Thousand Blades of Death

: Sixty-six battle

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The human heart is incredible.

In order to cut heirs, you can bet that a woman with such determination in her life has someone else besides herself.

Obviously, it should be such a shocking answer. Now that fact makes people feel extremely reliable.

For Yanfeng Qili, it is not very difficult to speculate on the next action plan chosen by the Einzbelen camp.

The other Masters all target Caster, while Caster targets saber. Then there is no need for special actions. Staying in the position to prepare for a complete attack, waiting for the enemy's attack is the best strategy.

You don't have to look for it in this way. The forest of Ainz Belen on the outskirts of Dongmu City should not be used. It is not wrong that Wei Gong is still there.

Of course, Qili had no intention of being involved in the battle. There is a high probability that the east of the forest will become a battle site. Because generally speaking, the enemies coming from Dongmu will invade from that direction.

As a result, Qi Li waited at the outer edge of the forest on the west side to wait for the battle to start. And bet on the chance to attack the castle from the opposite side if the battle started in the east as expected.

Assassin was released as a scout in the forest. Assassin with breath-cutting skills can penetrate deep into the enchantment without being noticed. Although not close to the castle. It is still possible to observe the fighting movement from the outside of the forest.

Then, sure enough, the conflict between caster and Saber unfolded east of the forest. And fortunately, Einz Belen had Servant alone, and the Master could not close the door. Assassin's report is an excellent opportunity for Qi Li.

If the guardian of the palace is the hound employed by Einzberen, then he should now be guarding the master who is away from the Servant and is unguarded. Now is a good opportunity to push it to the dead end.

Although then received an alert from Assassin, learned that Rod. Alumi Roy was also moving towards the castle, but Qi Li did not hesitate. Instead, he was even a little anxious. If the palace guard was killed by the hand of Kenneth, Qili's purpose could not be achieved. In order to face Chedi. Qi Li did her consciousness of having to collide with Kenneth in the worst case, and quickly moved through the forest.

In addition, depending on the situation of the battle, there may also be a situation where Einzbelen abandoned the castle and fled. At that time, of course, the opposite direction of the east battlefield where the Servant was fighting should be used as a retreat. In that case, there is a possibility of encountering Qili.

As a precaution, Qi Li began to prepare for the war situation in advance. Because of this, she was able to react swiftly to unexpected killings.

Sighing, he leaned over and escaped the thunderous rain on the top of his head. Under the surprise of machine-gun fire, sometimes even skilled veterans will suffer morale frustration and lose judgment. But it is an exception for the agents of the Templar Church. Qi Li didn't even shed cold sweat. Infer the situation calmly.

The enemy is a person, judging from the sound of the gun, it is a short submachine gun with a caliber of 9mm or less. Because the lack of penetrating pistol bullets do not have the power to penetrate the tree trunk. The threat in the forest is lower than the sniper rifle.

Qi Li judged the enemy's position from the direction of the gunshot and threw two black keys. But contrary to the expected reaction, I only heard the sound of the blade piercing the trunk.


On the side of the surprised Qi Li, the murderous edge struck again.

Gunfire came again from the left hand direction. Although he hid on the occasion of a serious attack, this time it was more dangerous than the previous shooting. The previous judgment that the enemy was a single person slowed his reaction a little bit.

The location of the second shot was completely different. It's too fast to move. However, if there were two gunmen from the beginning, it would indeed be possible to solve Qi Li with good time for the crossfire.

When in doubt, four more breaths were felt this time. Qi Li quickly placed two hands in one hand, holding a total of four black keys in a pose, and a new intuition flashed in her head.

Is this an illusion?

Not impossible. I have been quite deep into the forest boundary. The composition of the enchantment contains magic. And if there is a magician who can manipulate the spell nearby, it is possible to target Qili personally to cause confusion.

Is the invisible sniper really alone? Is that the person who is operating the illusion? Or is there any other person in charge of assistance?

one way or another. Before finding a way to break the illusion. Can only go around with the rhythm of the enemy. Qi Li swung out four black keys and threw them into the breath of the Quartet in an instant.

As expected, there was no feeling of hitting anywhere.

At the same time, Qi Li was tongue-twisted because she was uneasy and uneasy. He was directly hit by a bullet in the back. The third shot was even breathless. It should be said that the first two shots were for the sake of pretending to confuse Qi Li. Originally, since it was possible to manipulate the illusion trap that sent out murderous, theoretically it was possible to block the real killing intention.

Even the screams were too late. The tall man in monk's clothes tangled his feet and fell on his back. There was neither cramps nor painful groans.

Did the puncture of the spinal cord accurately kill him in seconds? Wu Mi, who was so judged, got up from the sniper location, aimed at Keli, who was lying on his back, and approached him carefully.

"Miss Wu Mi, no!"

Alice Phil, who noticed the trap earlier, came the warning. But it was too late.

Qi Li kept her face up without getting up. With just a flick of the arm, a hidden black key was thrown. The black key that flew from the low orbit ripped the lower leg of Mai Mi's right foot. Take away the opportunity for her next move.

Qi Li jumped up like a spring-loaded machine, and suddenly started to move towards Wu Mi. Wu Mi pulled the trigger without fear.

But Qi Li only used her hands to protect her head, and did not dodge at all. The monk clothes are made of thick Kevlar fiber all the way to the sleeves. In addition, the protective spells specially made by the church agents were mounted drippingly. 9mm caliber pistol bullets cannot penetrate even at close range. Even so, the kinetic energy of 250 FootPound bullets hitting 10 bursts per second. Like a metal bat slamming, it constantly hit Qili's whole body. But his muscular armor, which had been exercised to the limit, completely protected the bones and internal organs during the impact.

Wu Mi noticed that Qi Li was covered with bullet-proof equipment, and immediately dropped Calico and pulled out a survival knife from the thigh. Contrary to the resistance of Kevlar fiber to bullets, it has the characteristics of being easily cut by the blade. If the gun doesn't work, only close combat can have a way.

The close combat with the agents of the Templar Church is an extremely thrilling gamble for Wu Mi. ,, ..

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