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From the air and the ground, the eyes of the two women glared at Qili with resentment.

Never let you pass from here.

Even if you fight for your life, stop you here.

Neither of them answered Qi Li's question. Who will order them to meet Qi Li?

No matter how you think, reasoning will produce contradictions.

There, Qi Li again assumed a possibility.

If these two people did not accept anyone's instructions and promises. What if you come to challenge Qili based on your own judgment?

That is one of the situations that can never be ignored.

Qi Li suddenly felt a familiar spirit breath quietly came beside her. The voice of Assassin's words went directly to Qi Li's brain.

Caster, Lancer and their masters are all defeated and left the forest. Saber will be here soon. My master, it is dangerous here.

Qi Li listened to Assassin's report indifferently and nodded disappointedly. It is futile to continue to do anything here. There is no chance to face Servant Saber from the front. should say. It is dangerous to retreat from here now and to escape safely.

Is the only strategy that can be used now to prevent Saber from chasing?

Qi Li took out the new black key from the jacket, without hesitation, pierced the silver-haired Homer Cruz's abdomen at random as if cutting the cloth.


The man-made woman groaned silently, flowing blood back from her throat. It turned out to be red, Qi Li thought of boredom with emotion, while throwing the spasmodic body on her hand to the ground.

In short to avoid the key. It may last for a few minutes before dying from bleeding. Is she going to rescue her, or is she going to rescue and pursue Qili? Saber, who is about to arrive, should face these two mandatory choices.

So far, Qi Li did not see the two dying women, and began to gallop between the trees along the road when she came.

After a situation is over, there is no room for extra consideration. There is no worth recalling to the two women who are still fighting.

In spite of this, the running Qi Li's mind kept echoing the eyes of the two.

That is a real abomination. Their killing intentions were never caused by a sense of duty or professional awareness.

The women are not protecting the victory of Einzberen, but to protect the man in the palace. If it is the former, the two should cooperate with Chess in the city to meet foreign enemies. They did not adopt this kind of sound warfare, but tried to put aside the cut heir to defend.

To stay away from the intention of Wei Palace's cut heir, still want to protect the will of cut heir. Persevere in the battle for impossible victory.

What are those women expecting and entrusting to this man? What is being guarded and implemented in areas where the gap in combat power and win rate cannot be explained.

To make people take this concept of stupidity so unreasonably, Qi Li only knows one.


If those two people are confident in assisting him, the character of the heir to Wei Gong. Then their stupid behavior made sense. It's just that there will be a major question at the end.

Women are often selfish creatures. Only when these two women fully affirm and understand him, it is possible for the two to sacrifice themselves for him.

Does that mean that the character of Wei Gong cut heir is affirmed and understood by others?


Qi Li groaned like a moan from her throat.

That is a contradiction that can never happen.

Completely subvert the expectation and anticipation of the cut heir to Wei Gong.

Wei Gong should be a void man. It should be someone who has not found a reason to fight at the end of the void. So Qili will look forward to it. I think that in the heart of the heir cut in the Wei Palace, in the way of survival, there should be the answer I am looking for.

If you want to do that, cut heirs must be alone. He must not be understood and affirmed by anyone, and to be a master with a soul isolated from the world is like Yanfeng Qili.

Qi Li threw out the swelled doubts in her happiness, as if she wanted to escape the idea, and ran her teeth in the forest alone.

It's just that he didn't know, the coming storm, and the scourge of **** frenzy.

That is, the madness of the fierce beast!


A crazy roar rang in Yanfeng Qili's ear. The manic wind instantly flew out the young agent, and after a few strong body rolls on the ground, he stood up hard and looked at the blood behind with surprise. Tornado.

I can't care about the pain in my body anymore, because my eyes are completely occupied.

"Assassin, come protect me"

"Yes, Master Qi Li"

A black shadow creeped out of Yanfeng Qili's shadow quietly. A black figure with a white bone mask on his face stood silently in front of Yanfeng Qili, holding a dagger and doing something that was not part of Assassin. behavior.

After all, the task of the assassin is to give the enemy a killing blow behind the scenes, not a head-on confrontation. Unfortunately, the four commands from the Master cannot be defy.

A slender and trembling figure, facing the Scarlet Tornado in this way, as if it was a helpless human faced with natural disasters, full of dramatic tragedy.

Natural disasters will not be transferred by human will.

So, he moved.


Bright red blood flew in front of Yan Feng Qili, scarlet organs fluttered in disorder, and a round thing rolled "bonely" to his feet.

That is, Assassin's head.

Just now, what happened?

Just when Yan Feng Qili was puzzled, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, which was different from Assassin's strangeness just now, it was the evil from hell.

Among them, the red light staring at him at two o'clock brought him great oppression, and the young and tenacious mental agent was in a trance, and there were hallucinations in front of him, as if the entire person had been pulled into the ancient battlefield under the **** sky. It is a cracked earth.

And, the spear standing in the blood of the corpse mountain.

what is that?

Yanfeng Qili seems to have forgotten the dangerous environment in which she is now. She walked towards the **** spear as if she were out of control, and her hands stretched forward as hard as possible, as if she was trying to catch something.

But, the next second, a sudden pain came from his arms, his pupils shrank to the size of the pinhole, and the whole person was awake from the illusion.

Then he saw it.

Arms flying in the sky.

And, on the left and right sides, that scarlet rushing. ,, ..

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