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If Caster’s problems make Tosaka Tosaka and the Templar Association feel anxious, then Ma Yuan’s problems will cause Tosaka Tosaka to completely lose his family’s “elegance”, and the appearance of Ma Yuan has disrupted the holy grail war. Order, which made the Templar church as a supervisor even more headache.

However, compared to Caster, Ma Yuan’s problem is not big. After all, Caster and his lord have broken the principle of “mystery must not appear”. If Caster continues to wreak havoc, the entire Holy Grail war will be exposed, or even Attracted British attention.

You know, although Japan has a magical envoy, Japan is still a remote place where magic is uncivilized. It is not as old as Europe and his ancient empire to the west. If the Holy Grail war is not based on the system of Western myths and legends but the whole world According to myths and legends, the spirits of the neighbors may sweep the entire Holy Grail war.

This is not only about the strength of myths and legends, but also about their popularity. The more widespread the legends and the higher the degree of belief, the stronger the heroic spirit that is the crystallization of belief and the ultimate fantasy, and the descendants of the heroic spirits will come closer and closer. The strength of the body.

All in all, the problem that needs to be solved most now is Caster and his master.

"...For those two people, did you get detailed information, information, or something?"

"In terms of what they call each other, the Master's name should be called "Dragon Nosuke", and Caster is called "Blue Beard."

"'Bluebeard'? Then Caster's real name is Earl Gil de Ray?"

"It's possible. This man is famous for indulging in alchemy and black magic"

From the popularity of that legend, it is not surprising that he was called by the Holy Grail as a Servant. It's just that his nature is completely different from that of the heroic spirit-he should be called the "blame spirit" to be more appropriate.

"From the perspective of their conversation, this Master called Ryunosuke not only has no knowledge of the Holy Grail War, but also seems to have no consciousness as a magician."

"This is also very possible. Perhaps in a very accidental situation, people without magic literacy can also form a contract with the summoned Servant... so the Master will only become a Servant's puppet."

"No, that's..."

Qi Li recalled the conversation heard through Assassin's ear and continued.

"...Anyway, Caster's own words and deeds are beyond the scope of normal understanding. He always said that the Holy Grail is already something in my hands. He must save Joan of Arc, etc., which is totally unreasonable.

I personally think that neither Caster nor his Master saw the Holy Grail war at all.

Hearing Qili's words, Shichen seemed to sigh deeply as if he wanted to vent all his anger.

"A Servant running away because of insanity and a Master who can't control the situation at all? Why the Holy Grail chooses such guys?"

Servant attacked humans-there is nothing strange about this thing in itself. As a Servant, a spirit that exists with magic as food, not only can it obtain supplements from the master, but it can also obtain power by absorbing human souls. Incompetent Masters who cannot provide Servant with enough magic power will sometimes make up for the lack of magic power in the form of offering sacrifices to Servant.

Even in this holy grail war. This situation of offering sacrifices was also expected by the courtier. This is also understandable. The magician is a non-organized existence. You can ignore ethics and right and wrong. Even if an innocent ordinary person needs to be sacrificed, as long as it is carried out in secret, it will be acquiesced.

But blatant killing like this. And the behavior that caused such a commotion could not be allowed.

"This kind of thing can't be ignored? Shi Chenjun"

Father Lizheng, with an ugly expression, interjected.

"Caster and their actions. Obviously hindered the holy grail war. This is against the rules."

"Of course, in the past, I was in the secret of magic, and I will never let him go"

The Yuanzaka family has been secret owners of the Dongmu area for generations-that is, the Yuanzaka family is responsible for managing the spirit of the place and monitoring abnormal conditions, which is a task directly entrusted to them by the Magic Association. It is also one of the reasons why Tosaka, as one of the "founding Misans", provided his jurisdiction as the stage for the Holy Grail war.

So for the officials. Not only is the Master targeting the Holy Grail, but from the perspective of previous local managers, he has to stop Caster’s actions.

"I'm afraid that the continuous disappearance of children after those four murders is also the ghost of those two people."

Qi Li elaborated her opinions lightly.

"Only the number of missing children reported is seventeen. And from the situation monitored this morning, plus the children they arrested, there are at least thirty.

I'm afraid their actions will get worse in the future. Father, it is necessary to stop them as soon as possible"

"Well, it is already impossible to solve the problem through warning and punishment. Now there is only one way to get rid of Caster and his Master."

"But the problem is that to deal with Servant, you can only rely on Servant, but my Assassin can't do it now."

Qi Li's statement is very reasonable. How can Assassin, who is deliberately a hidden strategy, let him appear again so quickly.

Father Lizheng thought silently for a while, and made suggestions to the officials:

"Slightly changing some rules is also within my authority as a supervisor. For the time being, let the holy grail be put aside, how about mobilizing all Masters to fight Caster together?"

"Oh? So... do you have any good ideas? Father"

"For killing Caster’s Master, I can provide him with some help in the future. For other Masters, because the Caster’s brutality has affected the entire Holy Grail war, they do not want to see it. Right"

"--So it turned out. The purpose of the game was changed to hunting. Is that so?"

Counting the Servant whose hand was injured in the chaos last night, no Servant has actually been eliminated. So if everyone targets Caster together. Caster's fate is like a candle in the wind that may go out at any time.

"However, as a reward for crusade against Caster, and the favorable conditions provided to the winner... Will it eventually become an obstacle to our holy grail?"

Regarding the question of the minister, Father Lizheng answered with a smile:

"Of course, if it is obtained by others, it must be bad. But the person who can give the Caster the last blow that the hounds have no way to escape. It must be Archer",..

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