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Qi Li heard this answer and immediately noticed Arche. The meaning contained in the words-

Although I don’t know when Archer knew it, this hero has already known that Qi Li acted alone against the will of the minister last night.

"What's the matter, Qili? Do you feel unsatisfied with just following the orders of the time minister?"

"...Are you dissatisfied with the contract until now? Gilgamesh."

Qi Li didn't answer Archer's question, but asked with a little unhappy face. Although the opponent is the legendary hero king, there is nothing to fear for Qili. Regardless of what Shichen personally thinks, Servant is a master's servant. No matter who this hero is, it is just a Servant. Archer is subordinate to the existence of the courtier. Compared with himself as a disciple of Shichen, he is equal to each other. There is no need to worry too much about him.

Archer didn't care about Qi Li's attitude. It was just a snort in the nose that sipped the wine in the glass again.

"It was the courtier who summoned me here, and it was him who supplied my magic. So I must treat him with the courtesy of the courtier anyway."

Just after this unexpected speech, Gilgamesh's red pupil flashed a somber haze.

"But frankly speaking, he is really a boring man, and he has no interesting places at all."

"...This sentence really should not be spoken from your mouth as a Servant."

In some surprised Qili hearts, some Archer was angry with his teacher for being impolite, and he also felt a little bit of Archer's purpose of coming to him this time. In a slightly soothing atmosphere, Qi Li gradually accepted the fact that Archer was present in her room.

"Is it so boring? Teacher Shichen's order."

"Ah, it's so boring. What do you mean to achieve the universal wish machine "Root Vortex"? This is a wish that has no meaning at all."

All the magician's dreams were taken by the hero Wang with a smile. But for Qili, it is understandable.

"The desire for "roots" is unique to magicians. So it is incomprehensible to others."

"If you say that, you are also by others, Qi Li. As far as I know, were you originally on the opposite position from the magician?"

Archer also has heard of Qi Li's complicated position. Although this man looks like I am alone all day long, his ears are surprisingly sharp.

Qi Li crossed her hands and thought in silence. If you do not take the position of the disciples of Tosaka, but the church of the Templar. From the standpoint of the agents of the Eighth Secret Society, what is the meaning of the holy grail war of the ministers?

"...The road to'root source' can be said to be'outside' to the world. That is to say, it cannot bring any influence to the'inside', that is, the world. So for focusing only on the ' For the'inside' church, the pursuit of magicians is simply meaningless. We can only understand this behavior as a meaningless attempt."

"It turns out that it is. Indeed, I am only interested in this universe as my courtyard."

It seems that the whole world is its own declaration. Worthy of being the hero king, with such an arrogant attitude.

"I don't have any interest in areas that I can't control. So I don't care about Roots at all."

Qi Li smiled bitterly. This Archer is on a stand against the magician. For Tosaka Tosaka, who is an out-and-out magician, it is not unreasonable to feel helpless to him.

"If the holy grail of Dongmu is only a special device that exists to explore the "root", even if the magicians have red eyes to fight, the Templar church will just ignore it. Unfortunately, what the holy grail can do The desire to achieve is'omnipotent'. The Holy Grail has infinite mysterious power that can change even the'inside' of the world. If this powerful power falls into the hands of heretics, it will become a threat to our belief. So the Holy Church The church chose Yuanban. Instead of letting it fall into the hands of heresy, let it be wasted on'boring and meaningless' things-but it seems that my father had some other purpose at first. ."

"So that is to say, Masters other than the time minister, are they fighting for the Holy Grail for different purposes than the time minister?"

For Archer's inquiry, Qi Li nodded.

"Sichen, as a typical representative of the magician, is also the right-most one of the magician. In this era, the person who pursues pure magic like him no longer exists. The other guys are only after the world. Flashy favors. Prestige, desire, rights...all are wishes that can be achieved'inside' of the world."

"Isn't this great? It's all my love."

"You are nothing but a king at the apex of these vulgar objects, Gilgamesh."

Archer smiled incomprehensiblely and sipped away the fine wine in the glass. It seemed that he didn't feel any insult at Qili's evaluation.

"So what about you? Qi Li, what do you hope to achieve with the Holy Grail?"

After taking back Jiuyu Mai, Wei Gong stayed outside for a while. For some reason, he was extremely resistant to contact with Ma Yuan. After making sure that he would not be met on the way back, he drove back to Jiu Mai Mai. When I arrived at Einzberen, the two people who had just walked to the door couldn't hear any sound, and it was obvious that the enchantment was arranged.

Obviously, people in the room don’t want others to know what they are doing

"...Let's go, Mai Mai" Wei Gong's cut heir took away Jiu Mai Mai without looking back, but he didn't expect another scene in the room-Ma Yuan's big hands massaged on the points of Saber's body , Stimulating the vitality and blood activity of her acupuncture points around her body, the huge **** energy was transmitted to Saber through Ma Yuan's hands, and then brought back the darker and lighter **** energy with dragon shadow.

Even if it is a hero, this method can also work.

It's just that you will be slightly punished...

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