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Alice Phil smiled quietly back to the dance that shouted on the ground and endured the pain.

In front of the silent and silent Wu Mi and the surprised bystander, Alice Phil injected magic into the wire. The very slender metal wire untied the bundle and began to flow between the fingers of Alice Phil's hands like a creature.

Qi Li's understanding is half correct. The family magic that Alice Phil inherited is indeed the creation and creation of material, as well as applications. And Chedi can't guide her offensive magic. Originally, in terms of magician rank, Alice Phil was higher than her husband. It's impossible for Chedi to be her teacher on the magic road.

What he taught himself was not the way of life of a puppet. Instead, we used cry, laughter, joy, and anger to sing the meaning of the word life alive.

In addition, he also taught himself the determination to live.

Half of Qili's understanding is wrong. Alice Phil already had the combat experience of using her magic as an attack method. That's what she learned from her brother who has been walking in the fighting life and wants to live with him, one day will face the test of survival. She will also face battle.

"ShapeistLeben! (wreck, give you life)"

Through two bars of singing, weave magic at a stretch. The morphological manipulation of metal is Alice Phil's true skill.

No one can match this secret technique.

The silk of silver is depicted in a crisscross pattern, forming a complex outline. Intertwined and combined, complex three-dimensional objects appearing like rattan crafts, with fierce wings and bird beaks, and sharp claws. It is based on the giant eagle, exquisite silver silk crafts.

No, it's not just a copy model


With a high-pitched hiss as if a metal blade had crossed, the Silver Falcon flew from Alice Phil's hand. That was Holm Cruise made on the spot with alchemy. It is the weapon given to life by Alice Phil who is now at the juncture of life and death.

The flying posture like a bullet far exceeded Qi Li's imagination. He flashed off the attack in surprise, but the sharp razor-like tip still wiped the tip of his nose.

Immediately after the first blow, the silver eagle hovered over Qili's head. This time he plopped with two feet. The goal is Qi Li's face. However, this is not a unilateral defensive battle for the agents. He did not fear the sharpness of the hook, and struck the eagle with his powerful fist.

The rapidly descending eagle can no longer change its orbit. The fist hit the eagle's belly directly.


However, Qi Li was surprised. The eagle returned to an indefinite silver wire while being hit by a fist, this time entangled his right fist like a creeper.

Although he immediately pulled it with his left hand, the silver wire was entangled with this hand. The silver wire that just flew in the air in the form of an eagle. This time tied Qi Li's hands firmly like handcuffs.


However, Qi Li is an expert who has fought with countless magicians in the past. He just hummed softly and rushed towards Alice Phil. It's just not fearful that your hands are sealed. As long as you are close to launching a kick, you can determine the outcome.

"too naive!"

Alice Phil tweeted, injecting more magic into the silver wire. A bundle of silver wire stretched out of the wire bundle that bound Qili's hands. This time it was like a snake running in the void, entangled the nearby tree trunk.

This time even Qi Li couldn't stand it. In the gap between losing balance and standing firm. Yinsi was tightly wrapped around the trunk, dragging Qili constantly, and finally tied his hands and wrists firmly to the trunk.

That is a mature tree over 30 centimeters thick. Even if Qi Li wants to exert her power, it is impossible to break or uproot it. This time he was finally completely blocked from action.

But even so. Alice Phil's side gradually lost her advantage under Qi Li's wrist. Qi Li's hands should be crushed by the pressure of the silver wire, but the muscles that were exercised like steel were stronger than expected. Her silver wire was almost broken, and was in a saturated state on the verge of breaking. In order to strengthen the metal and keep the **** from being broken, Alice Phil can only constantly launch all the magic.

"Wu Mi, hurry up!"

The key to winning or losing is Wu Mi who is still leaning on the ground. She is the only one who can give Qili who is unable to move. Not close to the opponent's reach. A shot at the exposed head is now sufficient. It is impossible for Qili to protect her head with the sleeves of the bulletproof suit as before.

Get a moment of gasp. Injured Mai Mai recovered to the level of consciousness in both hands and feet. Moaning over the pain of breaking her ribs, she moved slowly towards the discarded Calico submachine gun.

The victory and defeat are determined by the perseverance in seconds. Although the teeth are clenched because of the pain of the magic circuit, Alice Phil still encourages herself.

Wu Mi picked up the gun and shot, as long as the strength of the silver wire was maintained until then. That way, Yan Feng Qi Li can be ruled out. The biggest threat to Chedi

It can be said. At this time, the two women still misjudged the terribleness of people like church agents.

Alice Phil, who does not have any knowledge about Chinese boxing techniques, thinks that just binding her hands to a tree will make Qili helpless. She has no choice but to think of this. But the boxer who practiced to the secret door had murder weapons all over his body. For example, it’s just those feet that step on the ground

The loud, deafening sound made Alice Phil speechless.

The tree trunk that bound Qi Li shook violently. It's like being punched in a punch. In this way, the current sound is the sound of the whole body striking the center of the tree.

A clear blow sounded again. This time she couldn't help but doubt her ears. She heard a crackling sound that chilled her back.

Can't see the situation clearly. But Alice Phil, who manipulated the silver wire, understood it by touch. There is now a huge crack in the tree trunk that bound Qi Li. It was right near the silver wire winding, which was just below Qili's hands.

With the back of her hand close to the bark, Qi Li is hitting the trunk with her fists with all her strength.

Although it is impossible for Alice Phil to know, the strength of the boxer's fist is not just generated by the wrist force. Multiply the strength of the feet that step on the ground, the rotation of the waist, and the twist of the shoulder. Indeed, the total explosive power of the whole body is concentrated on the fist. If you are proficient in this principle, those effects that are ultimately exerted by the movement of the arm can only be compared to the strength of the whole body. If necessary, it is not impossible to put the fist close to the target and rely on the strength of the outside of the arm to exert sufficient strike force.

This is what is commonly known as Cunjin's stunt.

Yanfeng Qili! ,, ..

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