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"It's really nostalgic, Jeanne. Everything is the same as in the past"

Caster's expression as if looking at the holy painting. Follow Saber's increasingly miserable battle.

Even in a dangerous situation with few enemies, you will never be afraid or surrender. Your eyes never doubt victory. You really haven't changed. The lofty fighting spirit and noble soul are undoubtedly the evidence of Joan of Arc. Obviously

As usual nonsense. But Saber suppressed his anger and slashed the soldiers in front of him wholeheartedly. Rejecting each other sentence by sentence will only mean the enemy's arms.

"Why? Why haven't you awake yet? Do you still believe in God's refuge? Do you think that miracles will come to save you in this desperate situation? How sighing! Have you forgotten the battle of love than love? Forgot to push you down from the apex of glory to the trap of the God who broke Hell! Even after suffering so much insult, are you still going to be a god's string doll!?"

Really want to stop that nonsense mouth. I really want to let him know what kind of ruling the sin will accept because of boring delusions that took the child's life. The tip of the sword could not touch him at all. Saber was stopped by a wall of monsters that had been weighed down by ten to twenty weights. The distance from Caster seems too far away.

Saber rushed towards the slight gap, but his head was curled up by the tentacles extending from behind. Even though she stretched out her hand reflectively before she was twisted by her tentacle, she wanted to grab it. But the left hand, whose thumb did not listen, simply slipped across the surface of the tentacle in emptiness.


As soon as Saber stopped, his vision was completely covered by the tentacle wall. They can only be blown away with the release of magic power. But this number


Suddenly, a flash of thunder and lightning flashed back and repulsed the weird group.

In front of Saber, who was untied and gasping for breath, he broke into a tall back in **** armor.

"It's ugly, Saber. If your swordsmanship can't be more intimidating, the name of the Knight King will cry."

"I thought I would protect Alice if I didn't do it. Sure enough, you are still immature, Saber."

Ma Yuan carried a **** spear in one hand. It was an unknown existence that gave him the evening sacred gun. The body of the blood tank began to overflow with blood. All the demons retreated instinctively after seeing the gun. Retreat as if it were a natural enemy.

The Holy Gun, which was overflowing with blood, was being held firmly in the hand.

That is, the beginning of the killing.

"Are you again!? Whose permission did you get to dare to disturb me!"

"Oh, it turned out to be your scum, debris, who allowed you to raise your head to see me." Ma Yuan looked at Caster ruthlessly, her godly face that day was now full of anger representing the thunder of the sky, mouth Li is not forgiving,

"Who is it, allow you to contaminate so dirty things!"

"The servants of the divine **** dare to trample life so much, even so, do you dare to be exposed to me!"

"Kneel down for me, you ants!"

At the end of the speech, a great coercive pressure emanated from Ma Yuan. The breath of domineering and killing was mixed with the breath of the God of the Lankinus Bible God, causing Caster, who was physically weak, to kneel directly underground.

It is a pity that as long as the owner is willing, the Luoyao City Education Book can still launch the magic on its own. That is the self-contained effect of the magic furnace, regardless of the will of the holder.

Therefore, countless sea demons are still being summoned, ugly things are wriggling on the ground, and the people in front of them roar and roar, even with instinctive fear, but they also feel the blood in the man's long gun!

That's the breath of evolution!

Evolution, also known as evolution, refers to the change of genetic traits in a population between generations. The so-called traits refer to the performance of genes. During reproduction, genes are copied and passed on to offspring. Mutations in genes can change traits, which in turn cause genetic variation among individuals. New traits will be transferred along with the genes due to species migration or horizontal gene transfer between species. When these genetic variations are affected by non-random natural selection or random genetic drift, and become more common or no longer rare in the population, it means that evolution has occurred. Simply put, the essence of evolution is: a change in the frequency of population genes.

The essence of Lankinus is to absorb countless blood, wipe out, fuse, and sublime the frequency of genes in it, so as to fundamentally change genes and improve the ability of users.

Therefore, for low-level sea monsters, which are low-level creatures that devour instinct, evolution is the strongest pursuit!

"Oh, did the dirty things feel the preciousness of the holy blood?" Ma Yuan looked at the creeping creatures underground with interest, "There is no value worth killing, Saber, you are caught by this kind of thing. Have you stepped?"


"Well, forget it, but can you invite another guest to come out first, and then peeking in the dark is not the heroic act, and we can't rest assured in fighting?"

"Although, I don't care about you lying right?"

"You are right, Lancer"

"Oh oh yeah, this really doesn't stay at all, Bawang"

"It's ugly, Saber. If your sword can't be sharper, the name of the cavalier will cry."

The red and yellow lightning flashed through, killing a group of evil monsters again after Ma Yuan. The coming person showed up in front of Saber.

Its beauty can be called a beautiful man who has sinned. A stunned glance at the stunned Saber. It is precisely because of her ability to resist magic that she can endure this charming sight. Contrary to the fierceness of those guns, Di Lumu. Audina's smile seemed extremely sweet and refreshing.

"Lancer, why..."

But Caster's anger on the ground was much greater than Saber's surprise.

The shame of being ordered to kneel on the ground, after Lancer's figure entered his eyes, he was completely mad.

"Who!? Whose permission did you have to dare to disturb me!"

"That's what I'm going to say. The demon is out!"

Lancer stared coldly at the angry Caster, pointing the front end of his left handed short gun at him.

"Who makes you so arrogant, Saber's first level is a medal destined to be hung under my gun. You want the fisherman to steal the fruits of victory, this is a shameless behavior on the battlefield!",...

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