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"--It turned out to be so, of course."

As long as Qi Li's Assassin is there, it wouldn't be too much trouble to give Caster a final blow. Even now the rules have changed. The tactics of the Yuanban camp remained unchanged.

"So quickly prepare for the recruitment of other Masters."

After deciding on the policy, Father Lizheng got up and walked out of the basement. Just as Qi Li got up and was leaving, she was stopped by the voice of the courtier.

"--By Qili. I heard that you seem to have left the Dongmu Church last night to act."

Qi Li had expected that the time minister would ask himself. on the surface. His disciples had clearly lost ground in the Holy Grail war and sought protection from the church. So there should be no more action at all.

"I'm sorry, although I knew it was dangerous, but I found a spy around the church. So I had to deal with it..."

"Spy? Is it for you in the church?"

The voice of the minister seemed more and more serious.

"Please don't worry, the spy has been killed by me. No secrets will be revealed."

Qi Li replied with a hearty voice. Qi Li felt extremely surprised that she could lie to her master so calmly.

"Why didn't you use Servant?"

"I think it's just a trivial matter. Servant's shot is completely unavailable."

After being silent for a while, the minister said a little unhappy.

"...You are indeed a highly skilled agent, and I know that you are confident in your abilities. But for the current situation, isn't your approach a bit rash?"

"Yes. I will act more cautiously in the future."

Qi Li lied again.

From now on, perhaps Qi Li will go to the battlefield a few times. In order to trace the trace of the cut-off heir of Wei Gong, until the moment he was found.

At this moment, it is not only the church that is restless, but Ma Yuan also obviously has interesting developments.

"Oh, the problem is solved?" Ma Yuan looked at the Wei Palace cut heir who had just thrown the smoke bomb and was about to retreat, grabbing his collar. Wei Gongqie, who was just about to retreat, just started to move, but felt a pain in his neck. After a short of shortness of breath, an irresistible force firmly pushed him back to where he was just now.

"Yo, why are you in such a hurry to walk, the breath just now disappeared, right?"

"Or do you stay alone with me for fear?"

"It's your style to have all the fighting power in your hands, isn't it?"

"Still say, is there something in me that you are craving or fearing?"

"Or is it jealous?"

"Answer me, Wei Gong cuts heirs"

Softly whispered like a devil's whisper, a little bit of temptation to seize Wei Gong cut heir's heart, Ma Yuan's joke's eyes directly penetrated his heart, seeing through everything.


If the biggest understanding of Ma Yuan came from the demon image of the World War I, then now he is a devil who can understand people's hearts.

"Oh, you are really..."

Halfway through the conversation, Ma Yuan seemed to have received some information, and he left the tranced Weicheng cut heir straight away, summoned a super-aura-style battle axe, and drove away all the way.

In the dust, Wei Gong cut heir as if he saw the faint blood-red stripes on the battle axe.

Ma Yuan looked at the battle axe under him with **** red lines all over his body like blood vessels, exuding ruby-like palpitation.

"The blood energy of the Twilight Gun is really great. After improving his physique, he can still treasure any weapon."

"Weapons are indispensable. Since we live in modern society again, let’s ride this for the time being."

"However, human creativity is really infinite, if I can have this thing in my era, hey!"

"Find a good place to try the treasured tomahawk!"

As a newly built city, Dongmu has many buildings that are not perfect, but the Panshan Highway is still available, and the local drag racing family gathered in this place. This evening happened to be when the local dudes gathered for drag racing, and today They also invited Hiroyuki Fujita, who has the title of "car god" in Japan.

Now, the last lap has begun, starting at the top of the Panshan Highway and heading downwards. The end point is a gas station three kilometers away, and at this moment, a group of people are waiting to discuss at the terminal.

"Who is the champion?"

"It must be Fujita Jun, after all, he is a Japanese car god"

"That's not necessarily, Sato Jun was only one step away from the championship, neither of these two people may be."

Just when a group of people were talking, the observer on the road sent information through the radio,

"Now the No. 1 is Fujita Jun, Sato Jun is the second, but the two bite tightly!"

"The others also followed closely. Two people had just tried to accelerate past Fujita Jun and flew to the bottom of the sea!"

"Wait, wait! What is that!"

The noisy voice suddenly became quiet, apparently the speaker was silent, but only a faint roar came.

"What happened, Lord of the Deep!"

"Then, what is that, what is it!"

"What do I see, is that a beast?!"

The roar of the engine grows louder and louder, and even if it can be clearly heard through the radio, the people next to it can be imagined.

"Then, that is the beast, that is the devil!"

"Run quickly!!!!!!"

What the radio finally heard was the screams of the ears and the sound of flying debris, and at the moment everyone's eyes had been completely attracted by the figure three kilometers away.


Zhang Kuang.

A phantom that could only be described soared in front of their eyes from three kilometers away, and a gust of wind followed, directly scraping the young people around, everyone was paralyzed on the ground, looking up at the figure on the tall locomotive, he lifted His low-eyed eyes, silk-colored eyelashes shimmered in the light, like a silky soft texture,

Unfortunately, its words are not as soft as expected,


After leaving an extremely arrogant remark, Ma Yuan hurried away again, leaving only a group of people looking at him behind his back.

The violent back like a missile...,...

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