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"Unfortunately, this does not change the fate of your immediate death, despicable villain!"

Although Kenneth smiled slightly on his face, he already had a killing intention in his heart. Whether he is an ordinary mouse or not, even if he has been influenced by a little magic, he is still a villain. Such an insult to the magician cannot be tolerated.

"Miscellaneous, let you know the taste of death"

"Ire:sanctio (tracking obliteration)"

Upon receiving the order, the mercury flew out with thin tentacles. The search on the entire first floor was started again. Mercury immediately determined the location of the target. Kenneth, who was following the line following, followed a sadistic smile on the corner of his mouth.

The cut heirs traveling in the corridor were swallowed by the side effects of using magic.

The technique he used to evade Kenneth’s attack was not a simple magic that simply strengthened his body. But it has a higher degree of application and of course also has strong side effects.

Inherent control.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to cut off the time in a specific space from the external time flow. In a sense, time manipulation can be regarded as a kind of inherent enchantment. Although it is divided into the scope of magic, it is absolutely not Belongs to the magic category of non-reproducible. This is in contrast to reversing causal changes in past time modification, but it is just a magic of adjusting the time in the past and accelerating the time in the future, so it is not a very difficult and impossible technology. The only issues to consider are the scale of the enchantment and the range of time that needs to be adjusted.

As the Wei Gong family of the cut-off family source, generations have been exploring the study of the magic of time manipulation. The magic engraving that exists on the cut back of the heir has inherited the research results of generations. However, the magic power and preparation ritual required to launch this kind of magic can be regarded as the level of great magic. So it can only be used as a strategic preparation. For the heir who needs to make tactical preparations to survive on the battlefield, this was originally a legacy of little use.

However, in order to be able to make the most of the time operation ability that he inherited. I have created a set of application methods that can flexibly use this magic on a very small scale.

In order to be able to set up the inherent enchantment more easily, there is a means to control the enchantment only within the surgeon's body. Although it is impossible to completely isolate the body from the outside world, it can minimize the influence of the outside world on the body. In this smallest scale of enchantment, the adjustment of just a few seconds is the unique magic inherent time control of Wei Gong cut heir.

For example, when he battled Kenneth just now, he would double the time required for blood flow, hemoglobin burning, and muscle tissue movement in his body. After simply judging the attack trajectory of Mercury Whip, the only thing left is to use a fast reaction speed to avoid it. After cutting up the time in his body, he can use the body technique that is impossible for ordinary people.

And the biggest problem with this magic is that it will put a considerable burden on the flesh.

The technique of time adjustment will inevitably cause errors in the time inside and outside the enchantment, and after the enchantment is lifted, this deviation will be corrected immediately by natural forces. That is the adjustment of the world itself. Of course, this adjustment can only be carried out in the part where the error occurs, that is, in the body of the cut heir. Adjusted to coincide with normal time flow.

This is a terrible magic, and most importantly, he is the most suitable magic for the guardian of the palace.

Compared with Kenneth's magic, Chedi's magic is neither gorgeous nor powerful. But this does not mean that the current cut heir has no chance at all. Because Kenneth's best chance of overthrowing the cut heir was that the first blow had just been missed. Although Kenneth may not realize it himself, it was his biggest mistake for Chess. He has exposed his magic, and he has given him the opportunity to analyze it.

After that, it was the hunting time of the magician killer.

In the eyes of Wei Gong cut heirs, now Kenneth is a toothless tiger, under control.

Chedi ran while refilling the bullets in the machine gun. The bullets in Contender were also replaced with ordinary bullets. It's still too early to use the last kill. In order to be able to kill the opponent in a single blow, it is necessary to further provoke Kenes.

Rod, who has both offensive and defensive capabilities and has the ability to search for enemies. Aluminium Roy's Mercurial Costume. But Chedi still saw the flaw in the magic with these three advantages.

First of all, its ability to seek out enemies

Chedi suddenly stopped at the front corner, then hid behind the pillar. Mercury is not just behind him, but is approaching silently throughout the corridor. I am afraid that the tentacles of Mercury are now opening a large net, which has sealed all the escape routes of the cut heir.

Liquid metal is used as a search tool. What is the method of transmitting information? There are no special sensory devices such as sight, smell, taste, etc., so Kenes can transform it freely. So these methods can be excluded. .

It is most likely through tactile sensation, but when he was found on the second floor at that time, he had already been located without contact with mercury.

However, assuming that mercury is very sensitive to touch, it should be possible to judge it when there are fluctuations in the air. You should also be able to perceive the heat source of temperature changes.

Staring at the mercury net surrounded by all directions, Chedi smiled slightly. The guy has no eyes. So as long as the heartbeat, breathing sounds and body temperature are illusory, you can completely transparentize your existence.

"TimealterTriplestagnate (intrinsic time control triple stagnation)"

With the chanting of the spell, Qi Si's vision suddenly became extremely bright.

It's not that the outside world has changed, it's just his own illusion. When the cut optic nerve confirmed the image, his retina received three times more light than usual.

This time control is just the opposite of the high-speed body surgery just now. Chedi slowed his physiological function to one-third of normal. His breathing became sluggish, and his heartbeat slowly stopped at an almost imperceptible rate. And due to the cessation of metabolism, the body temperature of the whole body also quickly disappeared, cooling to the extent that it is not much different from the outside temperature difference.

And this is the first step in burying Kenneth. ,, ..

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