Thousand Blades of Death

: Seventy-four Kiritsugu

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"Nothing. The two of us have vowed to fight the knights. Let's carry the glory to the end."

Lancer nodded slightly and disappeared in a spirited manner. It turned into a whirlwind and galloped towards the castle deep in the forest.

The last generation of the Wei Gong family, when judging the origin of the born-in-law, was overwhelmed by the singular result, and named the baby Qie Si.

It is roughly the dual attribute of fire and earth. In detail, it is a compound attribute of cutting and combining. That is the form of the soul from which he was born, that is, the origin.

Chedi called it slightly different from destruction and regeneration. Because the origin of the cut heir does not mean repair. For example, the thickness of the node will change after the line is cut and then combined. That is to say, the act of cherishing will cause the object to irreversibly deteriorate.

When asked to do hand-made work, Chi-si particularly realized his origins. His hands are not very dexterous. If it is an ordinary item, it can be repaired if it is broken. But once it became a precision machine. Things suddenly became the opposite. The more he wants to repair, the more deadly the machine will be damaged.

As far as the facts are concerned, Qi Si's manual skills are not superb. If only the ordinary metal wire is broken, the original part can be restored by connecting the cut part. However, if the same method is used to repair sophisticated electronic circuits, the result is fatal. That's not something that is good as long as it is connected. As long as the wiring is messed up, the circuit will lose its function.

The root is not just because of the character and temperament of the cut heir. From the magic point of view, it is the essence of the deep roots of the soul.

When making his own costumes, Wei Gong cuts the best use of the extremely unique origin he has. The left and right first and second ribs on his flanks were removed. Grind the removed ribs into powder, then condense them with soul engineering, and seal them into sixty-six bullets as cores.

This bullet will manifest the origin of the cut heir to the object being hit. If it hits the body of the creature, there are no wounds or bleeding, but the part of the shot becomes like a necrotic old wound. The surface layer seems to be cured, but the nerves and capillaries are not regenerated accurately, and the original function is lost.

And this bullet, which has the function of concept armed, will pose a more serious threat to the magician.

Of the sixty-six bullets, Cut Si has consumed 37. But there is no waste in it. Using bullets made from a part of his body has completely destroyed 37 magicians.

And now the thirty-eighth origin bomb has cut off the lifeline of another new victim.

Kenneth probably didn't understand what happened to his body in the end. The moment when the severe pain spread all over the body, the heart, lungs and neural network were already torn apart.

Blood spewed out before his throat screamed. Because of the wrong movement of the broken nerves, the whole body twitched, and the slender body in a free and easy suit performed a funny dance.

Relying on the violent pressure to make the high-density magic power circulating in the magic circuit suddenly began to ignore the line indiscriminately and violently run away, as a result, the physical body of the surgeon was destroyed. When the Moon Spirit Liquid defended Contender's blow, Kenes suffered more serious damage than being directly hit by a bullet.

When the magic bullet of the cut heir is interfered by magic, the influence of the origin of the bullet will be seriously fed back to the magic loop of the surgeon.

When comparing the magician's magic circuit to a high-voltage current loop, the cut-off bullet is a drop of water. What happens if the conductive liquid adheres to the dense electrical circuit because the short circuit of the return line causes the current to destroy the circuit itself, causing a complete failure.

Just like that, making the magic circuit short-circuit is the horrifying effect of cutting off the courtesy.

If you want to avoid damage caused by cut-off magic bullets, you must not rely on any magic and only use physical means to defend the bullets. In response to this, the use of 3006SpringField bullets can be said to be a spicy choice. From the beginning, there was no armor that could completely protect against this bullet for hunting rifles. That is the kind of bullet that is good at penetrating power. As long as you don’t ride an armored vehicle, you can’t avoid being injured.

Just a shot. Just that is enough. Chedi dare to choose the ThompsonContender that is not suitable for actual combat. This gun is used as his own costume, just to use it as a pistol with the greatest physical destruction.

After loving the gun to complete his mission, heir used his finger to hold the trigger and flicked the long gun down like a blood stain. The empty shell shell bounces from the folded magazine to the void. With a touch of smoke residue, it fell on the marble floor.

Chedi doesn't have any emotion for victory. This time, as before, successful guidance plus calculated conclusions. That's all.

The killing power of the cut-off magic bullet depends on how many magic circuits the target activates at the moment of hitting the target. Because it is the magical power of the magician that destroys the magician's body. At this point, it is absolutely fatal to Kenneth. Because he was constantly provoked and exerted the magic of the limit, Qi Si obtained the highest result he expected.

Even if it is such a mighty moon spirit fluid. This is the end if the magician's magic is interrupted. Kenneth collapsed in the sea of ​​mercury that had recovered the liquid from the floor, and his body cramped slightly. Once Rod. Alumeroi is now as harmless as a baby. Now his body does not say that he has the power to be a magician, and even the functions of normal people may not be left.

Although he will lose his life sooner or later. However, the principle of cut heir is to give a final blow to the fallen enemy. He switched Calico, with bullets, to a burst, and walked towards Kenes, who was already a living dead. A shot was shot at his head at a very close range. In this way, one of the seven groups competing for the Holy Grail fell off.

But at that time, Qi Si felt a huge magical breath approaching and frowned.

Without hesitation, Chedi immediately raised Calico to aim. Shoot continuously towards the fallen Kenes. But the bullet burst into the void and flew away in all directions and disappeared. It was the double guns of Chi and Huang that made it impossible to see the quick action.

In the face of Lancer who was materialized in the position of asylum Kenneth, Che Si had to be speechless. At this time, it was stopped by the enemy Servant, which is really unpredictable.

Originally, Chess thought that Saber had dragged Lancer from the fact that Kenes was single in the city. But in this way, how did the pikemen break through the Cavaliers? If Saber defeated, Chedi should also confirm that the magic supply side disappeared. But the magic of Cut Si was still absorbed by Saber somewhere. His Servant is undoubtedly still alive.

Then. Only one conclusion can only be considered that Saber actively made way for Lancer. ,, ..

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