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"I... don't have any special wishes."

For Qi Li's vague answer, Archer's red pupil glowed with a voluptuous light.

"How is that possible. Isn't the Holy Grail only calling those who have wishes?"

"It should be like this. But... I don't know why. Why would the Holy Grail choose me who does not have any ideals and desires to achieve this battle?"

"Is this kind of thing so confusing?"

Looking at Qi Li's solemn expression, Archer could not help laughing.

"Neither for ideals, nor for any desires. Is it simply to pursue pleasure?"


Qi Li's angry voice was basically made unconsciously.

"I, as a servant of God, want to be happy?-How can I do that kind of sinful and depraved thing?"

"Sinful? Fallen?"

Looking at the beautiful look in front of her, Archer felt more and more interesting. Then he grinned unkindly.

"This is a kind of jumping thinking, Qi Li. Why do you associate pleasure with sin?"

"This is because……"

Qi Li didn't know how to answer. And Qili didn't know why she would fall into an embarrassing situation like never before.

Looking at the silent ceremony in front of him, Archer said with a smug expression:

"It is indeed wrong to get pleasure through crime. But human beings can also get pleasure through good deeds. You said that pleasure is a sin in itself. What is the truth?"

Just this kind of question, why can't you answer it? Qi Li doesn't know the reason. It's as if an insecure realm is imprisoned in an unknown field in his heart.

"-- Pleasant things, there is nothing in my heart. So I do not want to pursue.".

Qi Li was finally able to answer, but the voice of the answer was not as confident as he usually said. It seems that I can't find a suitable answer and can only find a sentence to deal with.

Archer's red pupils seemed to be staring at him carefully, and then laughed proudly.

"Yanfeng Qili-I suddenly became interested in you."

"...What do you mean?"

"Just talk, don't care."

Archer poured red wine into the glass again, leaning his back against the sofa again, and said aloud.

"Pleasure is basically part of the soul. There is no difference between "have" and "no". There is only the difference between "aware" and "unconscious".

Qi Li, you just haven't found anything deep in your soul. Realize that pleasure is first and foremost. "

"Servant do too much business-educate me."

"This is not a general education. It is the experience of the luxurious and happy king who has enjoyed the whole world. You listen to me honestly."

Although Qili said this on her lips, she has been carefully analyzing Archer's words in her heart.

The arrogant words of Servant, the minister, somehow moved Qi Li's nerves.

"In short, Qi Li. You should first have an understanding of entertainment."


"Ah. Just putting your eyes on the inside won't work. To broaden your horizons... By the way, let me experience it first from my entertainment, how?"

"For me now, there is simply no time for fun."

Me and you are different. Qi Li thought so in her heart.

"Hey, don't say that. As long as the task of the minister is finished, there will be a lot of time. Qili, your task is to send spies to monitor the other five masters?"

"...That's true."

"Then you should not only understand their intentions and strategies, but also investigate their purpose for obtaining the Holy Grail? Then tell me about it. Isn't that difficult?"

It is true that this level of investigation does not deviate much from the task that Qi Li is now responsible for.

Assassin, who performs surveillance tasks around the surveillance object every day, can completely record the target's conversation. And as long as they can infer from the content of their conversation, you can roughly judge the purpose of the other party to capture the Holy Grail. As long as you inform the Assassins to pay special attention to the dialogue in this regard and record it.

"--But Archer, why do you know these things?"

"Did I say that? I am interested in human actions. Among the five people competing for the Holy Grail, there must be one or two interesting guys? At least it should be more interesting than the time."

Qi Li thought about it as calmly as possible. For him, other than the Master of the Palace, he did not pay attention to it, and he did not have any obligation to promise Archer. However, if he can exert some influence on the Servant, who cannot be fully controlled by the minister, then it may have a positive impact on the camp of the minister in the future.

"...Okay, Archer..."

Einz Belem annex, lying on the side.

"How do you feel, Saber"

"Well, it feels good. Even after I became a hero, no matter how much I exercise, my physical ability has not increased. I didn’t expect you to have this set."

"However, I am also a person who has lived for two lifetimes, and these things still understand somehow." Ma Yuan walked slowly forward, his smile still warm as the sun with a rainbow halo in winter, "Moreover, I It’s not without benefits"


Facing Saber's doubts, Ma Yuan smiled and said nothing, but the red dragon shadow flashed in his eyes made Saber calm and unable to rise.

"You, you absorbed my blood of the Red Dragon?"

Don’t blame Saber for making a fuss. The blood of the Red Dragon is the source of Saber’s magical power. It is inseparable from the fact that Altolia Pendragon can be a Saber agent and she bathed in dragon blood.

Now, there is a person who can absorb her blood of Red Dragon? !

The huge energy, the mysterious origin, the power of bursting the table, the state of the rage, the powerful treasure, all kinds of strange and strange abilities.

And, a true attitude that can never be seen clearly.

Sometimes cruel, sometimes naive, sometimes lustful, sometimes innocent.

Sadness, pain, excitement, arrogance, coldness, childishness, grief, despair, hope...

Who are you...?

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