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"I'm scared"

Cut heir while crying. While confessing his voice like a child.

"That guy Yanfeng Qili pointed at me. This is what Mai told me. That guy used Kenneth as a bait in order to hook me. He has guessed all my intentions to act."

"I might lose the battle. I sacrificed everything and left Eliya aside, but still the most dangerous guy has pointed his finger at me. That guy is the opponent I least want to meet!"

Wei Gong cut heir, neither a hero nor a warrior, but a killer. He did not have the courage and arrogance to compete with others with his life. He is a coward. So his goal is to ensure the right to victory and survival with minimum risk. For hunters, the biggest nightmare is to become the prey of others.

But nevertheless. If it was a cut heir nine years ago, it must be that even the brows will not be frowned, and calm down to concentrate on the best countermeasures. This is where the heirs are cut when there is no one to love. But now he who is afraid of losing his loved one is facing the battle again, and the fear of losing his loved one becomes his fatal weakness.

"I won't let you fight alone"

Suddenly, Ma Yuan made a noise

"If you can satisfy me, I will protect you. Saber will also protect you. And Mai Mai will also be by your side."

Although Ma Yuan's voice was indifferent, it was full of strength and commitment, which made Wei Gong cut his head up and looked at him like he looked at the last life-saving straw.

As long as you can do it, I can do it!

Alice Phil had to admit. Now the most important thing for Cut Si is the support of others.

There is always a person who can awaken the tenacity and perseverance that is sealed in the heart of Chedi, and recall the cold and ruthless personality of Chedi many years ago. But these words, Alice Phil would never mention it to Che.

If Alice Phil still has what she can do, it is to comfort the cut heir, so that the cut heir can get a short-term comfort. But Alice Phil secretly prayed in her heart.

It doesn't matter if prayer is useless. She prayed that if he could get a good time, even if it could be extended by one minute and one second. So that she can use the meager power to try to heal the pain of the cut heir.

That prayer and the two's hug disappeared at the same time.

Alice Phil's chest throbbed violently, and she couldn't help being nervous. Just controlled the enchantment of the forest in my magic. Repeated and strong vibrations appeared in her magic circuit.

That is an alarm.

Has it come?

Alice Phil couldn't take care of anything, and ran anxiously to the two men in front of her.

"come yet"

A man trembling and crying alone on the ground. Calmly restored the firm and cold tone she could not get used to.

Only after seeing Alice Phil's expression, Chedi realized that something had happened. Alice Phil nodded silently and moved closer. The cold face of the magician assassin appeared again in her eyes.

"Fortunately, it came before Wuya's departure. Now we can hit Alice with a headache and be ready to look at the crystal ball in the distance"


"In this case, then I'm going to prepare to fight" Ma Yuan nodded to Alice Phil,

"Please order, my lord Yo"

This is the first time Alice Phil has heard Ma Yuan call her so solemnly. Perhaps Caster’s vile behavior completely angered him. Alice Phil held her hands in front of her chest. Strong cry

"Please condemn him for me, my Master!"

"As you wish!"

Things happen much faster than expected. A whirlwind of fighting started in the forest.


The meeting room once again gathered all the main forces of the Ainz Belem camp, including Heir, Mai, Ma Yuan and Saber. In front of these three people, Alice Phil displayed the image of the intruder captured by the enchantment on the crystal ball.

The intruder was wearing a dark vestment, and there was an unlucky evil spirit on his clothes. There is also a reddish pattern impregnated on the clothes, like blood stains, looming in the jungle.

"Is this the Caster?"

Chedi saw Caster for the first time. Alice Phil nodded at him. The figure reflected on the crystal ball is the weird spirit that blocked Saber last night.

But what is he going to do?

What confuses Alice Phil is that there is a group of people behind Caster.

Caster did not act alone this time. About a dozen people were led behind him. Stride forward in the forest. These people are all underage children. The oldest child is just like a primary school student. All the children seemed to be walking in a sleepwalk, and Caster walked ahead and led them forward. There is no doubt that the children are under the control of Caster Magic.

It must have been Caster who saw the supervisor's announcement. These children were taken hostage from near Dongmu City.

"Alice Phil, where is that guy?"

Northwest of the castle, less than two kilometers away. Caster didn't seem to mean going further into the forest.

The enchantment opened in the forest. It is a circle with a diameter of five kilometers formed around the castle. Caster's location is the border of this border.

If Caster goes one step further inside the enchantment. Alice Phil can assist Saber in combat. But Caster seemed to see through Alice's motives, wandering around the enchantment.

"Alice Phil, the enemy is luring us out"

Saber said in a firm tone. If relying on her strength as a Servant. It only takes a few minutes to get to the place where Caster is located. Saber's thoughts were also conveyed to Alice Phil. Saber was very anxious at this moment and wanted to go out and beat Caster.

But the cavalier king cannot act arbitrarily. The group of children gathered behind Caster was the source of the uneasiness of the Cavaliers.

"A hostage. It must be"

Alice Phil whispered melancholy. Saber nodded.

If the traps and organs set up are activated, the group of children will be affected. Only when I dispatched directly to defeat Caster can I rescue those children.

The current situation is self-explanatory. But Alice Phil also hesitated. Saber's injury is very unfavorable, and the confrontation with Caster is a bit reassuring. Alice Phil judged by instinct that Caster was a difficult enemy. At the outer edge of the enchantment, Alice cannot assist Saber. Under such circumstances, let Saber fight alone

At this moment, Caster's eyes like a beast suddenly looked up. Did he see through Alice Phil's clairvoyance!?

Caster stared in the direction of Alice Phil. Raised his arms extremely attentively and gave a punch to Alice Phil. What a trifling act for the heroic spirit as a magician.

"I came to visit you in accordance with the agreement last night"

The surface of the hard crystal ball started to shake, and the sound came from the surveillance location.

"Now, please give an order. Let me visit the beautiful lady again!"

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