Thousand Blades of Death

: Fifty-eight · fierce battle

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Finally, we can meet Chedi again, but we have to separate again. This made Alice Phil feel very uneasy. Especially when she sensed the pain and contradiction that Qi Si hid in her heart, she became more and more uneasy. However, staying with Qi Si can only become a burden. It had been an exception to meet Chedi in the castle.

Alice Phil thought about it calmly in her heart, and finally she realized the source of her uneasiness. Not because of parting with Qi Si, but because of having to act with Wu Mi. Chedi had originally intended Mai Mi to protect Alice Phil, but Alice Phil still couldn't get rid of Wu Mi's aversion.

However, Alice Phil would not oppose Chedi's combat policy because of personal feelings.

I understand.

At the moment Alice Phil nodded quietly


There was a new sting in Alice Phil's magic circuit. This is the feedback from the forest enchantment.

What happened? Alice Phil.

Cut heir, as you are worried about. It seems that a new enemy has entered the forest-

After defeating three, Saber noticed the enemy's attempt.

The reason is not yet known, but the overly fragile tentacle monsters and Caster’s unnatural confidence level sounded Saber’s intuitive alarm.

After defeating ten. Saber finally confirmed the cause of the unrest.

The number of enemies has not decreased. No matter how many knockdowns, new enemies increase. Caster's summoning magic continues to call for reinforcements from outsiders.

It doesn't matter if that's the case. Saber made up his mind secretly. No matter how much the number of enemies swells, as long as it is overwhelmed with double momentum here. Driven by boiling fighting spirit, Saber's sword suddenly accelerated.

Thirty. Because the enemy did not decrease at all, Saber's heart began to flash anxiously.

Fifty. Saber understands that counting it is futile. Becoming a seedbed for monsters is not just the blood and flesh Saber of the hostages. Discover new monsters born from the corpses of demolished monsters. This is the case, no wonder there will be no reduction. In this way, it is as if the defeated monster will regenerate infinitely.

In this way, it is a competition of magic reserves. Realizing that it would become a protracted battle, Saber immediately slowed the blade's momentum. It is impossible to support the sword with all your strength. Can only hunt as much as possible with the minimum necessary strength.

Caster's magic should be limited. Such repeated and repeated summons and rebirth of enemies will sooner or later be exhausted. The question is whether Saber can support it until then.

Saber was again troubled by the inability to use his left hand. With only one right hand waving the sword, you have to use the magic power to make up for the lack of wrist power. In this situation, the extra consumption of magic power is a heavier burden than anything else.

originally. If you can hold the hilt of the sword with both hands and hit it with the oath of victory, you should be able to beat these dirty wastes completely.

Saber continued to wield his sword despite gritting his teeth in regret. Although the number of knockouts has exceeded three digits, Caster still smiled casually to appreciate Saber's struggle. Saber looked at his opponent with no expression of gauntness in surprise. At this time, he re-noticed the abnormal density of the magic power of the magic book on the enemy's hand.

Is it

Although it is the worst guess, it is probably not wrong.

It is summoning magic to summon countless monsters, regenerate and drive them to run tirelessly towards Saber's sword. And it is the magic book itself that chants the spell.

It's not just a stack of paper that records the mantra. Probably that book is a monster with a large capacity magic furnace, which can use magic alone to exercise magic. Caster did not read the mantra from the pages of the book, but freely drove the book as the source of the magic power.

Luoluo City Education is indeed a terrible treasure. If Alice Phil is a regular Master of Saber, you should see his ability when seeing Caster for the first time, and see that the other party is a very dangerous Servant with the ability to specialize treasures. In that case, Saber will definitely not easily take the battle of consumption with Caster, even if it is ridiculed and timid, maybe it will take more cautious action.

No, regret is a sign of weakness.

Saber shouted at himself. If it was a knight who fought for glory, he would never be allowed to flinch in front of an evil like Caster. If so, she gave up the greatest power and weapon she possessed, that is, the righteous heart that believed her sword.

Caster looked at the treasure in his hand with satisfaction, and could not help but sigh, "Oh, my reliable ally, only here on behalf of God thank you, only you can let me imprison my lovely saint what!"

Luocheng City Education Book (Pre-Racer, Sorry, Prelatis, Spell Grade: A+

Species: military treasure

Distance: 1~10

Maximum capture: 100 people

The magic book is bound with human skin. Can summon and serve monsters in the deep sea. This book has the ability to act as a magic hearth, and can disregard the magic of the magician himself to launch magic of the magic and ceremonial level.

The above records the knowledge about the forbidden destruction of the ancient evil gods before the birth of mankind. It is the Italian translation of the magician Francois Pularetti, the original text is Chinese in the Chinese Xia Dynasty. It is said that the earlier texts were written in languages ​​other than humans.

Laraille Text / The Rlyeh Text (TheRlyehText)

"La Laye Text" is a book that only exists in legends and was written by an unknown author 3000 years ago.

The original text is said to have been written on clay tablets, and there are various rumors as to whether it still exists or has been destroyed. Rumors with a higher probability are that many manuscripts have been copied from the original text. These manuscripts have been preserved since 300 BC, and are legendarily hidden in deserted places along the coast of China. It has English and German translations, which shows that it was secretly taken out of the country.

This book records about the deep dive, the **** Dagon and the goddess Hydera, the star family of Cthulhu, "son of Cthulhu" Zos Omog and Gatanotoa, and the great Cthulhu Lu's own business. It also documents the sinking of Mu mainland and Laleye, and also implies that Laleye will one day rise from the sea again. In addition, it also mentioned the "waiter in the dark" Seeg.

In addition to the Chinese translation, the English translation, and the German translation, there is also the legend that the magician Francois Prati of the 15th century holds an Italian translation. This version is translated from Marco Polo brought back from China The Laleille text is a manuscript bound in human skin, once held in history by Napoleon Bonaparte who became the French emperor, but the details are unknown. ,, ..

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