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The monsters who turned around because of the master's crisis stretched out their tentacles and attacked Lancer's back. But Lancer didn't look back, while using his left handed short gun to spin like a windmill behind him, while approaching Caster sideways, he swung the long gun on the right.

It's a pity to catch up with it. The long shot of the spear was just a slight cut of the spear to the surface, without hurting the point.

But the treasure in the hands of a spearman is a weapon that will definitely win even if he only takes a **** like that.

"Take the trick, break the devil's red rose!"

The True Red Gun pierced with a low growl. What the gunpoint touched was not the caster's thin body but the cover of the magic book held in his hand.

Once cut the Saber's wind king enchantment, ignoring the defense of the magic armor through the red gun blade. That is a treasure killer that can cut off all kinds of magical powers. For Caster, who relies entirely on the power of the book of magic to summon Warcraft, it is like a decisive blow from the general.

Rumbling, like the sound of a wave hitting the reef, sounded through the forest.

The endless alien monsters on the ground liquefied in an instant, and the monsters originally created by the flesh and blood of the sacrifice changed back to the appearance of blood and scattered. The moment that the magic power of the Luomo city's teaching books was cut off, they lost their physical power.

In the hands of Caster stepping back, the magic book immediately activated its skills as a magic furnace, quickly regenerating the damaged cover. Only when the blade of the broken red rose touches the magic power will be interrupted. It does not destroy the power of the treasure itself, but the magic once removed has been irreversible. And even if you want to repeat the summoning technique again, Saber and Lancer's sword and double guns will not give him that kind of time.

"You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys!"

In desperate conditions, Caster's expression was distorted to the point of rolling his eyes, and his mouth was swollen with white foam. Lancer passed by with an innate smile.

"How? Now that Saber has retrieved his left hand, this is how it works."

But Saber doesn't have the joke like Lancer.

Until the victory or defeat was determined, what lingered in her mind was the last screams and tears of the miserable and torn children.

"Be aware of it, the demon aliens"

The knight king spit out an angry voice quietly, while raising the golden sword with his right hand. The sword pointed directly at Caster.

However, still in that sentence, God always likes to make a cruel joke with people who want him to pray.

Even the Master and Servant who concluded the contract want to communicate consciously from a distance. It must also be through means of communication such as chanting.

However, if the two are connected due to the restraint of the spell, no matter which side is in a life-threatening crisis, the other side will quickly detect the disorder of the breath.

therefore. Kenneth's endangered situation was quickly conveyed to Lancer, still in the forest.


Lancer turned around and looked in the direction of Einzberen, which happened to break the monster army of Caster. When I was preparing to clean up the enemy with Saber. Lancer only knew for the first time at this time that the Master who thought he was monitoring his battle in the rear had actually rushed into the enemy formation and was in the middle of another battle.

Lancer shook in an instant. For Caster in desperation, it is an inevitable gap.

In the hands of Caster, the Luoluocheng religion, which had been regenerated, burst out with a magical rush. Of course, Saber won't sit back and watch the magician's spell.

sucker Punch!

In order to knock down his opponent before singing, Saber rushed forward with a sword in his right hand.

But Caster wasn't stupid enough to sing the spell before the blade. He didn't even sing a syllable mantra. It just explodes the magical flow generated by the treasure.

Although the previous summoning magic was invalidated, the pool of blood stained the red earth is still connected to the magic channel. Uncontrollable and squirting magic flowed into the blood paste, but did not form any shape and finally burst.


Before stepping into the slashing range, his sight was blocked, and even Saber didn't take a hasty move to stop.

Caster had no intention of completing the spell from the beginning, and forcibly launched the magic that would obviously fail. This is enough now. Failed to form the blood of the summoning beast, because the saturated magic power instantaneously boiled, vaporized, and turned into a mist to spread around. This is a reckless skill that can only be implemented if the treasure can provide huge magic power.

What he expected was blinding smoke.

Even Caster, who is overconfident, judged that it was impossible to defeat in this situation. While the blood mist covered Saber and Lancer's field of vision, the magician's Servant immediately dematerialized. Against two of the three knight ranks as opponents, there is no free time to drop the line. Swallowing anger and humiliation, the spirited Caster quickly left the battlefield.

Fortunately for Caster, Saber does not have the ability to spiritualize and track; and Lancer with this skill is not the time to track because of the crisis of the Master.

"Damn it, what a mean guy!"

Saber whispered angrily while summoning the Wind King enchantment from the surrounding atmosphere. The quiet wind immediately blew from all directions, blowing away the dirt of the blood mist. When the Wind King guardian who concealed the sword-shaped body was once again brought back, and the two Servants regained their vision, Caster didn't talk about the figure, even the spirit's breath disappeared.

"Lancer. What's wrong?"

Saber told Lancer that he could easily chase the enemy but watched Caster escape, and asked quietly without questioning. Looking at his expression with a big change in his face, what happened is clear at a glance.

"My master is in crisis, he left me to attack your base area"

Lancer explained hardly. Saber also roughly understood what was happening, showing a sad expression.

As a result, did everything go according to cut heir's expectations.

Not intended. She did not intend to completely deny the scheming. But the ruthless traps laid down by the heirs, and the belief that the knight king cannot be shaken when he stands on the battlefield. It is incompatible anyway.

"It must be my master's masterpiece Lancer, it's better to hurry up. Hurry and rescue your master!"

Faced with Saber's urge without hesitation, the spearmen first dumbfounded, then bowed their heads in emotion. For Saber, it was obviously the same judgment as the master. The delay in Lancer's fight to kill his master here is the natural choice to win the Holy Grail War.

But to put it this way, for Lancer, there is no need to fight Caster in the form of relief from the Saber crisis. He didn't think he was stupid, so now, it is impossible to think that Saber, who gave way, is stupid.

Cavalier King, sorry...

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