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Lancer stared at the shaking heir with ice-like eyes. Hold the two guns with your right hand and free up your left hand to hug Kenneth's body. Chedi didn't rashly act against the unprepared measures at first sight. The bullet was useless to Servant, and it was just confirmed.

"Now how easy is it to pierce you here, you should understand? Saber's Master"

For Lancer, without Saber's words, it should be difficult to see that the man who is not like a magician is the master of Einzberen. But he knew the strength of the owner Kenes. Since it is possible to break Rod. The master of Alumeroy Magic has no room for doubt.

But no, because of this. Lancer's gunpoint didn't point to Cut Si.

"I won't let you kill my Master. I won't kill Saber's Master either. I don't want her to end in this form either."

Is this the same thing? Heir once again sighed at the contradiction between himself and the Servant of the contract.

"Never forget it. You can survive now, it's all because of the high cleanliness of the cavalier king"

Lancer told Chess with cold irony, and then hugged Kenneth to the window beside him and jumped out of the city.

Chedi is not stupid enough to chase. As Lancer said, it was completely suicidal. Since Saber is not here now, there is no way to cut the heir.

Do not. Even if Saber is by his side, will Heir entrust the matter to her?

Although that Lancer's heroic Dilumuduo is also quite honest, but Saber's incomparably stupid knightly spirit is completely beyond the scope of Qi Si's understanding.

Probably, she believed in her head that Lancer would never kill Cheir. She felt completely abnormal. The Knight King would allow his Master to be exposed to the enemy Servant alone. If Lancer said anything, then her holy grail war would end there. Even if the gunman had no such plan, if Kenes was still conscious. It should be forced by a spell. Didn't she even think of the possibility of that degree?

Cut he was dumbfounded properly, and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

How ironic. Unilaterally forming a stupid and trusting relationship with the enemy Servant and his Master is a great hero. Even if you are proud of your best ability, are there any pieces that are so hard to drive?

Sure enough, he should choose his Servant more carefully. He only felt the failure of this matter now, and spit purple smoke with sigh.

Hope, Ma Yuan doesn't want to do this...

"Woman, ask you a question"

Yan Feng Qili slowly walked towards the helpless woman, and said in a deep voice.

The dark-haired woman she guarded had been ruthlessly knocked down to the ground like a rag, and it was not a threat at all.

"The two of you seem to challenge me to protect the palace cut heir. Whose will it be?"

Qi Li grabbed Holm Cruise, the silent Ainz Belen, with one hand, and lifted her gently. A beautiful face that is upright like a statue becomes distorted by pain.

"I'll ask it again. Woman, who are you fighting for?"

Qi Li's question is something he really wants to know. Who is it? It's a very important question for him to set up unnecessary obstacles on the road leading to the palace's heirs.

A little Qi Li has seen through.

No matter how to find it, there is no charm on the body of Home Cruise. She is not a Servant Master. Now this is too rash action, absolutely not Master will do.

In that case, the truth is exactly what the minister expected at the initial stage. It is true that the palace guard is the master of Saber. The two women are just simple pieces.

Okay, here comes the problem.

If it was Chedi ordering the two to attack Qili, then skip them one by one. Just simply underestimated Qi Li. It's too much for women to be against their opponents. It’s just that.

In other words, there are other commander towers besides the palace heirs, which is also skipped. The primary goal of Einzberen is to protect the heir as a master. For this reason, any sacrifices are spared. Just spend your life just to delay the time.

However, no matter what the possibility is, there are common questions.

Qi Li once again carefully examined the face of the silver-haired woman who was breathing because she needed oxygen. It is a face that is too beautiful and neat to look like a puppet. Red pupil like ruby. And the portrait of the winter virgin Lislayihei handed down. It looks exactly the same as Stissa.

This Home Cruise is not a Master, but since he has participated in the Holy Grail War. That should be the puppet who is responsible for the holy grail container. Then she should be a key and important presence at the end of the Holy Grail war. Sending such pawns to the front of the battle is exposed to danger, which is not simply stupidity caused by insufficient manpower.

Qi Li suddenly felt a strange sense of weight coming from her toes, so she looked down.

Because it was too small and not worth noting, Qi Li didn't realize it at all. The faint painful breath from the lows just started. I don't know when I have approached Qi Li's feet.

The black-haired woman with traumatized hair stretched out her trembling arm and grabbed Qi Li's right foot.

Although the grip is very weak, it is probably the strength of her body now. It is no longer possible to stand or clenched fists. Even so, the dim burning eyes of hate still stared at Qili unwaveringly.

Qi Li lifted her feet silently. The woman's chest crushed toward the ribs stepped mercilessly. The woman, who could not even mourn, could not speak out because of the pain. It's just a miserable cooing sound due to the air squeezed from the lungs.

The woman didn't let go even this. Just like the drifter holding onto Liumu tightly, holding Qili's arm with his weakened arm, just staring at Qili with a hateful expression.

Qi Li looked back again, and looked up at the silver-haired woman who was lifted in the air.

Even if her breath was restrained, Hom Cruise twisted her body in pain, but her expression saw no fear. If this is the case, there is nothing incredible. For non-human imitation dolls, of course, there is no fear of death or pain, but that makes no sense. Because the red pupil of Home Cruise is undoubtedly full of hatred and anger staring at Qi Li.

That is, evil anger. ,, ..

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