cherished by a man in his arms!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!"

"What the **** are you doing?"

"Who gave you the courage to dare, dare to dare to defile my precious saint virgin!"

Angry Caster forgets that he is no longer a general in his lifetime, but the weakest Caster. The anger in his heart makes him desperate to rush to the beast!

kill him!

The violent thoughts were twisted on his face. The most precious treasure in his life, the most important saint, was thrown into the arms of men after being abandoned by God!


The kinetic energy brought by the powerful power is unparalleled. Caster was directly hit by Mercedes and flew out. I don't know how many meters I flew and fell into the ground.


Regrets the tires of white smoke as they glide on the asphalt. In the car sliding due to inertia, Ma Yuan sneered with a disdainful smile in the corner of his mouth.

Really when I dare not hit you, stupid Servant!

The inertia of the body was offset by the friction of the tires, and Mercedes finally stopped. The body is less than 10 meters from the figure lying on the ground in front.

"...Ma Yuan?"

"Get off, Alice, Saber." Before Alice Phil finished, Ma Yuan calmly directed the two of them and let them get off first.

"Come to me, don't get too far from me"

The other party is Servant. Steel-framed cars are just as fragile as cardboard boxes for each other. If you stay in the car, it will become unprepared. In short, it is better to move to a position where you can defend against the other party’s attack.

Ma Yuan opened the car door and walked into the cold night. The night wind blew the trees and made a rustling sound, and the air was mixed with the scorching of the tires due to friction.

The figure in front of me is different from any one I have seen before. If it's a Servant that I haven't encountered yet, it should be Caster or Assassin...

Saber thought so.

Ma Yuan, Saber and Alice Phil who didn’t know what happened in Tosaka Prefecture that night cannot of course exclude the possibility of Assassin, but the one in front of him is neither running nor hiding but standing in front of the ground Servant should not be Assassin. Judging by the method of elimination in this way, only one conclusion can be drawn in the end:-The figure in front is Caster.


Is the expression of the warrior about to fight on his face?

The confused cavalier once again looked at each other's appearance.

Even Caster, who is not well-known for his physical ability, even if he was hit by a car and flew out, it was only a little dirty, and when the other party looked up to look at her, that expression even more confused her.

What does that look like?

The other party was laughing, smiling for no apparent reason. And it didn't seem like a smile from a soldier who died generously. Why did the Caster smile like this? It was like an expression of the reunion of a brother who had been lost for many years, with a flawless smile shining on his joyful face.

And when Saber was confused, Caste in front of him made a more puzzling move.

He got up and patted the dust on his body, kneeling on the asphalt road like a courtier to see the king, and she was the only one in the huge eyes.

"Waiting for a long time, Her Royal Highness."


Saber is getting confused. Although she used to be a king, she also received countless bowing salutes of heroes. But there was no impression of the man in front of him. There was no such man among her former courtiers...

First of all, the term "holy lady" is very strange. When she ruled Britain as King Arthur, she did not reveal her true identity as a woman until the end.

Then Alice Phil, who came down from Mercedes, quietly looked at Caster behind the horse.

Obviously, Ma Yuan, who was optimistic about the drama, stood there quietly, as if the man who slammed on the accelerator and flew Caster just now was not him. Caster also selectively ignored the two people behind, staring closely at Saber with fanatical eyes.

"Saber, do you know this person?"

"No, I have no impression of him--"

It seems that he heard Saber and Alice Phil's whisper, Caste, raised his head and said:

"...Oh oh, how can you say that. Don't you remember me?"

To him even more marginally, Saber said unhappyly:

"Anyway, I met you for the first time-maybe you made a mistake, you admit the wrong person."

"Oh. Ooo..."

Caster whimpered as though sad, clutching his hair in his hands. The expression that had been very happy just now suddenly changed very dramatically into an abnormally embarrassed look. Only from this point can he be seen as a dangerous moody character.

"It's me! I'm your most loyal servant, Gil De Xiao! I've always been looking forward to your resurrection. I have been waiting for the day I can meet you again. I came for this purpose. Here. Jeanne!",,...

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