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"This is provocation, Alice" Ma Yuan raised a sarcastic angle at the corner of her mouth, watching Saber's reaction. Saber stared closely at Alice Phil, urging her to give orders quickly. As a Servant girl, she is ready to fight. It's just that her master is still hesitant.

Caster seemed to see through Alice Phil's thoughts, showing a look of contempt, as if performing a one-man show, with a sneer and then said:

"Ah. It seems that I still can't make up my mind. I've made a long-term plan, so you can prepare slowly. Oh, it's a boring game. Can you borrow me from the corner of your territory? "

Caster snapped his fingers. The children who had been following him obediently just now just opened their eyes like a dream. The children looked around helplessly, as if unable to figure out where they were.

"Listen to the kids, we are starting to hide and seek. The rules are simple. It is enough to escape from me. If you are caught by me"

Caster twitched his hand from the sleeve of the vest. Caught a child by his side


Saber knew that his stop had no effect, but he couldn't help crying out.

The sound of the skull smashing. Brains splashing around and eyes falling in the air. Those nightmarish scenes are engraved in everyone's mind.

The children cried out in pain. Escape around. Caster, standing in the center, laughed happily, licking his **** fingers with his tongue.

"Hurry up. I will start chasing you after I count one hundred. So Jeanne, how long do you have to prepare before I catch all the children?"

Seeing this and this scene, Alice Phil no longer hesitated. It is impossible to hesitate anymore. She is also the mother of a child. The child who was abandoned after being killed, his petite and pitiful body was just about the size of his daughter, Ilia.

"Saber, Ma Yuan, bring me down Caster!"


The answers of Cavaliers and Ma Yuan are extremely short. When Alice Phil heard Saber's answer, she had disappeared in the conference room. It was just that the wind blowing behind her was full of unusual anger-and the principle of Ma was transformed into a huge and violent whirlwind, which also showed how angry Director Qi was.

The battle is about to begin.

Saber turned into a gust of wind flying through the jungle.

Saber now has no time to take care of the dispute with Qi Si. Once in the battlefield, her heart will become a sword. A sharp, sharply polished sword. It was a sword without any confusion.

Saber knew very well that she was running towards Caster's magic. The blood in her body was rolling, and the evil deed committed by the demon angered Saber. However, what drives Saber forward at this moment is not a passionate mood. Just anger and hatred will not turn Saber's heart into a sword.

Those murdered children. Saber has never seen these sights. As long as you are on the battlefield. No matter how unbearable, you still see the young bones. This was a common situation for her once as King Arthur.

The so-called human beings, as long as they stand on the verge of life and death, will become extremely ugly, mean and tyrannical. Humans are two-legged beasts who commit adultery, kill young children, and plunder hungry people. The blood-stained battlefield is full of evil spirits.

But because of this, even if human beings are stuck in hell, they have to prove themselves. Prove that no matter what kind of adversity, we can survive noblely. Someone needs to prove this in person.

The person who can confirm this is the knight. Dazzling star on the battlefield.

The knight must illuminate the entire battlefield with awe and awe. Let those souls who are about to fall into evil spirits regain their sense of honor and pride and become an upright human again. Putting one’s anger, sadness and pain aside and focusing on the big picture is the responsibility that must be taken as a knight.

Therefore, Saber must defeat Caster. This was not driven by anger but her responsibility.

Saber has to admit that such a move lacks careful consideration. It is helpless to be accused of being rash. But Saber is by no means brave. Although it is expected that Caster is a tough opponent. But she did not feel despair. Because she is not without a chance of victory. If you fight against each other, the person who laughs to the end must be yourself. This is Saber's intuition.

Be sure to bring down Caster! Unlike Cut Si, Saber has a reason to knock down Caster himself. Even if you are seriously wounded or seriously injured, you must surrender the demon yourself. This is a responsibility as a knight king, an inescapable obligation. Saber, who defiles the meaning of war and scum that insults human dignity, Saber will never let this guy go.

The **** smell grew stronger. The mud tangled around the armor stopped Saber's footsteps.

On the ground behind which Saber raised the dust, the flying dust was saturated with sufficient moisture. The moisture was not caused by rain, but red blood.

That is a disgusting smell. Surrounded by a sea of ​​blood. What kind of cruel killing did Caster carry out, so that such an unbearable scene appeared? Saber thought of this, and he felt very painful.

And all the young and lovely children were killed. Saber remembered the children in the crystal ball who shouted in fear. This is just what happened. It happened just a few minutes before Saber flew into the forest.

At that time it was still a live child. It has now become a skeletal skeleton!

"You are finally here. Jeanne. I have been waiting for a long time!"

Caster welcomed the lingering silver figure with a broad smile. Caster's face was filled with triumphant smiles, and he seemed very satisfied with the grand banquet he had held. Caster stood in the middle of the sea of ​​blood, and his dark vest was covered with hostage blood. Make his smile more terrible and terrible.

Frantic and terrible smile, sadness and firmness. The two who were absolutely irreconcilable met for the second time. ,, ..

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