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"Non! Nang Nang Nang Nang~!!"

Caster grabbed his scalp and bulged his eyes with a strange noise.

"My prayers! My holy grail! It's all for the woman to wake up! She is my piece of flesh and blood, including the soul is my thing!!"

The thin anger in his huge eyes made him look more horrible, but the gesture of kneeling on the ground only made him more ridiculous.

But Lancer was not overwhelmed by Caster's momentum, shrugging deeply and sighing.

"Listen? I hurt Saber's left hand. Only Uncle Ben has the right to take advantage of her one-handed disadvantage!"

Lancer slowly raised the tip of the two left and right guns, posing his unique double gun posture. Standing in front of Saber, as if sheltering the knight king behind.

"Now, Caster. I'm not going to talk about your relationship. If you must make Saber succumb to take her away, just let go and do it. It's just"

The eyes of the handsome warrior were full of sorrow, and they spoke.

"A delusion to put aside one's Di Lumuduo and knock down one-handed Saber is never allowed! If you don't back down, my gun will replace Saber's left hand from now on!"

"It's really a ruthless speech, Lancer." Lancer suddenly felt the gun tail sink. It was obvious that something was heavy on the gunshot wound. He turned back in surprise, but it was an indifferent face that came into his eyes.

"I dare to swear such a sovereignty over Saber in front of me, can I think this is a provocation to me?"


The strength in his hand keeps growing. In Ma Yuan's ideas, the threat of Caster, which he regarded as scum, is obviously not as big as Lancer.

every aspect.

"This is the misunderstanding of the overlord..." Lancer laughed bitterly. "I just declared the sovereignty of Saber's fighting rights for one-handed battle. Can't the overlord understand the glorious duel of the event?"

"Yes, I still believe that you are not that kind of person, otherwise the gun in your hand will first assassinate you before my gun."

"Well, I can tolerate this. The noble knight's flower can't be trampled, you say yes, Saber."

"Yes! The noble spirit of the noble knight cannot be trampled on by anyone!"

Saber's heart was beating high in his chest, and the excitement that had never been seen since he entered the war echoed in his heart.

That's the sign of the blooming knight's flower

Thinking of this, Saber turned to look at Lancer,

"Lancer, you"

"Make no mistake, Saber"

Lancer sternly stopped Saber from continuing.

"The command I was instructed by the Master today was only to knock down Caster. I did not accept the instructions directed at you. In this case, I judge that it is best to fight together here. What do you think?"

Lancer's statement is not the first explanation to save the Saber crisis. This spearman doesn't need to do this, he can also choose to take advantage of Caster's concentration when dealing with Saber. Go back to the enemy and conduct a sneak attack.

Saber didn't ask him why. Lancer, who smiled at the corner of his mouth, nodded, and after eye contact with Ma Yuan, Saber stood between Ma Yuan and Lancer.

"Oh, this time I will give you the position on the left"

Saber heard Ma Yuan's dissatisfaction whispering, and then gave him a look with a wry smile. Seeing this look, Ma Yuan was obviously excited.

That's what you can do to Saber after you go back.

Saber no longer pays attention to the left, holding his sword towards the right. Now she has the most trusted left arm.

"Let me know Lancer first, in my case, a single left hand can knock down a hundred such fish."

"Huh, it's not a matter of this degree. You can be left-handed today."


The two heroes joked with each other and rushed towards the gathered monsters. The sword and the two magic guns cut off a large group of tentacles extending from all sides. And Ma Yuan just sighed, and the long gun in his hand swept a large area, instantly clearing the field of vision in front of him.

"Knight King Altolia Pendragon!"

"Dimogludo Odina, the chief warrior of the Fiona Knights!"

"West Chu Overlord Xiang Yu!"

"Here, fight against demons!"

"You can't forgive yourself, you're so lucky!"

The magic book in Caster's hands seemed to echo his roaring strangely, pulsing constantly, turning the pages. Suddenly, the number of monsters doubled. Large groups of tentacles seemed to flood the forest towards Saber, Ma Yuan and Lancer.

The second scene of a fiercer and more miserable battle began.

Kenneth. Alumi Roy. It was a fluke that Achipolud captured Caster's figure in Dongmu City.

Although it was found that the figure in the dark cloak of the wrong era strode across the residential street at dusk, it was stunned, but Kenneth hinted at the driver when he saw the light truck passing by, and then took it like he led a kindergarten outing. After taking the children to ride on it. Began tracking.

In the Servant battle, you can only choose the unmanned place. The car that does not overload Caster is heading towards the mountains away from the city. Kenneth snickered because he was in the middle, but he began to hesitate when he realized that his destination was the forest of Ainz Belen.

I had heard about the Einzbelen territory near Dongmu during the investigation. Since it is a magician's territory, there is a corresponding enclave, which is difficult for others to fight in a favorable way. Having said that, the reason for Caster's special expedition here is to let go of the intention to challenge Einzbelen's forces first. In this case, there may be opportunities for that battle. Kenes made up her mind and stepped into the forest with Lancer.

Unsurprisingly, Caster started fighting with Saber who appeared. From the chaotic words and deeds, it can be seen that Caster, who is already in a rage, is acting alone, but Saber's Master has not yet appeared. Presumably, since you are in your own territory, you can protect yourself even if you are not around Servant. So decide to sit on the hillside and watch the tiger fight.

Kenneth decided his own policy.

Order Lancer to attack Caster. For Kenneth who has consumed a spell, The supervisor's offer to fight Caster's remuneration, he wanted it anyway. It's just that even if you knock down Caster here, it turns out to be a common front with Saber. Einz Belen’s Master should also be given a special order spell. This is by no means what he hopes to see.

So, Kenes decided to give Caster to Lancer to deal with, and he infiltrated into the city of Einz Belem alone. If you want to monopolize the first level of Caster, you can also exclude Saber's Master.

Despite the bold challenge, Kenneth had unwavering confidence. No matter what defense Ainz Belen had done, he would bet on Rod. The awakening of the name Alumi Roy. If you want to make up for the shortcomings accused by Sola last night, you can't do without showing this level of courage. For Kenneth, getting his fiancee to withdraw his insult to himself is his most important issue now. ,, ..

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