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Alice Phil heard her voice seem to be calling from a distant place. He opened his eyes dimly.

The familiar face and blond hair shine more beautifully because of the backlight.

"Alice Phil, cheer up! Alice Phil!"


After Alice Phil realized that the other party was none other than the girl of the cavalier king, she was relieved by her peace of mind and almost fell asleep again.

"No! Keep your consciousness! I'm going to call Che Si now. Hold on until then!"

"Qili, where is the enemy here?"

Alice Phil asked in a weak voice. Saber replied with a very complicated expression, frowning.

"Escaped. But Ma Yuan has already chased it, and if I arrived earlier, this would not happen."

"What about Miss Mai?"

"Although she was also seriously injured, she was not worried about her life. Compared to that, your injury! This bleeding volume"

Saber couldn't speak because he was surprised.

Until just now the blood that had been spilling from the wound in Alice Phil's abdomen stopped at once. Saber carefully rolled up the cracked clothes, and although he was covered with sticky blood paste, there was no trace of stab wounds on his smooth skin.

"Sorry, scared you"

From Saber's arms, Alice Phil got up without pain. The cheeks, which were supposed to be bloodless, have also returned to the cherry color. The severe injury just seen was like an illusion.

"Alice Phil, this is the end"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Don't worry. It's compared to using healing magic on others. It's very simple to treat my injury, I'm different from human body structure."


Alice Phil smiled at Saber, her eyes widening in surprise, while silently apologizing to the knight who trusted him in her heart.

Actually, thanks to you. Saber

Although Alice Phil's body is artificial in appearance, he did not add the spell of automatic healing in the state of losing consciousness. It was a completely different miracle from Ainz Belen's magic that cured her injury.

Treasures are far from all ideal towns to heal the owner’s injuries and even stagnate. The scabbard of Excaliber. In the past, in the city of Einzbelen, the tool used to summon the heroic Altria. Now as a concept, the body is sealed inside Alice Phil's body.

Normally considered, this should be the ace that Master cut heir should equip. However, he used it as the insurance for Alice Phil to play the pseudo Master to the front, and delivered the absolute defense to his wife. Anyway, if the real owner Saber does not provide magic power beside him, the scabbard will not be effective. For the cut heir who planned to move separately from Saber from the beginning, it was just useless.

For the sake of insurance, Chedi, who didn't trust her Servant, carefully told Alice Phil not to tell Saber the existence of the scabbard. However, Alice Phil felt very sorry for this forced borrowing of the treasure that was originally owned by the Knight King.

Despite this, the power was indeed surprising when the effect was actually confirmed. Until Saber arrived, Alice Phil was undoubtedly in a state of crisis. The hand of the cavalier king just touched it. The wound healed instantly, and the loss of physical strength quickly recovered. It is indeed a treasure known as a miracle.

There is no problem with the magic circuit that was destroyed by Qili with brute force and should become abnormal. This should allow you to use magic as smoothly as usual.

In this way, the next step should be to give priority to the treatment of Mai. In a comatose state, she was not near death, but she was seriously injured.

Alice Phil looked at the bruises on the carcass that was ruthlessly destroyed, and realized the horror of Yan Feng Qili's man again.

That agent is undoubtedly a monster. Whether facing a firearm or a magic, he only smashed the collaborative battle of Alice Phil and Wu Mi with his physical skills.

Never let her close to the enemies, Alice Phil, bit her lip because of the weight of the existence.

This time it can be said that it is a magical victory because of persistence. But that was obviously just a fluke. If Saber would stick to the battle with Caster or Lancer later, Qili would definitely reach the castle deep in the forest.

This is not the end. Next time, Qili will definitely challenge the heir to the palace.

However, it is not just me who protects the cut heir, right, Miss Mai.

Mai Mi lost analgesia due to anesthesia in the early stage of treatment, so the distorted expression became smooth because of the pain. She hadn't regained consciousness, and she didn't have the sinister expression on her sleeping face who usually refused to stubbornly refuse others, just like a naive girl.

She should have hated her. Alice Phil is no longer a puppet. Because she has a soul who loves a man as a woman and as a wife.

But now, Alice Phil would like to thank Jiuwu Mai. Because, it can be said that Mai Mai told Alice Phil what she should do in this war.

Next time we must win. Let's protect him together

After making a new oath, Alice Phil began to concentrate on healing the body full of wounds and dying, and then she suddenly remembered that when Saber said that Ma Yuan had gone to kill Yanfeng Qili, she suddenly used her heart. Bad hunch.

"Now, Saber, why did Ma Yuan suddenly come to me?"


The bad hunch is getting stronger and stronger, just suffering from the treatment on the hand, Alice Phil can only ask Saber anxiously,

"What's wrong, Saber"

Perhaps it was ashamed to tell the teeth, and I don't know the reason. Saber hesitated for a while before saying the situation that made Alice Phil almost faint.

"He, it was like that night again"

Saber's turquoise eyes were fixed on Alice Phil's pale and colorless face. The unbelievable and heartache on it made Saber tangled.


Is that his arms flying?

Was it the pain caused by the torn body?

What should I look like now?

Should we weep for pain or escape because of fear?

It should have been easy to judge, but it was impossible to judge because of the hollow in front.

Yes, it is empty. Now in front of Yanfeng Qili, this monstrous black shadow does not make him afraid, but feels intimate, it is the atmosphere of the same origin, because there is nothing in the heart and close, because the same is fighting, Hollowed up because of curiosity.

No, no, the person in front of him seems to have found a part of his meaning.

Because of the massive blood loss, Yanfeng Qili, who was physically weak and fell to the ground, raised her head, and her godless eyes looked at Ma Yuan, who suddenly shrieked her head for some reason in front of her, and her consciousness gradually blurred in the past. After giving the final spirit to Assassin to give a life-saving order, he passed out completely. ,, ..

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