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At the same time that the barrage was interrupted, Qili pulled out a new black key with both hands. From the left and right to Wu Mi launched a cross cut. But Wu Mi was not dulled by the injured right foot. Use a heavy dagger blade to bounce back the black key combo.

Although the blade of the black key is much longer than the dagger, it is ultimately a knife for throwing after strengthening. In the approach war, compared to the lack of balanced black keys due to the extreme short handle, Mai Mi's large dagger occupies an overwhelming advantage due to flexibility.


Wu Mi rushed past in a half-dead posture. The Black Key should be very difficult to defend against attacks at this distance, and even if struck by a counterattack, the chance of heavy injury is very low.

Qi Li also used the black key on her right hand to catch the dagger in Wu Mi's right hand. It should have been intended to rely on the length of the blade to fight back, and the shadow of the sword intertwined with the dagger burst.

Wu Mi, who had already prepared for this, simply avoided the counterattack. He just tilted his head slightly and avoided the tip of the black key, so he broke into the enemy's arms.

But when Wu Mi was convinced that victory was near, she was attracted by Qi Li's unexpected move.

The main point of cross counterattack: the right hand of the two intertwined Qi Li should hold the hand with the black key short handle is empty. He let go of his weapon halfway through the thrust.

In other words, Qi Li’s right hand has no intention to pierce Mai Mi with black keys from the beginning

Fingers protruding like green pliers grabbed Wu Mi's right hand.

The tall man in black in a tall manner bent his body softly like a snake, and just dived under Wu Mi's right arm. In the next moment, it was as if the shoulders of the injured were supported, and Qi Li carried Wu Mi's right arm from behind her shoulders.

The agent who used the black key was deceived by this preconceived judgment. In desperate despair, Wu Mi, helpless, finally understood. This action is Chinese boxing, eight pole boxing

While Qi Li's side was close to Wu Mi's waist. Use your left elbow to hit Mai Mi's heart fossa, and at the same time, your left foot will also give Mai Mi's support leg a beautiful punch.

The six wonderfully completed elbows. After the hand holding the dagger was caught, all movements were completed in a flash. It is worthy of the eight-pronged attack and defense routine.

Wu Mi couldn't even close her body and fell heavily on the ground. Because of the too strong impact, Wu Mi even fell into the illusion that her hands and feet completely fell off, and her whole body was paralyzed and could not move. In my consciousness, I only felt a severe chest pain from the elbow. It shouldn't be wrong if two or three ribs are broken.

Although only a single blow puts Jiuyu Mai into a state incapable of fighting. But Qi Li was satisfied. Now that she knows the location of Wei Gong's cut heir, Qi Li now has no attachment to her. Qi Li clenched her fist in order to give her a fatal blow quickly. At that time, he saw a situation that made him doubt his eyes.

The embarrassed Mai Mai was equally surprised. It was indeed said before, when confronting Qili. Alice Phil always hides and secretly supports herself. But she should have Alice Phil who has no means of combat other than magic. Emerged from the trees. Face to face with Yan Feng Qi Li.

"Miss, no!"

Wu Mi now left behind the horror and embarrassment he had shown. For her, Alice Phil's crisis is a more serious problem than she is in danger.

Now, if he loses his favorite young lady, as a vow to protect himself, there is no more desperate crisis than this.

For Qi Li, this situation is a little difficult to understand.

I know that Einz Belen, the devil family, is too focused on alchemy. Things that are not good at fighting magic. In the three holy grail wars, all of them were helplessly defeated in the preface. It is also because their northern magicians are extremely vulnerable to actual combat. Judging from the situation in which Wei Gong cut heir mercenary was found, they should also reflect on the humiliating experience.

So, in the situation where the female guards fell to the ground, the situation where the Master of Einds Belem appeared alone in front of Qi Li was not the most unlikely situation?

At this stage, Qi Li also believes that the silver-haired woman in front of her is Saber's Master. Then if she died, then the defeat of the Einsbell camp was unquestionable.

This woman should be the king chess piece who must escape even after making many sacrifices.

"Women. You may be surprised, but I didn't come here to knock you down..."

In front of the enemy Master, this is like giving up the battle. Although I don't think the other party will believe, in short, Qi Li has made a vain effort to try to negotiate. This is very different from the development he hoped for. It's the purpose of Qili to meet the heir to Wei Gong on the battlefield. Compared with this premise, the situation of the Holy Grail war can only be regarded as the second.

Of course, I don't expect the opponent to believe those words. After all, the opponent is also determined to participate in this holy grail war.

However, the result of the matter is often not transferred in the mood of the parties.

"I know, Yanfeng Qili"

Because he did not expect the other party to believe. So the silver-haired woman's answer made Qi Li even more confused.

"I know your purpose. But this is impossible negotiation. You can't get to the Wei Palace cut heir"

"We will stop you, right here"

For Alice Phil, the confused expression of the tall traveler is a lucky sign. The other party is obviously looking down on himself. The enemy's intention is his own victory. I'm afraid, he knows the characteristics of Einzbelen's magic road, and judges that she should be a magician who does not have the ability to fight directly.

Alice Phil pulled out her special weapon hidden in the coat cuff. At first glance it was not a weapon at all, it was an unreliable item. She was spread between her five fingers. It is a soft and slender metal wire bundle.

"Miss, this man is the master of the hunter magician! It is not an opponent that can be dealt with by magic alone!"

Obviously, the female mercenaries who had just been defeated by Yan Feng Qi Li had already fully understood the horror strength of the agents of the Eighth Secret Church of the Templar Church, and they could only hope that Alice Phil would not take the risk test by herself.

Obviously, Kyuyu Mai underestimated Alice Phil’s determination. For Alice Phil, who already regarded Wei Gongqi as his family, she would never allow Wei Gongqi heir to be in danger!

Absolutely not! ,, ..

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