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Weber, tormented by his own complicated ideas, put his head in the quilt. What kind of attitude should I use to face my giant Servant from today?

It was at this time that Weber suddenly noticed that the snoring sound that always sounded in his ears was gone this morning.

Weber leaned his head out of the bed, but found that Rider, who was supposed to lie in bed, was gone. And the man who hates spiritualization naturally will not be physical without physical reason and spiritualized. Besides, even if he is spiritualized, as his servant, Weber can't feel any breath. Now there is only one possibility, then Rider is not in this room.

Webber began to think calmly. I overslept this morning. So even if Rider gets up earlier than himself, there is nothing strange. However, the problem now is that Rider who got up first is not in this room. In other words, Rider went to another place without obtaining Weber's consent-

There was a footstep upstairs from the corridor stairs.

Weber, who was accustomed to this heavy footsteps, knew that Rider had come up, and felt a little reassuring, but soon realized that Webber's face became pale immediately after the significance of the heavy footsteps.

"Yo, you're up, kid."

Rider's huge body appeared in front of the door with the voice. The heavy armor worn on him, even for Weber, who is already familiar with strange things, is a foreign body beyond imagination. If the strong anomalous scene is seen by the Mackay and his wife, then the hypnosis he cast on them may become ineffective at once.

and so. For Rider, who is not willing to be spiritualized, he persuaded him to stay on the second floor and not move around arbitrarily-of course, until this morning.

"...You... just dressed down here?"

"Don't be afraid. The old couple in this family went out early in the morning. So we were only home, and I went downstairs to get the express package."

It seems that Rider also knows not to be hit by the Mackay and his wife as much as possible. Webber, who was at ease, immediately heard something wrong from Rider's words, so he watched Rider more closely.

In the hands of the man, holding a small package with a courier label.

"...Then you went to the entrance in this dress?"

"No way. I can't send the messenger who sent me anything to him without any comfort, right?"

It's too late.

Fortunately, it was not seen by anyone nearby, but only by a postman who came by chance to deliver the package. But even so, it will be passed on from the postman's mouth, saying that there is a samurai in the Greek-style armor or something. Now I can only pray that others regard his words as mischief.

"I said, it's not a parcel sent to you, don't you need to comfort?"

"Oh, no. It's a parcel for me."


Rider seems to be showing off the mailing list to Weber-"The Nakae II·Eight · Eight Mackay House Conquering King Iskandar in Fukyama-cho, Dongmu City" This joke-like content is actually written generously in On the mailing list. The sender's location is written as "CHARACTERGOODS Monopoly · ANIMANBAR Namba Store".

"What's going on? You explain to me Rider."

"Just tried the mail order thing. There are a lot of products that I like in the advertisement column of "Monthly. World Soldier"."

"What? Mail order?"

With that said, Weber finally understands why Rider asked for an extra postcard when he asked him to buy military magazines and video tapes a few days ago. At that time, Weber had no idea what Rider would do to buy postcards. No, it should be said that Weber did not consider this matter.

"I said, where did you learn to order by mail?"

Even if the heroic spirit can obtain knowledge through the Holy Grail, but not even know it by mail order, Weber simply does not want to believe that this is true.

"Huh? Isn't this kind of trivial matter clearly written in the back of magazines and videotapes? Just take a look at it to understand."

"When did you see the advertisement... Ah, where did the money for your mail order come from?"

"Don't be afraid, I've already given the money."

Rider threw the wallet back to Webber with a hahaha smile, it seems that he took out the wallet without permission while the Master was sleeping.

For this naive man who wants to buy a stealth bomber. No one knows what kind of high-priced goods will be bought this time. Weber picked up his wallet in a panic, checking the amount inside while crying.

Found after inspection. There seems to be no change in the number of 10,000 yuan inside, only a few thousands of tickets are missing. Weber sighed a little bit at ease. Webber collapsed because he suddenly let go of his heart, and he didn't even have the power to blaze Rider who took his wallet without permission.

This young man who can't see his waste wood at all, is he lucky or unfortunate?

Rider was next to Weber, humming a little song in his nose, and opened the parcel happily.


When he opened the parcel, he suddenly shouted cheerfully.

· ‘It’s okay! I really like it. The real thing looks better than the photo. "


What Rider took out of the postal bag was a half-sleeved T-shirt of the XL model, which is cheap. There is a line of eye-catching LOG0 "Admiral's Grand Strategy IV" on the world map printed on his chest. It looks like it should be a game-related product published with the magazine cover feature.

"It's great. After seeing Saber last night, I was suddenly agitated. If I walked on the street in modern style, wouldn't you have any opinion?"

His heroic spirit is very disgusted with spiritualization. Although Weber has a headache for this kind of materialized hobby, at least Rider didn't want to go outside and wander around. This time it's okay, Weber now almost wants to curse the Saber who caused Rider's idea with her Master.

On the other hand, Rider quickly tried on the newly purchased clothes and happily displayed various poses.

"Wow haha! What I want is the effect of having the world on my chest. Well! It's really a good mood!"

"--Ah, yeah, yeah.",,...

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