Thousand Blades of Death

: Sixty-five Women

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In retrospect, this was the first time she felt uneasy since Alice Phil set foot on Dongmu's land.

She once again realized the importance of Saber and Ma Yuan who had always been by her side. The quiet confidence and tolerance emanating from Saber's petite body gave Alice Phil great relief.

Ma Yuan, however, guarded her in an all-encompassing posture, or was guarded by her. This wonderful bond between the two made Alice Phil feel extremely relieved.

As long as he's around, it doesn't matter if the sky falls

Perhaps Alice Phil didn't know that Ma Yuan's status in her heart has far surpassed the nine-year companion Wei Gong cut heirs.

Now, instead of Saber, the two who followed her, Kyuyu Mai, as a guard are not untrustworthy, and Qi Si also highly praised Mai Mi's ability, not to doubt her.

So what's going on with this wonderful sense of anxiety?

To retreat and leave the castle, there is no dialogue between the two walking in the forest of enchantment. Indeed, Mai does not seem to like a type of gossip, but that complete silence is too heavy for Alice Phil.

Will she respond if you speak first? There is no loss in trying it. The two are now in a safe area isolated from the fighting. Not in a critical situation that requires silence.

In this case. Preparing to brave the courage to speak but not knowing what to say, Alice Phil pressed the words again there.

There are so many things I want to ask. Even though Ma Yuan had already replaced Wei Gong cut heirs as Alice Phil's mainstay, she still could not put Wei Wei cut heirs.

This has nothing to do with feelings, it is just the sense of responsibility brought by long-time companionship and out of concern for companions.

After all, her heart was already occupied by that person, and the others could no longer be squeezed in...

Encounter with Chedi. Memories of spending time with him. No matter what question the character of the cut heir looks in Mai's eyes, no matter which Alice Phil asks, he feels hesitant.

The cut-off heir to the Wei Gong that she didn't know, Kyuyu Mai knew.

If the answer that Wu Mi said in his mouth. If the impact is big enough to destroy his image in Alice Phil’s mind

There can be no such thing. There is absolutely no basis for such denial. Because for Alice Phil, just nine years from the beginning of the encounter is all heirs.

In that troublesome circle. The silence continued. Although the atmosphere was obviously embarrassing, Wu Mi was silently advancing at all.

I really am not good at dealing with this woman

As he lowered his head and sighed deeply, an alarm flashed in Alice Phil's head.


Mai Mi looked in surprise at Alice Phil who suddenly stopped stiffly.

"What's wrong, miss?"

"There are new intruders. Just a little bit in front of us. Then we will meet when we walk down."

This is an expected situation. Wu Mi nodded calmly.

"Let's go roundabout. It will be safe to go roundabout from here."

Alice Phil, who was using clairvoyant magic to examine the appearance of the intruder, did not immediately answer.

A tall man wearing a dark monk's clothes and full of pressure. The short hair and serious look are no different from the photos on Qie's collection materials.

Here comes Yan Feng Qi Li.

Compared to this, Alice Phil was even more surprised by the change in Mai Mi's expression when she informed the news.

At any time, she is an iceless expressionless woman who can't see all emotions. I thought she must be as cold as ice in the end

Alice Phil's expression for the first time she saw Wu Mi. Anxiety and anger intertwine. There is a sense of crisis that is completely different from terror. What she feared should not be the character of Qi Li, but the situation that Qi Li appeared here at this time.

Aware of this, Alice Phil realized. Despite being abrupt, Alice Phil understands the heart of the woman, Jiuyu Mai.

"Miss Mai, the order you accepted from Chedi is to ensure my safety, right?"

"Yes. But"

"But what? Are you thinking that only the man can never let him cut the heir?"

After Alice Phil smiled a bit disgustedly and pointed out her thoughts. Wu Mi became speechless for a while.

Miss, you...

"Occasionally. I agree with you exactly."

Yanfeng Qili. Probably the most threatening man for Chedi. It can be seen from Wu Mi's reaction to hearing his name.

Although Alice Phil was a Holm Cruise (artificial human), she gave birth to a child. Even if she did not go through the normal ceremony, she achieved that feeling and even became a mother. In that way, she gained the intuition that the puppet can't understand, but the super-sensation that humans possess is also the intuition of women.

"Qili was stopped by the two of us here. Okay, Miss Mai?"

After a moment of hesitation, Wu Mi nodded with a wonderful expression.

"I'm sorry. But please be conscious, miss."

"It's okay. Don't worry about me. You perform your duties. It's not an order issued by the heir, but something you think is necessary..."

"After all, the person you give everything to can be regarded as my brother..."

Little brother!

In Alice Phil’s eyes, the nine-year-old Wei Gong cut heir can be counted as his younger brother, even if the real ages of the two are not equal, but it does not hinder Alice Feier’s cut heir to Wei Gong Understand, and she felt it at the time!

If you become the lover of this person, then absolutely terrible things will happen!

Therefore, Alice Phil's feelings for Wei Gong's heirs only stop at her sister's feelings, but she didn't expect that Wei Gong Qi's heirs really touched her...

And just like Ma Yuan said, Wei Gong cut heir will surely become his last judge, on behalf of all things in this world to judge his last crime!

Wei Palace cut heir...


In retrospect, I may have noticed it already. So I am afraid to confirm.

Now Alice Phil understands. The reason for avoiding Wu Mi is not to fear her, but to know her heart.

Fear of the fact that the stupid sister who cares about Wei Gong's heir is more than one.

In the high sense of approaching the death fight, Alice Phil couldn't help laughing. Wu Mi, who took out Calico's short submachine gun, glanced at her with a surprised expression.

what happened?

The human heart is incredible...

You are right, Ma Yuan...,...

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