Thousand Blades of Death

: Forty-six questions

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"After all, it is also a talent from the clock tower. Anyway, there is a way to escape."

Through the intelligence network of Wei Gong's cut heir, Ma Yuan did not have a lot of information on each Master, and he carefully read the materials of each person. Whether it is accidental or intentional, people who can become the masters of the holy grail war have a desire to be valued by the "holy grail", or they all contain factors that induce "miracles".

Some people may wonder why ordinary people such as Ryunosuke who have no magic foundation and even do not understand "mystery" will be qualified by the Holy Grail to participate in the Holy Grail war.

As mentioned earlier, everyone has an origin in it. Even if this life is an ordinary person, if the origin awakens unconsciously, it will induce various things that include "mystery". The person who awakened the origin will be assimilated by the origin at the moment of awakening, without exception.

However, there are always exceptions in the world. For some reason, the black magic passed down by Dragon Nosuke contains some magical spells of the Holy Grail War. Dragon Nosuke, who does not rely on any holy relics, casts a call to Caster Gil de Reis by virtue of his own nature. See It seems to be beyond common sense. In fact, the origin of Ryunosuke is slowly awakening. Through the "evil" of incomplete awakening, the Holy Grail determines that Ryunosuke has a factor that can cause "miracles" and summons the blue beard. , Maybe it can be said that it is evil spirits.

Now, in the future, in the past, no matter whether the seven lords survived or were destroyed, they would trigger various seemingly unrelated events through the "Holy Grail", in fact, inextricably linked "events", and finally connected into a "miracle"

Therefore, Ma Yuan never looked at any lord, even the cowardly rookie magician Weber Wilwitt. Through the teachings of this holy grail war and conquering the king, no one can be sure of future achievements.

Perhaps, people who will be stronger than the heroes are not sure...

But Ma Yuan's mind now is extremely complicated at this moment...



"... Excuse me, is this Mackay's home?"

"Well, this is indeed the owner's name."

"...So, conquer the king Iskandar, sir-which one?"

"it is me."

"...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so here you are here to sign."

"Signature? Okay-well, sign it."

"Thank you very much. Excuse me-bother."

"Well. It's nothing."

In Qur'an who has lived like his own home. In the second floor bedroom of the Mackay family, Weber. Velvet woke up from his sleep.

The sun outside is already high. Weber, lying on the bed lazily as usual, did not want to get up. Probably not lying down like this, will you feel pain?

Everything that has happened so far. It's like dreaming. That miserable death fight and destruction...

But Ling Ling was still engraved on the back of his left hand, always reminding Weber that this was not a dream.

As the master of Rider, Weber experienced the fierce battle of the five Servants last night, which is a complete reality.

Just last night, the teenager entered the battlefield for the first time. The first time between life and death.

Fear, trembling. Never felt strong.

But even so, what remains in my heart now is not the feeling of fear. What is surging in his heart now is an impulse full of joy and excitement.

Weber did nothing last night. All actions are arbitrary by Iskandar. As a Master, he just stood beside his Servant and watched what happened. But Shang fainted when the battle was fiercest, and he didn't even see the final result.

But for Weber, this is still a battle of great significance. I am afraid that the things and values ​​he gained in that battle can only be understood by himself.

What Rider said to the enemy on the battlefield, I am afraid that the Master and Servrant at that time will not remember it now. But one of the sentences remained in Weber's heart.

"—Cowards who dare not even appear, are not worthy of my opponent—"

This is what Rider insulted Lancer's Master. For that Weber hated and afraid to create Rhodes. Elumeroy, Rider mocked him as a coward.

But the bravery that Rider was proud of was, in Webber's eyes, just a reckless fool. If he is to arrange the tactics, it will definitely make Servant confront the enemy, and as the Master himself, hide to observe the progress of the battle. In other words, using the same strategy as Kenes, this is the correct tactic.


"--A man who can deserve to be my Master must be a brave man who can ride with me on the battlefield!"

Weber is certainly not the kind of person who can rush into the enemy line with Rider. When he was hiding at the bridge at the time, he was originally afraid to escape before boarding Rider's chariot. But this move was mistaken for courage.

However, there is no need to pursue this time.

At that time, the reasons were good, but now Weber's heart clearly remembered that the palm of Rider that was placed on his shoulder was so wide and so powerful.

This is like my Master, and Rider at that time did say this to himself.

And that famous lecturer called genius, once Weber couldn't even reach his feet. Compared with Alumi Roy, he seemed so great at that time.

My value has finally been recognized by people-if you think about it, this is the first time someone has recognized his ability.

Although praise or slander are meaningless. But for teenagers who have never been praised by anyone, being praised by others is very happy.

So, now Weber has a lot of flowers in his heart. Although he also wanted to control his excitement, he couldn't control it anyway.

Although his Servant doesn't treat himself with Master's courtesy, and often even follows Weber's name-but even if his unserved Servant once disrespected himself. Everyone should be grateful to him now, because after all, this is the first person to recognize their own value.


Weber, tormented by his own complicated ideas, put his head in the quilt.

Starting from today, what kind of attitude should I use to face my giant Servant...,...

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