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"What do you think of seeing this miserable situation? Do you feel sad? Can you imagine the pain that the innocent and lovely children endured in the end?"

"But Joan of Arc, this is not really a tragedy. Compared with after I lost you, in order to meet you again"

Saber has nothing to say, nor does he want to listen to Caster's long talk. She wanted to split Caster into two pieces with one sword. Without a moment of hesitation, she took a step towards Caster.

Caster also sensed the killing intention from Saber's moving footsteps, stopped the words, and suddenly threw his hands from the corner of the vest.

What has been hidden in Caster's arms has once again stopped Saber from moving forward.

"Oh oh yeah, do you still have to move forward Joan?" The smile on his face was naive and bright, but the blood on his body and the things in his hands could not help but reveal his nature.

"Still say, in order to hit me, it doesn't matter how the child is..."

That was the only hostage a child survived. Was caught in Caster's forearm, still crying softly. Caster was just trying to use him as a shield against Saber, did he leave his mouth?

"Oh Joan, your eyes are so irritating! Sure enough, even if the memory is wrong, you are still my saint, Joan!"

Caster was complacent and smiled at Saber.

"Do you hate me that much? Yeah, you should hate me. I betrayed God's benevolence, and you will never forgive me. You treat God more pious than anyone!"

"Let go of that kid! You demon!"

Saber ordered Caster's tone as cold as a sword.

"The battle for the Holy Grail is to select the most qualified spirits for the Holy Grail. If you use the tactics to defile the Holy Spirit, you will be abandoned by the Holy Grail!"

"Stupid!" Waiting for Saber to finish, Caster shouted madly, and then quieted again, "Since you are resurrected again, the Holy Grail is useless to me Jeanne. If you really want to save Words of this child's life"

Caster couldn't help laughing, and then released his hand gently, disappointed, and put the child on the ground.

"Don't cry, boy. You should be happy. The devout believers of God are here to save you. The omnipotent God has finally appeared. All your friends have not been helped by God, only you."

The young child seemed to understand that the galloping blonde girl was her savior, and she burst into tears. At the same time, he ran straight towards Saber.

The child's little hand grabbed the armor on Saber's leg. Saber gently touched the child's little hand with his fingertips. Only the surrounding mountains can comfort her in her arms, and now Saber is in desperation. She could no longer prepare for the battle while considering the safety of her children.

This child must be allowed to escape immediately! Then go to stop Caster! To conclude the meaningless killing, this is the strongest conviction of the Cavaliers!

Even if there is only one person, only one person must be saved!

"It's dangerous here. Run away. Run in this direction and you will see a big castle. Someone will save there!"

Saber's rare soft voice echoed in the child's ear, and the hand wrapped in the armor gently stroked the child's head, which gave the child some comfort, but the movements inside the body made him panic again.

Of course, he did not know that this panic would be his last heart left in the world.

"Squeak squeak!!!!!!"

With a crunch, the child's back made a noise. The sobbing became a painful cry.

Saber dumbfounded, and the tiny body in front of her burst into two halves. And the blood ejected from the child's body turned out not to be red blood.

It was a group of black snakes, countless snakes hovering together, that thing covered with rain gill-sized suction cups, and it was by no means something ordinary like snakes. Is it a squid? Or is it the tentacles of a squid-like creature. The tentacles, which were as thick as Saber's wrist, stretched out and wrapped around the silver armor, and began to tightly bind Saber's hands and feet.

There are more than one monster called out of the outside world, with the flesh and blood of the hostages surrounding Saber. Numerous tentacles were continuously stretched out of the scattered hostages, and dozens of monsters surrounded Saber in an instant.

These monsters are about the same size. No limbs and no hips. It can't be described in words. These countless antennae have a ring-shaped mouth at their roots. The mouth is like a shark's mouth, with blade-like sharp teeth. Although I don't know the origin of these creatures, these are by no means creatures in nature. It may be a creature living in another world. And that world does not follow the laws of nature.

"I should have told you in advance, I will have to make preparations the next time I see me!"

"This isn't you Joan! Isn't the God serving you God's refuge?! How can it be so embarrassing!"

Caster laughed and screamed, as if celebrating his victory. There was a thick book in his hand. The cover of the book was wet and shining. There was a human skin on it. To the naked eye, it was just an ordinary book, but Saber used lightning-like inductive power to perceive that there was a huge magic centered on the book, and it spread to the four dramas. There is no doubt that it is Caster's treasure.

"This is a magic book left to me by my allies. I used this book to obtain the magic of the demon army. How is it? Is there no unit that can match the majesty of the devil army?"

Saber did not answer. She was still tightly bound by her tentacles, and she still had decayed bones shattered in her hands that had not been left intact. When the monster appeared, it also ate the hostage's flesh, so the skeleton of the hostage no longer had any weight. The child was crying while grabbing her by the corner of the dress, and now it has become this miserable situation.

"Enough is enough. I don't want to fight for the Holy Grail with you now..." If Caster's first insanity brought her only disgust, and the second ruthlessness and ruthlessness brought him extreme Strong fluctuations.

Fission, fluctuation, reset, explosion.

Saber, angry...,,...

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