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"...Okay, Archer, I promise you. However, it will take some time"

"No problem: I have to wait patiently"

After drinking the glass of wine again, Archer stood up from the sofa. Not only did the man's movements shake the air, but even the indoor lighting changed with him. This heroic spirit that controls everything in the world seems to emit an invisible radiance all over his body.

"Ah. I will come to taste your fine wine in the future. Your collection can even be comparable to the fine wine in the sky. It's a pity to put them in the monk's warehouse and let them fall."

Qi Li's expressionless face neither agreed nor opposed, maybe Archer regarded this as a kind of acquiescence. So he went out with a contented smile.

At the moment when Archer went out, the luxurious atmosphere of Qili's interior disappeared, and the usual atmosphere was replaced by the previous one.

Finally, Qi Li, who was able to stay quietly alone, began to think about the strange conversation with the strange guest.

It was the first time that such a positive conversation with Archer.

Recalling that the Master who participated in this holy grail war or the Servant, all tried their best to win the holy grail to fulfill their wishes. But the unruly hero king seemed to have no interest in the Holy Grail. Now gathered in the Servant of Dongmu City, I am afraid that no hero is more weak than his fighting consciousness. In this sense, there is something similar to Qi Li-I am afraid that I am also the only Master who does not know the reason for participating in the Holy Grail war.

No, maybe there is still a reason. It's just that Qi Li hasn't realized it yet. Somewhere in his heart, there may also be a deep desire for the Holy Grail to achieve miracles.

However, even so, this is definitely not what Archer calls "pleasure."

The person who knows the real answer is not Archer, but someone else.

This person is Wei Gong cut heir. The conversation with Archer just now would be nice if I could answer questions with Wei Gong cut heir-Qi Li must think so.

Of course, their positions are completely different. Such communication between two people must not be through language but only through weapons. But even so, Qi Li only wants to deal with this person called Qi Si. This is a conversation between men.

Thinking about this matter in his heart, Qi Li picked up the bottles that Archer had tossed aside after drinking.

Perhaps Qili did not think that the hero king is not only a great commander, but he also has the ability to see the essence of a person.

Even if it is empty, he can cause a crack.

At the site of the collapse of the Hyatt Regency Dongmu, the rescue team was working tensely all night.

The hotel's evacuation staff finally discovered after the cut off magic disappeared. Two important guests remained in the hotel when the hotel collapsed.

Although there were no hopes for the survival of the two guests who were at the top of the hotel at the time of the accident, at least they had to find their bodies to die. The rescue team used excavators to quickly clear the rubble at the scene under the light of daylights.

By the dawn of the next day. The faces of the rescuers who worked intensively all night were full of tired expressions. And just then, a strange thing happened.

"You said you found something strange?"

The director who received the report quickly rushed to the scene. According to team members, a silver sphere up to three meters in diameter was found among the rubble. It doesn't look like a building material at all, and suddenly appeared in the rubble.

"...Is it in the building? The installation of the rotating restaurant on the top floor?"

"Even in that case, isn't it strange that there are no signs of damage?"

With that said, the surface of the silver sphere does not show any signs of damage, but instead reflects the bright luster like a mirror. It looks as if it has just been polished here.

"Why-it looks like mercury"

Feeling a bit weird, the director walked over and touched the surface of the sphere while explaining his feelings.

When his hand touched the surface of the sphere, he suddenly pressed it in.


Just look at it when he was surprised. But found that his hand just touched the surface of the hard sphere and did not press into it.



No one around the team seemed to find the anomaly just now, all looked at the director with a puzzled expression in amazement.

"What happened?"

"...This thing must be shipped out"


…Take it out by truck, hurry up”

The rescue director suddenly became very calm. Commanded the players to move quickly with calm language.

Although the rescue team members are still somewhat unknown. However, he still knows that the unknown sphere in front of him should be evacuated from the field as soon as possible. So everyone quickly moved the silver-white sphere to the truck's shelf.

"Hey? Director?"

Suddenly a player noticed. The director who had been supervising their work just now was gone. And behind the busy rescue team, the sound of the truck engine starting was heard.

On the driver's seat of the truck slowly driving away from the scene of the accident. Rescue director sitting dull. But when the rescue team found out, it was too late. The truck loaded with silver spheres has disappeared into the streets of dawn.

Five hours later. A police car patrolling the outskirts of the city found the missing truck and the unconscious rescue director who was still sitting in the driver's seat. But the silver sphere that was supposed to be loaded on the truck's shelf had only one empty shell left.

If there is a magician on the scene, you will find a strong atmosphere of dress on the scene. Obviously, this is the breath left by a guy who is proficient in magic.


"What's the final result, cut heir?" Ma Yuan played with the shrunk gun in his hand. Saber and Alice Phil were sitting beside him, and he was still in that luxurious robe. Ma Yuan at the moment is nothing like a child. Either way, he receded from the inaccessible divine light, and looked handsome and gentle.

"It seems that no decisive results have been achieved, the curse of Saber's left hand has not disappeared, and Lancer's lord must have survived the explosion."

"That's of course." Ma Yuan didn't raise his head. "Of all the masters, you may have the most lethality. However, the highest magical literacy should be Tosaka Tosaka and Lancer's master. "

"after all……",,..

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