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"Guns? Really mean means. Has the magical name Einzbelen, which has been passed down for thousands of years, fallen to this point?!"

This is the automatic defense mode of Moon Spirit Liquid. This pre-set magic can automatically react when Kenneth is threatened, and instantly open a strong defense membrane. That kind of reaction speed can withstand even bullets. When the Hyatt Hotel collapsed at the time, it was the defense system created by the spirit fluid of the moon that protected Kaines and Sola. Freely transforming mercury as a complete weapon of attack and defense. It can be used as both Kenes' sword and Kenes' armor.


Kenneth, who unwrapped the defensive membrane, could not help but scoff at the vulgarity of the organ just after seeing the tragic situation around. Even Kenes, who did not know much about military weapons, now understands that it was not a magic attack that attacked him just now, but only the usual weapon that used explosives.

In Kenneth's mind, it finally became a little clearer about the unpleasant experience of last night.

You can know without analysis. Among the remaining six groups of Masters, only Saber’s Master Einzberen’s family wanted to eliminate Kenes first. However, as a magician with a high prestige, such as the famous Ainz Belen family, how could he use such a nasty trick? Kenneth, who is also proud of being a magician, could not believe this fact anyway.

But now he could not help but believe it. The demolitionist who used the most despicable means to destroy the Kenesi workshop last night is now lurking in this city.

"Has it fallen to this point? Einzbelen..."

Kenneth murmured, the tone was more a sigh than anger. I am afraid that it is not the master of Saber who made this kind of despicable means. It should be the humble guy where they were hired. But even this is a very depraved thing. On this sacred battlefield, how can they hire irrelevant guys? This is absolutely unforgivable.

"Well, then this is not a duel, but my crusade against you"

That's right, crusade, yes, now Kenneth feels that there is another layer of responsibility in his body, that is, crusade against Einzbelen who betrayed the magic glory!

This war is not just a battle for the Holy Grail, but an orthodox magician's condemnation of the fallen magician! Let this group of people who abandon the magic road realize what is called the noble of the magic road!

And the respect and shame they deserve!

Shouldn't this group of people obediently put their hands on the Holy Grail and kneel in front of the great Lord Kenneth and weep and run back into the arms of the devil? !

After reinvigorating his killing intentions, Kenneth went deeper into the enemy formation.

With a CCD camera installed in a hidden place in the hall, the palace guard will pass Rod. The power of the lunar pith that Alumeroi was proud of was completely observed carefully.

Manipulation of mercury through mantras to achieve the purpose of automatic defense. Although I have heard of it before, I never expected that such a physical object would have such a powerful ability. Even the shockwaves of the CLAYMORE mines are not as fast as their defenses. If this is the case, then you cannot expect to rely on guns to win.

Although cut heir was very annoyed, he had to admit that the magician did have first-class technology. If you want to talk about it, you should know this when you first knew that Hyatt's institution was not successful.

That is to say, this is the opponent that heir must meet as a magician.

You must find a way to deal with the magic costume, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to win!

In order to find the enemy lurking in this castle, Kenes must search all the houses on the first floor one by one. Now the location of Qie Si is at the deepest level on the second floor. If you start acting immediately, there should be enough time to choose a place that is conducive to confrontation.

Chedi analyzed the map of the castle in his mind, and walked out of the house to the gate. His footsteps stopped.

In the keyhole of the gate, there was a drop of mercury like spider silk. Although there was only a slight point, Chedi still could see the mercury dripping down while leaving a silver track on the surface of the door.

The moment Mercy saw it, the mercury drop suddenly stopped falling, and then exited the keyhole like a creature along the original trace, and then disappeared.

It turns out so. Automatic search?

Just when Qi Si was shocked, a silver ray suddenly penetrated under the carpet in his house. A burst of cold forced the heart of the cut-off heir to Wei Gong, and he couldn't believe his instinct. He instantly rolled back to the edge of the room!


In an instant, the ground in the middle of the house was cut into a circular plate and dropped below the first floor. Then jumped a silver tentacle from the circular hole.

The new form of lunar medullary fluid that appears in front of Qie Si looks like a metallic jellyfish. Numerous tentacles grabbed the opening of the ground, and the tentacles whose bases spread like umbrellas expanded into a flat dish-shaped platform. And it wasn’t anyone standing on that platform with a smile, it was Rod. Alumi Roy.

"Finally let me find you. Little mouse"

Before the complacent Kenneth instructed Mercury to attack, Chess had pulled a short machine gun from the holster in his waist and shot it.

Immediately responding, Moon Spirit Liquid immediately formed a protective film in front of Kenneth. All the power of 9ram's bullet rain is blocked. It took only a few seconds before fifty bullets were shot into the air.

In front of a magical costume that is beyond common sense, bullets can't play any role.

However, in just a few seconds, he gave Qie Si a very sufficient time to chant.

"Timealterdoubleaccel (inherent time control double speed)"

With the incantation spell. The magic within Chedi's body began to run fast.

"Scalp! (cut)"

Just at the moment when Qie Si's bullet was fired. Kenneth issued a declaration of death.

As his voice flew, the two mercury whips flew towards the prey in front of them in a left-right attack.


It was Kenes that exclaimed.

At the moment when two silver whips were about to hit the target, Cheji escaped the silver whip's attack with an almost unbelievable speed, and quickly jumped under the moon spirit fluid that Kenes was standing just now. The floor is cut by the mercury blade.

The cut was so fast that he couldn't even see his actions clearly. No matter what you think, this should not be a physical skill that ordinary people can play. Although Kenneth had a somewhat careless feeling just now, he was not too surprised by the sudden change in front of him. After all, this is an unreasonable battle between magicians. It's no surprise that even the little mice mixed in it have extraordinary abilities.

"Oh? Do you also master some magic?"

"Unfortunately, this does not change the fate of your immediate death, despicable villain!"

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