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"It's me! I am your most loyal servant, Gil De Xiao! I am always looking forward to your resurrection, and I am always waiting for the day I can meet you again. I came for this purpose Here. Jeanne!"

Alice Phil opened her mouth in surprise after hearing the man's words.

"Jill De Ray...?"

Servant who reported his real name in front of them is already the second one. Although I don't know what his intention is, this name is indeed a prestige commensurate with Caster in the world.

But for Saber, I just want to get rid of this misunderstanding.

"I don't know your name, and I don't know what Joan of Arc is."

After hearing Saber's answer, Caster said more confusedly:

"Why...did you say that you forgot all about it? Did you forget everything before you died?"

Saber began to feel a little bored by this unclear situation. So he looked at Caster seriously and said:

"Now that you have reported your name. I will also tell you my real name out of the etiquette of the knight. My name is Altria. Son of Yousel Pendragon, King of Britain."

Caster still stared blankly at the girl who stood proudly and reported her name proudly, screaming for a moment.

"Oh! Oh wow!"

——Caster groaned desperately while striking the ground with a seemingly non-stop hammer.

"How sad and sighing this is! Not only have you lost your memory, even your sanity is! God, why are you so cruel to my beautiful woman."

"What the **** are you talking about. I wasn't—"

"Jean, you are also excusable if you don’t want to admit it. You who were more pious than anyone and believe in God more than anyone. But you were abandoned by God. When you were judged to be a witch and executed, God Did not give you any help and ambulance. It is not unreasonable for you to do this now."

Saber suddenly felt a disgusting feeling completely different from fear. Almost all the hairs on his body stood up.

The man in front of him didn't hear Saber at all. Or I didn’t plan to listen from the beginning. For Saber, he just made a conclusion based on his fantasies, and was convinced of this conclusion. Caster, dominated by this thought, couldn't hear Saber's words at all.

"Wake up! Jeanne! Don't be confused anymore! You are the virgin of Orleans, Jeanne de France!"

"Okay, okay! You can stop it!"

Saber, who could no longer stand it, yelled at the Caster who was kneeling on the ground with a disgusted expression.

"I'm Saber. And you are Caster. We are all Servants fighting for the Holy Grail. The reason we meet here is because of this relationship."

"...Saber, it's useless to say anything to this man"

Ma Yuan stepped forward, and he had lost enough patience to watch the drama next to him.

"Caster, it seems that you are determined to treat Altoria as Jean, it doesn't matter, I will give you this opportunity to prove yourself" Ma Yuan's indifferent face revealed a hint of teasing, "As long as you can survive me For your trial, I will give you the right to formally talk to Saber!"

"What a ridiculous thing! What are you, dare to defile my saint my saint!"

What a shame, the memories of the unwillingness to recall just now all emerged, and he clearly remembered that the saint was in this man's arms!

Oh oh oh oh oh! What a sadness!

"It seems that you disagree?" Ma Yuan's playful expression slowly turned into a cold, and the chill radiated from his body made Caster tremble.

"You guys! You guys!"

"Wait!" Saber, one of the few people who knew Ma Yuan the most, quickly stopped Ma Yuan, fearing that he would kill the killer like this. Not because of the pity for Caster, but because the other party was directed at her, so Saber wanted to rely on his own power to solve it.

After all, King Arthur does not have the habit of hiding behind others. She prefers to stand upright and solve problems in a positive way!

"Jeand. Please stop calling yourself Saber. Don't call me Caster anymore. We will soon no longer be bound by this so-called Senrant's shackles. The holy grail war is about to end!"

"That's just your wishful thinking!"

Saber retorted to Caster.

"Hello, Marshal Gil, since you said the war is over. How is the Holy Grail now 7"

"That's to say, the holy grail that can fulfill all wishes is already in my hands."

Caster said proudly with a satisfied smile.

"My only wish is for Joan of Arc to be resurrected. Now this wish has been fulfilled! I don’t even need to compete with anyone, my wish has become a reality! Even the battle is not needed, the Holy Grail is already I chose-Jill."

A cry of "ding" sounded. Caster's eyes suddenly appeared cool.

It’s Saber’s enchantment. Although Caster couldn't see it, he could feel the sword gas right in front of him.

"If you dare to disrespect our heroic treasures anymore-I will be welcome next. Caster!"

Although Saber tried to control his own words. But the voice was still full of sharp murderousness.

"Come on, stand up. The knight can't shoot at the kneeling person. If you are also a Servant, put away your sophistry and rely on the upright battle to win the Holy Grail. Let me Saber be your first opponent. "

The fanatical flame in Caster's eyes disappeared at once.

His face distorted by excitement just now gradually calmed down. Caster looked up at Saber, and the strong willpower in his sight showed no signs of decline.

This is a determined look. He just changed his attachment to a more determined will.

"It seems to be impossible to just say with your mouth... Is your heart still closed? Jeanne."

There was no longer a sigh in Caster's somber voice.

"Then I'm very sorry. It seems that it is necessary to give you compulsory treatment. Anyway-I will prepare everything for you next time."

The black robe drifted back suddenly, a great distance from Saber. Caster, who stood up again, was just like two people who were kneeling on the ground and crying.

There was an overbearing majesty that seemed to be able to stain the earth with blood all over him... not only the heroes, but even the tyrant would feel a sense of oppression.

The man in front of him is definitely not an easy enemy to deal with-intuition tells Saber standing in front of Caster, it is absolutely right.

"I assure you, Joan of Arc. The next time I meet, I must... save you from God's curse!"

"Don't you hear what I said? Pick up the sword and fight in an upright battle!"

For Saber's indifferent answer, Caster silently lifted the materialization and disappeared into the night. ,, ..

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